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  CHEERS greeted Barack Obamas hiring of CassSunstein away from the University of Chicago. MrSunstein, a lawyer, now head of the Office ofInformation and Regulatory Affairs, is in charge oflifting the heavy hand of regulation from Americaseconomy. Known for his clever economics, MrSunstein favours a libertarian paternalismpolicies that nudge, but do not force, people to dothe right things. For example, making people optout instead of opting in to pension plans makesmany more sign up, to their benefit. And MrSunstein has been involved in redesigning dietary recommendations and fuel-efficiencystickers for cars, making formerly confusing information more useful.


  Mr Sunstein is now in charge of overseeing a year-old executive order from Mr Obamatelling every agency to slimits rule book. Mr Sunstein says every one has complied, with 580proposals received from the departments under his purview. And he says real savings are onthe way. Lifting a requirement for states to require pollution vapour-recovery systems willsave $400m in five years. Making it easier for doctors and hospitals to participate in theMedicare programme for the elderly will save $5 billion. He adds that agencies haveresponded not grudgingly , but eagerly.


  But the Obama administration has added to the rulebook at the same time as it istrimming. And many of the rules are big: 194 of them, each with an economic impact of $100m or more, have been published in the Federal Register. InGeorge Bushs first three years, 141 hit the books. Even if most have more benefits thancosts, as the agencies economists calculate, the scope of regulation is not shrinking. Theoverall cost of regulation is unknown, and measurement controversial. One study forthe Small Business Administration found that regulation cost $1.75 trillion a year in 2008,though many object to the analysis. It relies on a methodology, invented at the WorldBank, which one of the banks researchers says was misused, and Mr Sunstein dismisses it asan urban myth.


  Meanwhile, the executive agencies are accused of minimizing costs by counting only hoursspent on paperwork or money spent on kit to comply with regulation. The real costs maybe found in the hard-to-calculate perversion of behaviour that over-regulation causes. Atthe same time, the benefits tallied up by regulators may be overvalued . Theagencies calculate their own numbers, using their own methodologies. But what no onedoubts is that compliance with the ever-expanding rule book is wearisome and hard.


  Furthermore, the politics of removing regulations is harrowing. Each removal must gothrough the same cumbersome process it took to put the regulation in place: commentperiods, internal reviews and constant behind-the-scenes lobbying. Ironically, regulatedindustries may actually not want regulations removed. They have sunk costs intocompliance, and do not want those costs taken away to the benefit of upstart competitors.


  Many proposals are floated to deal with this last problem. One, supported by the Republicancandidate Mitt Romney, is to remove one regulation for each new one that is proposed. Asecond idea is to create a truly independent scorer for regulatory costs and benefits,modelled on the widely respected Congressional Budget Office. A third is to create a boardof outside grandees to help break political deadlocks, like the Base Realignment and Closurecommission, which was able to prod Congress to shut down military bases. And yet anotheris creating a full-time advocate for regulatory rollback: one state, Kansas, has created anOffice of the Repealer, which aggregates complaints and suggests repeals to the governorand legislature. Lastly, automatic sunsets of laws have their fans, though Congress couldmindlessly reauthorise laws gathered up in omnibus bills .

  为了应对上述最后一个问题,许多提案纷纷浮出水面。其中一个是由共和党候选人Mitt Romney所支持的提案,内容为每当有一项新提案提出时,就废除一项对应的旧法规。第二个办法是以广受尊崇的国会预算办公室为蓝本,成立一个真正独立的评判机构来裁定法规的成本与利益。第三个办法是成立一个由外界知名人士组成的董事会,以帮助打破政治僵局,比如说就像之前的军事基地重组与关闭委员会一样,可以督促国会关闭军事基地。但是还有一个办法是成立一个全职机构负责回审监管法规:堪萨斯州率先成立了废止议案办公室,功能是汇总对于议案的反对意见并向政府和立法机关提交议案的废止建议。除此之外,还有人支持法律的定期自动终结,当然国会还是可能会无脑地重新为各项议案中提及的即将到期的法律延期的。

  Finally, one bad idea is the REINS bill. Passed by the House, it would involve Congress moreheavily in rule-making. If there is a body worse than the executive agencies at this kind ofthing, it is Congress. A 1999 study by the OECD found that poorly written laws, notsubsequent rule-writing, were at the heart of Americas regulatory woes. Jim Cooper, aDemocratic House member from Tennessee, says of his colleagues: People vote on thingsthey have not read, do not have the time to read, and cannot read. He further despairs ofthe power of special interests to bend Congresss will: There is a pimento lobby, he says ofthose who fight for the interests of those who grow the small red peppers served insideolives. You do not want to cross the pimento people. In such an environment, gettingthings undone is at least as hard as getting them done, and perhaps harder still.

  最后不得不说,REINS法案是个糟糕的决定。众议院通过了该法案,国会可以越俎代庖地更多地参与规章制定环节。还有什么比行政部门更烂的类似机构吗?舍国会其谁! 经济合作与发展组织在1999年的研究表明,美国监管困境的核心问题是那些写的很烂的法律,而不是随后的规则制定。来自田纳西州的民主党下议院议员Jim Cooper对他的同事表示:国会那些家伙根本不去看他投了什么一票,也没时间看,更看不懂那些玩意儿。他更对国会的意愿屈服于特殊利益集团之事表示失望:有一个关于辣椒的游说,他指的是那些为了争取那些种小红辣椒的人的利益的人,你们都不敢得罪那些辣角色。在这样的环境里,要把现有法规取消不比建立新法规更简单,甚至有可能更难。


  CHEERS greeted Barack Obamas hiring of CassSunstein away from the University of Chicago. MrSunstein, a lawyer, now head of the Office ofInformation and Regulatory Affairs, is in charge oflifting the heavy hand of regulation from Americaseconomy. Known for his clever economics, MrSunstein favours a libertarian paternalismpolicies that nudge, but do not force, people to dothe right things. For example, making people optout instead of opting in to pension plans makesmany more sign up, to their benefit. And MrSunstein has been involved in redesigning dietary recommendations and fuel-efficiencystickers for cars, making formerly confusing information more useful.


