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  Collect more Stars, earn more rewards. Three ways to join us

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  One of the most exciting benefits of being a member is using our mobile app to: pay for purchases; view your Stars and rewards; access iTunes® Pick of the Week; see current offers.

  Or you can join with specially marked coffee purchased at the grocery store.

  Enter your Starcode (limit 2 per day).

  Look for the Starcode symbol on specially marked Starbucks® products where you buy groceries. Three levels with increasingly greater rewards

  To reach each level in our Loyalty Program, you need to collect more Stars. ( Remember, to earn a Star you must pay with a registered Starbucks Card. )

  Welcome level

  To earn your first rewards, just register a Starbucks Card.

  Birthday drink or treat on us; birthday coupon (忧惠券) for 15% off a purchase at StarbucksStore.com. Green level

  Collect 5 Stars within 12 months and you’ll be in the Green level.

  •What is included in the Welcome level plus

  ♀Free in-store refills (续杯) on hot or iced brewed coffee or tea Gold level

  Collect 30 Stars within 12 months and you’re at the Gold level.

  •What is included in the Green, level plus

  ♀A free food or drink item after another 12 Stars earned.

  ♀Personalized Gold Card 1. Which of the following is a way you can apply for membership?

  A. To enter a Starcode from specially marked Starbucks® products.

  B. To buy a Starbucks Card over the phone.

  C. To update the Starbucks® App from the official website.

  D. To buy a drink at a Starbucks on weekends. 2. With the Starbucks® App, you can ________.

  A. change the prices     B. earn a Star

  C. pay for rewards      D. view current offers 3. With a Starbucks Card of Green level, you will get ________.

  A. a free cake        B. personalized Green Card

  C. free in-store refills        D. all purchases 15% off

  想要体验星巴克更多美味的饮料吗?这里有银星级会员(Welcome Level)、绿色会员(Green Level)和金星级会员(Gold Level)等着你来选择;赶快成为俱乐部会员,开始您的惊喜之旅吧! 【解析】

  1. A 细节理解题。由Three ways to join us部分第三点Or you can join with specially marked coffee purchased at the grocery store.中的最后一句Look for the Starcode symbol on specially marked Starbucks® products where you buy groceries.可知,加入会员的第三种方法就是找带有星巴克标志的产品,故选A。 2. D 细节理解题。由Three ways to join us部分第二点You can also join from your phone.第二句One of the most exciting benefits of being a member is using our mobile app to:pay for purchases; view your Stars and rewards; access iTunes® Pick of the Week; see current offers.可知,成为会员的最大的好处是使用星巴克应用可以支付账单,浏览星级和奖励,查看当前提供的服务等,故选D。 3. C 细节理解题。由Green level部分第三句♀Free in-store refills (续杯) on hot or iced brewed coffee or tea.可知,绿色会员可以享受免费续杯,故选C。


  Although April did not bring us the rains we all hoped for, and although the Central Valley doesn’t generally experience the sound and lightning that can go with those rains, it’s still important for parents to be able to answer the youthful questions about thunder and lightning.

  The reason these two wonders of nature are so difficult for many adults to explain to children is that they are not very well understood by adults themselves. For example, did you know that the lightning we see flashing down to the earth from a cloud is actually flashing up to a cloud from the earth? Our eyes trick us into thinking we see a downward motion when it’s actually the other way around. But then, if we believed only what we think and we see, we’d still insist that the sun rises in the morning and sets at night.

  Most lightning flashes take place inside a cloud, and only a relative few can be seen jumping between two clouds or between earth and a cloud. But, with about 2,000 thunderstorms taking place above the earth every minute of the day and night, there’s enough activity to produce about 100 lightning strikes on earth every second.

  Parents can use thunder and lightning to help their children learn more about the world around them. When children understand that the light of the lightning flashing reaches their eyes almost at the same moment, but the sound of the thunder takes about 5 seconds to travel just one mile, they can begin to time the interval (间隔) between the flash and the crash to learn how close they were to the actual spark (闪光).

