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  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   China, India and climate change   中国,印度和气候变化   Take the lead   引领全球   Emerging markets are a big part of the problem;they are essential to any solution   新兴市场是问题的症结,也是任何解决方法的关键。   Greenprint: A New Approach to Cooperation onClimate Change. By Aaditya Mattoo and Arvind Subramanian.   绿色印记关于气候变化的新合作方式作者:阿迪特亚马图,阿温德苏布拉曼尼恩   MOST books about the environment take the West as their starting point. This isunderstandable. For decades America was the world s biggest polluter, contributing moreto the problem than any other country, whereas Europeat least in its politicians mindshasmodel environmental laws and holds plenty of righteous talks to negotiate new solutions.   很多关于环境的书都以西方为出发点。这个可以理解。过去几十年来,美国都是世界上最大的污染源,造成的影响比其他任何国家都要大,而欧洲-至少在欧洲的政治家心里-拥有可作为典范的环保法律并在商讨新的解决方法时发表了许多公证的讲座。   But Europe and America are becoming supporting actors in the world s climate-changedrama. The lead players are China and India. China is the world s largest emitter,contributing nearly a quarter of current global emissions. With India it accounted for 83%of the worldwide increase in carbon emissions in 2000-11. Though global warming beganwith industrialised countries it must endif it is to endthrough actions in developing ones.All the more reason to welcome Greenprint, the first book on climate change toconcentrate on this growing part of the problem. Written by Aaditya Mattoo, an economistat the World Bank, and Arvind Subramanian, a senior fellow at the Centre for GlobalDevelopment, the book offers an unflinching look at what one might realistically expectemerging markets to do.   但欧洲与美国,在世界正在上演的气候变化戏剧的舞台上正沦为配角。主要的演员是中国和印度。中国是世界上最大的废气排放国,它所排放的废气占了全球排放废气总量的将近四分之一。在2000年至11年期间,在全球碳排放增长中,中国和印度就占了83%。虽然全球变暖始于工业化国家,但必须终止-如果会终止的话-发展中国家采取行动终止全球变暖。《绿色印记》应受到欢迎的更重要的原因是,它关注了发展中国家在全球变暖问题上日益凸显的地位,这是第一本关注此问题的书。该书的两位作者阿迪特亚马图是世界银行的一名经济学家,阿温德苏布拉曼尼恩是全球发展中心的资深人士,本书毫不畏惧地指出关于我们可以期待新兴市场采取何种切实的措施解决气候变化的问题。   From an environmentalist s point of view, India and China elicit despair. They areobsessed with growth. To fuel it, they are building ever more coal-fired power stations, afilthy form of energy. Their cities fume. Their rivers catch fire. There is not much anyone cando about it.   从一个环保人士的角度看来,印度和中国的做法只能让人绝望。他们太沉迷于经济增长了。为了推动经济增长,他们建了更多的火力发电厂-一种极不环保的能源。他们的城市都弥漫着烟雾。他们的河流都着火了。我们对此也无能为力。   But an attractive quality of this book is that it goes beyond such fatalism. The West, theauthors argue, has failed to mitigate global warming, so developing countries will have totake over. This is necessary, they say, because global warming will affect developingcountries more than rich ones, partly because tropical and subtropical lands are moresensitive to warming than cold or temperate ones, and partly because rich people canafford better flood controls and drought-resistant seeds than poor ones. One estimate byWilliam Cline, an economist, found that a rise of 2.5% in global temperatures would cutagricultural productivity by 6% in America but by 38% in India. In light of theirdisproportionate vulnerability, emerging giants will have to push rich countries to makemore environmental compromises. To make these demands credible, they themselves willhave to make some changes too.   但本书最吸引人的地方在于它并没有受制于宿命论。作者认为,西方国家未能减缓全球变暖,因此发展中国家要接过这个重任。他们说这是必要的,因为全球变暖对发展中国家的影响远大于富裕国家,一部分原因在于热带和亚热带大陆比寒带或温带大陆对温度升高更为敏感,另一部分原因在与贫穷国家相比,富裕国家的人能买得起有更好的防洪抗旱能力的种子。一位叫威廉卡莱恩的经济学家预测发现,全球温度上升2.5%,美国的农作物产量会降低6%,而印度的会降低38%。鉴于两国对气温变化的承受能力相差如此悬殊,新兴的巨头将必须迫使富裕国家在环境问题上作出更多的妥协。