  Mr Sunstein is now in charge of overseeing a year-old executive order from Mr Obamatelling every agency to slimits rule book. Mr Sunstein says every one has complied, with 580proposals received from the departments under his purview. And he says real savings are onthe way. Lifting a requirement for states to require pollution vapour-recovery systems willsave $400m in five years. Making it easier for doctors and hospitals to participate in theMedicare programme for the elderly will save $5 billion. He adds that agencies haveresponded not grudgingly , but eagerly.


  But the Obama administration has added to the rulebook at the same time as it istrimming. And many of the rules are big: 194 of them, each with an economic impact of $100m or more, have been published in the Federal Register. InGeorge Bushs first three years, 141 hit the books. Even if most have more benefits thancosts, as the agencies economists calculate, the scope of regulation is not shrinking. Theoverall cost of regulation is unknown, and measurement controversial. One study forthe Small Business Administration found that regulation cost $1.75 trillion a year in 2008,though many object to the analysis. It relies on a methodology, invented at the WorldBank, which one of the banks researchers says was misused, and Mr Sunstein dismisses it asan urban myth.


  Meanwhile, the executive agencies are accused of minimizing costs by counting only hoursspent on paperwork or money spent on kit to comply with regulation. The real costs maybe found in the hard-to-calculate perversion of behaviour that over-regulation causes. Atthe same time, the benefits tallied up by regulators may be overvalued . Theagencies calculate their own numbers, using their own methodologies. But what no onedoubts is that compliance with the ever-expanding rule book is wearisome and hard.


  Furthermore, the politics of removing regulations is harrowing. Each removal must gothrough the same cumbersome process it took to put the regulation in place: commentperiods, internal reviews and constant behind-the-scenes lobbying. Ironically, regulatedindustries may actually not want regulations removed. They have sunk costs intocompliance, and do not want those costs taken away to the benefit of upstart competitors.


  Many proposals are floated to deal with this last problem. One, supported by the Republicancandidate Mitt Romney, is to remove one regulation for each new one that is proposed. Asecond idea is to create a truly independent scorer for regulatory costs and benefits,modelled on the widely respected Congressional Budget Office. A third is to create a boardof outside grandees to help break political deadlocks, like the Base Realignment and Closurecommission, which was able to prod Congress to shut down military bases. And yet anotheris creating a full-time advocate for regulatory rollback: one state, Kansas, has created anOffice of the Repealer, which aggregates complaints and suggests repeals to the governorand legislature. Lastly, automatic sunsets of laws have their fans, though Congress couldmindlessly reauthorise laws gathered up in omnibus bills .

  为了应对上述最后一个问题,许多提案纷纷浮出水面。其中一个是由共和党候选人Mitt Romney所支持的提案,内容为每当有一项新提案提出时,就废除一项对应的旧法规。第二个办法是以广受尊崇的国会预算办公室为蓝本,成立一个真正独立的评判机构来裁定法规的成本与利益。第三个办法是成立一个由外界知名人士组成的董事会,以帮助打破政治僵局,比如说就像之前的军事基地重组与关闭委员会一样,可以督促国会关闭军事基地。但是还有一个办法是成立一个全职机构负责回审监管法规:堪萨斯州率先成立了废止议案办公室,功能是汇总对于议案的反对意见并向政府和立法机关提交议案的废止建议。除此之外,还有人支持法律的定期自动终结,当然国会还是可能会无脑地重新为各项议案中提及的即将到期的法律延期的。

  Finally, one bad idea is the REINS bill. Passed by the House, it would involve Congress moreheavily in rule-making. If there is a body worse than the executive agencies at this kind ofthing, it is Congress. A 1999 study by the OECD found that poorly written laws, notsubsequent rule-writing, were at the heart of Americas regulatory woes. Jim Cooper, aDemocratic House member from Tennessee, says of his colleagues: People vote on thingsthey have not read, do not have the time to read, and cannot read. He further despairs ofthe power of special interests to bend Congresss will: There is a pimento lobby, he says ofthose who fight for the interests of those who grow the small red peppers served insideolives. You do not want to cross the pimento people. In such an environment, gettingthings undone is at least as hard as getting them done, and perhaps harder still.

  最后不得不说,REINS法案是个糟糕的决定。众议院通过了该法案,国会可以越俎代庖地更多地参与规章制定环节。还有什么比行政部门更烂的类似机构吗?舍国会其谁! 经济合作与发展组织在1999年的研究表明,美国监管困境的核心问题是那些写的很烂的法律,而不是随后的规则制定。来自田纳西州的民主党下议院议员Jim Cooper对他的同事表示:国会那些家伙根本不去看他投了什么一票,也没时间看,更看不懂那些玩意儿。他更对国会的意愿屈服于特殊利益集团之事表示失望:有一个关于辣椒的游说,他指的是那些为了争取那些种小红辣椒的人的利益的人,你们都不敢得罪那些辣角色。在这样的环境里,要把现有法规取消不比建立新法规更简单,甚至有可能更难。


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