2024届高考英语一轮模块复习学案:模块8.2《the universal language》(原卷版)

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2024届高考英语一轮模块复习学案:模块8.2《the universal language》(原卷版)

  2024届高考英语一轮复习精品资料(译林牛津版)——模块八 Unit 2 (讲练篇)

  Unit 2 The universal language


  考点-1. decorate

  【教材原句】Instead of a stage curtain, there were decorated screens covered with red and gold, and Traditional Chinese drums were used to announce the start of the opera. (P8) 覆盖着红色和金色的经过装饰的屏风代替了舞台帷幕,传统的中国鼓被用来宣告歌剧的开场。【例句研读】decorate的词性变化、意义和搭配

  ①She is decorating her room with flowers.

  ②We put Christmas decorations on the tree.

  ③He has sent for a decorator to decorate his house.

  ④ The curtains are for purely decorative purposes and do not open or close.





  This factory ____________________a number of modern machines.


  Her living-room ____________________a comfortable new sofa


  Christmas is approaching/drawing near and the students ______________________balloons and flowers.

  考点-2. promise

  【教材原句】In the story, the emperor of China, Turandot’s father, who has promised to allow her to choose her own husband. (P18)【例句研读】promise的词性、意义和搭配


  ①Once you have made a promise, you cannot break your his promise.


  ②They are regarded as the most promising table-tennis players.


  ③I can't give you the book; I've promised it to Susan.


  ④She promises to become a good wife.


  ⑤There is a promise of economic recovery.









  ①The young man made a _________ to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation.

  A. prediction

  B. promise

  C. plan

  D. contribution

  ②Avril Lavigne _______ to become a rock superstar because she ______ rock music even in her childhood.

  A. promised; was drunk with

  B. expected; was drunk in

  C. wished; was drunk for

  D. wanted; was drinking with

  考点-3. marry

  【教材原句】Shortly afterwards, another prince, Calaf, falls in love with Turandot at first sight and decide to solve the riddles so that he can marry her.(P18)【例句研读】marry的词性(词形)变化、意义和搭配

  ①They got married last April, and they have been married for a year.

  ②She wants to marry her daughter to a rich man.

  ③In order to avoid marriage, she says that any potential husband must solve

  three riddles if he wants to marry her.

  ④When did he get married to her?

  ⑤The family asked a bishop to marry them.









  【即时巩固】Her parents are bent on

  a millionaire.

  ②Tom asked for her hand in marriage and two years later they


  ③Last week Tom

  Mary and there was an old woman



  last century and

  over 20 years.

  考点-4. condemn

  【教材原句】Those who cannot answer all three riddles, however, will be condemned to death.

  【例句研读】①We strongly condemn the crimes of killing children cruelly.



  ②A murderer was condemned to life imprisonment.

  一个杀人犯。We condemned him for his bad behavior, but he thought nothing of it.

  我们,但他却不以为然。The judge condemned the criminal to death for a case of murder.

  因一桩凶杀案法官。condemned to live a bitter life in the gutter(贫民窟).

  The poor are condemned to a bitter life in the gutter.




  condemn vt.判刑,宣判;谴责,指责;声讨

  condemn sb.to ...(for sth)(因某事)判处某人某种刑罚判处某人死刑

  被判处无期徒刑因凶杀被判有罪谴责某人做了某事因(做)某事而谴责使某人注定做某事使某人陷入(困境)被迫做某事 【即时巩固】The two young men, who bought and sold drugs, would ________ death.

  A. condemn to

  B. be condemning to

  C. be condemned to

  D. condemned to

  ②The judge ________the criminal to ten years in jail.

  A. condemned

  B. abused

  C. accused

  D. transformed

  考点-5. dare

  【教材原句】This means that few men would dare to ask for her hand in marriage.【例句研读】翻译下列句子

  He dares to behave like that in my house.


  He does not dare to fight.


  I didn’t dare(to)quarrel with them.


  He has never dared to say it.


  Don’t worry. I dare say he will come.


  We know that he won't dare to break his promise.


  He dared me to jump.



  dare to do sth.

  dare sb. to do sth.

  I dare say




  me such a question?


  My younger sister




  【即时巩固】—You ________ stop me.

  —Even if you ________ it, I won't allow you to swim across the river.

  A. mustn't; dare not do

  B. may; dare not do

  C. can; dare to do

  D. needn't; dare do

  ②The little child ______ go out alone at night,so he ______ walk in the dark that night.