为了表明这些要求合理,他们自身也要做出一些改变。   The trouble, as the authors admit, is that emissions cuts will also be costly for China andIndia. Messrs Mattoo and Subramanian estimate that if the two countries were to reduceemissions by 30% by 2023 , their manufacturing output wouldfall by 6-7% and their manufactured exports by more than that. As still relatively poorcountries, they are less able to bear the pain.   但麻烦在于,正如作者承认的,减少废气排放对中国和印度来说,代价也很高。马图先生和苏布拉曼尼恩先生预测如果中印两国在2023年前能把废气排放减低30%,那么他们的制造业产值将会降低6%-7%,而他们制造业出口降幅将更大。作为相对贫穷的国家,中印两国无法承受那样的代价。   These challenges help to explain why it is so difficult for India and China to take the lead onclimate change. After considering different ways to allocate emissions cuts among nations,the authors concede that the fairest approach would be to allow developing countries toconsume as much energy as rich ones did during their own industrial revolutions. But if theaim is to limit the rise in global temperatures to two degrees, which most scientists thinknecessary, this would allow developing-country emissions to rise by 200% whereasrich-country emissions would have to fall by an amount that is politically inconceivable.   这些挑战也解释了为什么印度和中国在气候变化问题上不愿主动带头。该如何分配不同国家的减排任务,经过仔细考虑,作者也作出了让步,他们认为最公平的方法就是允许发展中国家在进行工业化的过程中消耗的能源与富裕国家持平。但如果目标是把全球温度上升控制在2摄氏度以内,这是多数的科学家认为必要的,那么发展中国家的排放量可上升200%而富裕国家的排放量则相应降低,而这个降低的数量从政治的角度考虑是难以想象的。   The authors supply more reasonable solutions. They reckon that China and others couldand should invest more in new technologies, such as carbon capture and storage, in orderto boost improvements in clean energy. They also provide a detailed and convincing casefor rich countries to put a price on carbon by introducing a modest border tax on importsfrom developing countries.   作者提供了更多合理的解决方法。他们认为中国和其他发展中国家应投入更多的资金和资源于新技术,像碳捕获和碳储存技术,以促进清洁能源的发展。他们也提供了一个详细的有信服力的案例,富裕国家通过对发展中国家的进口商品征收适当的边境税以便对碳标价。   The book does not quite provide the promised greenprint for developing countries to reduceemissions. But that would be a tall order. As a first stab at analysing one of the world s mostintractable problems, it provides a wealth of analysis and fuel for thought.   对于发展中国家降低碳排放,本书并未提供如标题所示的绿色印记。但那是一个过高的要求。本书首次深入世界上最棘手的问题之一,作了大量的分析,并为人们思考这个问题提供了动力。   词语解释   1.climate change 气候变化   With climate change in full swing, more and moreagricultural businesses are at risk forunpredictable weather conditions.   随着气候变化愈加频繁,越来越多的农业企业将面临意外天气变化带来的风险。   Thanks to its slick design, drivers can make astatement about their style and climate change simultaneously.   由于它流畅漂亮的造型,驾驶者在环保出行的同时,还拥有了十足的时尚感。   2.contribute to 促成;投稿;有助于   Such actions would contribute to the desired structural transition.   此类举措将有助于实现中国渴望的结构转型。   They also may contribute to preventing severe disease and death.   这些药物还可有助于预防严重疾病和死亡。   3.concentrate on 专心于,把思想集中于   Filter out the noise and nonsense. Only concentrate on what you deeply desire.   过滤掉噪音和胡言乱语,只全神贯注于你内心深处的向往。   Most concentrate on wine bottled in the past 50 years.   多数基金集中投资过去50年中装瓶的品种。   4.expect to 期许   They expect to ship another 50,000 this month.   他们预计本月将再发货50,000只。   The answer will help determine what kinds of revenues the industry can expect to earn.   问题的答案将帮助确定音乐行业能够预期获得哪种类型的收益。