  1. According to the author, in the area of the Central Valley____.

  A. rains usually come without thunder and lightning.

  B. it is usually dry in April

  C. children pay no attention to the two natural wonders.

  D. parents are not interested in thunder an lightning.

  2. We believe that lightning is a downward motion because_______.

  A. we were taught so by our parents from our childhood.

  B. we are taken in by our sense of vision.

  C. it is a common natural sight.

  D. it is a truth proved by science.

  3. What is TRUE about lightning according to the passage?

  A. Only a small number of lightning flashes occur on earth.

  B. Lightning flashes usually jump from one cloud to another.

  C. Lightning travels 5 times faster than thunder.

  D. There are far more lightning strikes occurring on earth than we can imagine.

  4. The underlined word “activity”

  is most closely related to the word (s) _____.

  A. cloud

  B. lightning strikes

  C. lightning flashes

  D. thunderstorms

  5. It can be concluded from the passage that _______.

  A. we should not believe what we see or hear.

  B. things moving downward are more noticeable.

  C. people sometimes may have wrong ideas about ordinary phenomena.

  D. adults are not as good as children in observing certain natural phenomena.


  【2024高考复习】阅读 As China becomes increasingly urbanized (城市化的),it has to find space for its urban and rural citizens as both groups become increasingly integrated.

  Experts suggest a possible model way may be re­inventing a “garden city”.

  China's mega­cities are bursting at the borders and the

  country is now undergoing the quickest and biggest urbanization

  in the history of mankind. It is estimated that by 2025, China

  will have 400 million more people living in its cities, raising

  its urban population to 900 million.

  Besides, new satellite

  towns are mushrooming on the urban fringes while city ring

  roads are rippling outwards into the countryside at amazing

  speed. Satellite maps collected by Professor Joshua Bolchover

  at the University of Hong Kong bring the problem sharply into

  focus. They track the changing rural­urban framework in the

  past 30 years, and suggest that cities are cruelly destroying

  surrounding rural land and rapidly reducing the amount of

  arable(可耕种的)land, which gives way to new residential

  blocks, new industrial zones, new financial centers and the

  other inevitable signs and signatures of economic growth.







  pattern, especially when China has the world's largest population to

  feed. So concerned urban planners are starting to note the

  social and physical effects of diaspora(大移居)when replaced

  rural communities are forced into the cities.

  On the other hand, a trend of thought is gradually taking shape and this is the concept of the “garden city”, a combination of country and city that is being proposed by architects and city planners. Hua Li, from Tao Architects, is among the many professionals with such a voice. His argument is supported by a long­term study on this subject. As Hua says, the answer is to preserve patches of productive farmland within urban boundaries. Less transportation means we have fresh agricultural products at lower costs and less carbon emission in the city. And urban farmland can also be showcased for agricultural tourism and education.

  The concept is already practiced at grass roots level.Agriculture has gone into the air, up to roof and balcony in some communities in the cities. It's common to see organic

  “hanging garden” on the roof of some traditional courtyard home. According to some people, the rooftop project translates into practical benefits, such as safe, nutritious vegetables and a cooler home in summer. Some say thanks to the tomatoes they plant that are natural insect killers, there're fewer mosquitoes. Apart from these, it also contributes to better bonding with neighbors. Zhang, a doctor in Beijing, began creating his hanging garden five years ago. Since his garden became home to 30 kinds of vegetables and fruit—all enough to feed his family, neighbors have enjoyed dropping by for a relaxing chat or just to see how well the lovely vegetables and fruit are growing.

  Although people like Zhang are still rare and the greening of roof space with vegetables and fruit takes skill and energy,with more positive media exposure and advanced technology there is the prospect that garden city will become common practice in the near future. By then, cities will no longer look so gray when seen from the satellites.

  【语篇解读】 中国的城市化进程不断加快,这是一个我们不得不面对的现实。如果不能较好地应对,这对我们来说将是个灾难。城市和农村将如何融合共生?