  A. daren't;didn't dare to

  B. doesn't dare;dare not to

  C. isn't dare to;dared not to

  D. doesn't dare to;dare not to

  考点-6. seize

  【教材原句】Calaf’s father and Liu have been seen accompanying Calaf, so Turandot seizes Calaf’s father and Liu, and demands that they tell her Calaf’s name or they will be beaten. (P19)有人曾看见卡拉夫的父亲和柳儿陪着卡拉夫,因此图兰朵把卡拉夫的父亲和柳儿抓了起来,命令他们说出卡拉夫的名字,否则就要拷打他们。


  ①The man seized the thief who had stolen his bag and took him to the police station

  ②I seized his arm and made him turn to look at me.

  ③You are supposed to seize the opportunity and welcome the challenge.

  ④They seized the land and distributed it to the peasants.

  【自主归纳】seize vt.逮捕,;,;,grasp指用手、牙或爪去抓住或咬住,引申为具有充分理解那些由于自身或外界的原因而存在或产生的事物的能力。



  ①I threw the ball and my dog


  ②Seeing a snake, the boy

  her mother by her hand.

  ③In order to understand the poem better, we need to

  the meaning between the lines.

  【即时巩固】He was suddenly ________ with a strange illness when he was about to finish his work. A. seized        

  B. caught            

  C. hit         

  D. controlled

  ②The students couldn’t________ what the teacher was trying to explain to them.

  A. seized        

  B. caught            

  C. grasped    

  D. attract

  考点-7. demand

  【教材原句】Calaf’s father and Liu have been seen accompanying Calaf, so Turandot seizes Calaf’s father and Liu, and demands that they tell her Calaf’s name or they will be beaten. (P19)有人曾看见卡拉夫的父亲和柳儿陪着卡拉夫,因此图兰朵把卡拉夫的父亲和柳儿抓了起来,命令他们说出卡拉夫的名字,否则就要拷打他们。


  This sport demands both speed and strength.


  The customer demands an explanation of the shop owner.


  His parents demanded that he (should) be back home by ten.


  She demanded to see the headmaster to learn about the truth.


  Unless all his demand was met/satisfied, he would refuse to sign the agreement.


  He demanded of us to tell him everything.

  =He demanded that I should tell him everything.


  They demanded for the right to vote to be given to every adult man.

  =They demanded that the right to vote be given to every adult man.


  She demands a reply of us to her application for her further stay here till the end of the Olympic Games.


  All these skills are much in demand.



  demand vt.强烈要求;需要 n. 要求;需求

  a demand for对……的需求向某人要求某事向某人要求 




  demand that ...


  【即时巩固】(2024高考大纲卷)The Harry Potter books are quite popular ; they are in great ____in this city.

  A. quantity

  B. progress

  C. production

  D. demand

  ②The manager demanded that the work________ within three days.

  A. was finished

  B. had been finished C. be finished

  D. finished

  考点-8. scold

  【教材原句】When it becomes evident what happened, Calaf scolds Turandot for not being more merciful.()


  She is always scolding her children.


  Did you scold him for breaking the cup?


  ③His father scolded him for his bad behaviour at the party.




  ’s careless driving.


  ’s no use blaming our defeat on him.


  The police have charged him with murder.=The police have accused him of murder.



  斥责某人(做了)某事scold sb. for (doing) sth.






  It is he that has caused the trouble and it is him that we should


  A. admire

  B. forgive

  C. scold

  D. praise

  ②He was driving home on the highway last night when a policeman stopped him and_______him of speeding.

  A. reminded

  B. accused

  C. warned

  D. charged

  ③In many states of America, a neighbor may ______ you with playing your radio too loudly.

  A. charge

  B. blame

  C. punish

  D. scold

  考点-9. decline

  【教材原句】From the early 1930s to the early 1950s, traditional jazz went into a gradual decline, … (P30)



  ①We invited them to dinner but they declined.

  ②Her health was declining rapidly.

  ③The price of a 14-inch TV set declined from 400 to 320 yuan each.

  ④We’re studying the decline of the Roman Empire.

  ⑤The number of robberies in the area is on the decline.

  ⑥As he grows older, his health is in decline.





  He offended his elder sister but he

  to make an apology to her.

  ②We asked them to come to our party, but they

  (the invitation).

  ③The board

  all our ideas that sounded unreasonable.

  【即时巩固】The financial crisis has led to a sharp ________ in profits in many factories.

  A. decline 

  B. increase

  C. deadline

  D. bankruptcy

  ②Offered the position of chairman, Mr. Smith ________, preferring to keep his current job.

  A. decreased

  B. retired

  C. left

  D. declined

  ③She ________ my invitation because of an appointment.

  A. refused

  B. rejected

  C. declined

  D. decreased

  考点-10. seek