  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   China, India and climate change   中国,印度和气候变化   Take the lead   引领全球   Emerging markets are a big part of the problem;they are essential to any solution   新兴市场是问题的症结,也是任何解决方法的关键。   Greenprint: A New Approach to Cooperation onClimate Change. By Aaditya Mattoo and Arvind Subramanian.   绿色印记关于气候变化的新合作方式作者:阿迪特亚马图,阿温德苏布拉曼尼恩   MOST books about the environment take the West as their starting point. This isunderstandable. For decades America was the world s biggest polluter, contributing moreto the problem than any other country, whereas Europeat least in its politicians mindshasmodel environmental laws and holds plenty of righteous talks to negotiate new solutions.   很多关于环境的书都以西方为出发点。这个可以理解。过去几十年来,美国都是世界上最大的污染源,造成的影响比其他任何国家都要大,而欧洲-至少在欧洲的政治家心里-拥有可作为典范的环保法律并在商讨新的解决方法时发表了许多公证的讲座。   But Europe and America are becoming supporting actors in the world s climate-changedrama. The lead players are China and India. China is the world s largest emitter,contributing nearly a quarter of current global emissions. With India it accounted for 83%of the worldwide increase in carbon emissions in 2000-11. Though global warming beganwith industrialised countries it must endif it is to endthrough actions in developing ones.All the more reason to welcome Greenprint, the first book on climate change toconcentrate on this growing part of the problem. Written by Aaditya Mattoo, an economistat the World Bank, and Arvind Subramanian, a senior fellow at the Centre for GlobalDevelopment, the book offers an unflinching look at what one might realistically expectemerging markets to do.   但欧洲与美国,在世界正在上演的气候变化戏剧的舞台上正沦为配角。主要的演员是中国和印度。中国是世界上最大的废气排放国,它所排放的废气占了全球排放废气总量的将近四分之一。在2000年至11年期间,在全球碳排放增长中,中国和印度就占了83%。虽然全球变暖始于工业化国家,但必须终止-如果会终止的话-发展中国家采取行动终止全球变暖。《绿色印记》应受到欢迎的更重要的原因是,它关注了发展中国家在全球变暖问题上日益凸显的地位,这是第一本关注此问题的书。该书的两位作者阿迪特亚马图是世界银行的一名经济学家,阿温德苏布拉曼尼恩是全球发展中心的资深人士,本书毫不畏惧地指出关于我们可以期待新兴市场采取何种切实的措施解决气候变化的问题。   From an environmentalist s point of view, India and China elicit despair. They areobsessed with growth. To fuel it, they are building ever more coal-fired power stations, afilthy form of energy. Their cities fume. Their rivers catch fire. There is not much anyone cando about it.   从一个环保人士的角度看来,印度和中国的做法只能让人绝望。他们太沉迷于经济增长了。为了推动经济增长,他们建了更多的火力发电厂-一种极不环保的能源。他们的城市都弥漫着烟雾。他们的河流都着火了。我们对此也无能为力。   But an attractive quality of this book is that it goes beyond such fatalism. The West, theauthors argue, has failed to mitigate global warming, so developing countries will have totake over. This is necessary, they say, because global warming will affect developingcountries more than rich ones, partly because tropical and subtropical lands are moresensitive to warming than cold or temperate ones, and partly because rich people canafford better flood controls and drought-resistant seeds than poor ones. One estimate byWilliam Cline, an economist, found that a rise of 2.5% in global temperatures would cutagricultural productivity by 6% in America but by 38% in India. In light of theirdisproportionate vulnerability, emerging giants will have to push rich countries to makemore environmental compromises. To make these demands credible, they themselves willhave to make some changes too.   但本书最吸引人的地方在于它并没有受制于宿命论。作者认为,西方国家未能减缓全球变暖,因此发展中国家要接过这个重任。他们说这是必要的,因为全球变暖对发展中国家的影响远大于富裕国家,一部分原因在于热带和亚热带大陆比寒带或温带大陆对温度升高更为敏感,另一部分原因在与贫穷国家相比,富裕国家的人能买得起有更好的防洪抗旱能力的种子。一位叫威廉卡莱恩的经济学家预测发现,全球温度上升2.5%,美国的农作物产量会降低6%,而印度的会降低38%。鉴于两国对气温变化的承受能力相差如此悬殊,新兴的巨头将必须迫使富裕国家在环境问题上作出更多的妥协。为了表明这些要求合理,他们自身也要做出一些改变。   The trouble, as the authors admit, is that emissions cuts will also be costly for China andIndia. Messrs Mattoo and Subramanian estimate that if the two countries were to reduceemissions by 30% by 2023 , their manufacturing output wouldfall by 6-7% and their manufactured exports by more than that. As still relatively poorcountries, they are less able to bear the pain.   