  16.Some experts suggest re­inventing a “garden city” because________.

  A.it is the only model way to save the cities

  B.it helps stop destroying the rural areas

  C.increasing urbanization takes place in China

  D.China has the largest population to feed

  答案 C [细节理解题。根据第一段第一句的内容可知,专家提议重建花园城市是因为中国的城市化进程在不断加快。]

  17.In Hua Li's opinion, a combination of country and city will________.

  A.benefit the environment and lower living costs

  B.become a project that needs a long­term study

  C.lead to more rural communities being replaced

  D.attract more farmers to take tours in cities

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据第四段倒数第二句“Less transportation means we have fresh agricultural products at lower costs and less carbon emission in the city.”可知,城乡结合既保护了环境又降低了生活成本。]

  18.Zhang is mentioned(in Paragraph 5)to show that________.

  A.he achieves his dream to own a hanging garden

  B.hanging gardens are becoming more popular

  C.the garden contributes to a better neighborhood

  D.he is a pioneer to practise the gardening concept

  答案 C [推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句中的“neighbors have enjoyed dropping by for a relaxing chat or just to see how well the lovely vegetables and fruit are growing”可知,邻居们都喜欢来他的空中花园玩,这有助于建立良好的邻里关系。]

  19.As for the concept of the“garden city”,the writer feels________.





  答案 B [态度意图题。根据最后一段中的“there is the prospect that garden city will become common practice in the near future”可知,作者认为花园城市的构想是可行的,在不久的将来会成为现实,故作者对此充满希望。]

  【2024高考复习】阅读 A new generation addiction is quickly spreading all over the world. Weboholism, a twentieth century disease, affects people from different ages. They surf the Net, use e­mails and speak in chat rooms. They spend many hours on the computer,and it becomes a compulsive habit. They cannot stop, and it affects their lives.

  Ten years ago, no one thought that using computers could become compulsive behavior that could affect the social and physical life of computer users. This obsessional behavior has affected teenagers and college students. They are likely to log on computers and spend long hours at different websites.

  They become hooked on computers and gradually their social and school life is affected by this situation. They spend all free time surfing and don't concentrate on homework, so this addiction influences their grades and success at school.Because they can find everything on the websites, they hang out there.

  Moreover, this addiction to websites influences their social life.

  They spend more time in front of computers than with their friends.

  The relation with their friends changes.

  The virtual life becomes more important than their real life. They have a new language that they speak in the chat rooms and it causes cultural changes in society.

  Because of the change in their behavior, they begin to keep themselves apart from the society and live with their virtual friends. They share their emotions and feelings with friends who they have never met in their life. Although they feel confident on the computer, they are not confident with real live friends they have known all their life. It is a problem for the future. This addictive behavior is beginning to affect all the world.

  【语篇解读】 网瘾迅速蔓延全球,成为世纪通病,影响着不同年龄的人群。

  20.The author's attitude towards weboholism is that of being________.


  B. disapproving


  D. acceptable

  答案 B [作者态度题。结合第一段后半部分提到的网瘾的不良影响可知,作者对网瘾持不赞成的态度。另外,第三、四、五段的内容都是线索提示。]

  21.What is the main idea of the passage?

  A. The influence of weboholism.

  B. The advantage of weboholism.

  C. The popularity of weboholism.

  D. The cause of weboholism.

  答案 A [主旨大意题。文章第一段开门见山地阐述了网瘾的危害,然后从不同方面详细阐述了它造成的不良影响,所以A项最能概括文章大意。]

  22.What does the underlined word “obsessional” in the second paragraph most probably mean?


  B. Professional.


  D. Potential.

  答案 C [词义猜测题。第二段最后一句提到青少年和大学生可能会登录电脑,在不同的网站上花费很长的时间,由此可推知“obsessional”的意思是“痴迷的,上瘾的”,与“addictive”同义。]