但麻烦在于,正如作者承认的,减少废气排放对中国和印度来说,代价也很高。马图先生和苏布拉曼尼恩先生预测如果中印两国在2023年前能把废气排放减低30%,那么他们的制造业产值将会降低6%-7%,而他们制造业出口降幅将更大。作为相对贫穷的国家,中印两国无法承受那样的代价。   These challenges help to explain why it is so difficult for India and China to take the lead onclimate change. After considering different ways to allocate emissions cuts among nations,the authors concede that the fairest approach would be to allow developing countries toconsume as much energy as rich ones did during their own industrial revolutions. But if theaim is to limit the rise in global temperatures to two degrees, which most scientists thinknecessary, this would allow developing-country emissions to rise by 200% whereasrich-country emissions would have to fall by an amount that is politically inconceivable.   这些挑战也解释了为什么印度和中国在气候变化问题上不愿主动带头。该如何分配不同国家的减排任务,经过仔细考虑,作者也作出了让步,他们认为最公平的方法就是允许发展中国家在进行工业化的过程中消耗的能源与富裕国家持平。但如果目标是把全球温度上升控制在2摄氏度以内,这是多数的科学家认为必要的,那么发展中国家的排放量可上升200%而富裕国家的排放量则相应降低,而这个降低的数量从政治的角度考虑是难以想象的。   The authors supply more reasonable solutions. They reckon that China and others couldand should invest more in new technologies, such as carbon capture and storage, in orderto boost improvements in clean energy. They also provide a detailed and convincing casefor rich countries to put a price on carbon by introducing a modest border tax on importsfrom developing countries.   作者提供了更多合理的解决方法。他们认为中国和其他发展中国家应投入更多的资金和资源于新技术,像碳捕获和碳储存技术,以促进清洁能源的发展。他们也提供了一个详细的有信服力的案例,富裕国家通过对发展中国家的进口商品征收适当的边境税以便对碳标价。   The book does not quite provide the promised greenprint for developing countries to reduceemissions. But that would be a tall order. As a first stab at analysing one of the world s mostintractable problems, it provides a wealth of analysis and fuel for thought.   对于发展中国家降低碳排放,本书并未提供如标题所示的绿色印记。但那是一个过高的要求。本书首次深入世界上最棘手的问题之一,作了大量的分析,并为人们思考这个问题提供了动力。   词语解释   1.climate change 气候变化   With climate change in full swing, more and moreagricultural businesses are at risk forunpredictable weather conditions.   随着气候变化愈加频繁,越来越多的农业企业将面临意外天气变化带来的风险。   Thanks to its slick design, drivers can make astatement about their style and climate change simultaneously.   由于它流畅漂亮的造型,驾驶者在环保出行的同时,还拥有了十足的时尚感。   2.contribute to 促成;投稿;有助于   Such actions would contribute to the desired structural transition.   此类举措将有助于实现中国渴望的结构转型。   They also may contribute to preventing severe disease and death.   这些药物还可有助于预防严重疾病和死亡。   3.concentrate on 专心于,把思想集中于   Filter out the noise and nonsense. Only concentrate on what you deeply desire.   过滤掉噪音和胡言乱语,只全神贯注于你内心深处的向往。   Most concentrate on wine bottled in the past 50 years.   多数基金集中投资过去50年中装瓶的品种。   4.expect to 期许   They expect to ship another 50,000 this month.   他们预计本月将再发货50,000只。   The answer will help determine what kinds of revenues the industry can expect to earn.   问题的答案将帮助确定音乐行业能够预期获得哪种类型的收益。


信息流广告 周易 易经 代理招生 二手车 网络营销 旅游攻略 非物质文化遗产 查字典 社区团购 精雕图 戏曲下载 抖音代运营 易学网 互联网资讯 成语 成语故事 诗词 工商注册 注册公司 抖音带货 云南旅游网 网络游戏 代理记账 短视频运营 在线题库 国学网 知识产权 抖音运营 雕龙客 雕塑 奇石 散文 自学教程 常用文书 河北生活网 好书推荐 游戏攻略 心理测试 石家庄人才网 考研真题 汉语知识 心理咨询 手游安卓版下载 兴趣爱好 网络知识 十大品牌排行榜 商标交易 单机游戏下载 短视频代运营 宝宝起名 范文网 电商设计 免费发布信息 服装服饰 律师咨询 搜救犬 Chat GPT中文版 经典范文 优质范文 工作总结 二手车估价 实用范文 古诗词 衡水人才网 石家庄点痣 养花 名酒回收 石家庄代理记账 女士发型 搜搜作文 石家庄人才网 钢琴入门指法教程 词典 围棋 chatGPT 读后感 玄机派 企业服务 法律咨询 chatGPT国内版 chatGPT官网 励志名言 河北代理记账公司 文玩 语料库 游戏推荐 男士发型 高考作文 PS修图 儿童文学 买车咨询 工作计划 礼品厂 舟舟培训 IT教程 手机游戏推荐排行榜 暖通,电地暖, 女性健康 苗木供应 ps素材库 短视频培训 优秀个人博客 包装网 创业赚钱 养生 民间借贷律师 绿色软件 安卓手机游戏 手机软件下载 手机游戏下载 单机游戏大全 免费软件下载 石家庄论坛 网赚 手游下载 游戏盒子 职业培训 资格考试 成语大全 英语培训 艺术培训 少儿培训 苗木网 雕塑网 好玩的手机游戏推荐 汉语词典 中国机械网 美文欣赏 红楼梦 道德经 标准件 电地暖 网站转让 鲜花 书包网 英语培训机构 电商运营