Heroin addictions today is found chiefly among young men of minority groups in ghetto(犹太人区)areas.Of the more than 60,000 known addicts,more than half live in New York State.Most of them live in New York City.Recent figures show that more than half of the addicts are under 30 years of age.?
Narcotic addiction in the United States is not limted to heroin users.Some middle-aged and older people who take narcotic drugs regularly to relieve pain can also become addicted.So do some people who can get drugs easily,such as doctors,nurses,and pharmacists.Studies show that this type of addict has personality and emotional problems very similar to those of other regular narcotic users.?
Many addicts admit that getting a continued supply is the main object of their lives.An addicts concentration on getting drugs often prevents continuing an education or working at a job.His health is often poor.He may be sick one day from the effects of withdrawal and sick the next day from an overdose.Statistics show that an addicts life span may be shortened by 15 to 20 years.The addict is usually in trouble with the family and almost always in trouble with the law.?
Some studies suggest that many of the known narcotic addicts had some trouble with the law before they became addicted.Once addicted,they may become even more involved with crime because it costs so much to support the heroin habit.?
Most authorities agree that the addicts involvement with crime is not a direct effect of the drug itself.Turning to crime is usually the only way to get that much money.The addicts crimes are nearly always thefts or other crimes against?property.?
Federal penalties for illegal narcotics usage were established under the Harris on Act of 1914.The Act provides that illegal possession of narcotics is punishable by fines and/or imprisonment.Sentences can range from 2 to 10 years for the first offense,5 to 20 years for the second,and 10 to 20 years for further offenses.?
Illegal sale of narcotics can mean a fine of $20,000 and a sentence from 20 to 40 years for later offenses.A person who sells narcotics to someone under 18 is refused parole and probation,even for the first offense.If the drug is heroin,he can be sentenced to life imprisonment or to death.
1. What is the topic of this passage??
A.How to cure a drug addict.?
B.Heroin and narcotic.?
C. The harm of the drugs and the anti?drug measures taken by the government.
D.The American laws. ?
2. An addict cannot continue his eduction or work at a job,because of____?
A.his concentration on getting drugs?
B.his personality?
C.his emotional problems?
D.his stortage of money ?
3. According to the author,how can the addicts get the money for drugs??
A.Borrow from their families. B.By hard working.?
C.In an illegal way. D.The author doesnt mention it. ?
4. According to the author,who can get narcotic easily??
A.Government men. B.Medical workers.?
C.The minorities. D.The Jews. ?
5. A person who sell heroin to a kid can be?
A.fined $20,000.
B. sentenced to 5 to 20 years in prison.?
C. sentenced to 20 to 40 years in prison.?
D. sentenced to death. ?
成瘾者不能继续学业或干工作,因为本题要理解关键词这道题的答案在第三段的第二句话。考生只要知道prevent一词在句中的含义为防碍,就不难选择正确答案。其它三个选项在文中也有提及,但考生应该寻找文中最直接的答案。 ?
据作者所认为,成瘾者如何得到买毒品的钱?本题要求理解关键词。这道题的答案在第五段,只要理解turning to crime就是an illegal way,而且考生应注意问题的前提according to the author。 ?
据作者认为,谁能轻易得到麻醉剂?本题要求综合分析。这道题的答案在第二段。这一段里提到的doctors,nurses,and pharmacists都属于medical workers从四个选项中不难得出答案。 ?
卖海洛因给孩子的人会被本题是道推断题。这道题要求对文中最后两段提到的量刑标准进行综合分析,不要被问题中to a kid所迷惑。注意了文中最后一句,就能得出答案。 ?
Heroin addictions today is found chiefly among young men of minority groups in ghetto(犹太人区)areas.Of the more than 60,000 known addicts,more than half live in New York State.Most of them live in New York City.Recent figures show that more than half of the addicts are under 30 years of age.?
Narcotic addiction in the United States is not limted to heroin users.Some middle-aged and older people who take narcotic drugs regularly to relieve pain can also become addicted.So do some people who can get drugs easily,such as doctors,nurses,and pharmacists.Studies show that this type of addict has personality and emotional problems very similar to those of other regular narcotic users.?
Many addicts admit that getting a continued supply is the main object of their lives.An addicts concentration on getting drugs often prevents continuing an education or working at a job.His health is often poor.He may be sick one day from the effects of withdrawal and sick the next day from an overdose.Statistics show that an addicts life span may be shortened by 15 to 20 years.The addict is usually in trouble with the family and almost always in trouble with the law.?
Some studies suggest that many of the known narcotic addicts had some trouble with the law before they became addicted.Once addicted,they may become even more involved with crime because it costs so much to support the heroin habit.?
Most authorities agree that the addicts involvement with crime is not a direct effect of the drug itself.Turning to crime is usually the only way to get that much money.The addicts crimes are nearly always thefts or other crimes against?property.?
Federal penalties for illegal narcotics usage were established under the Harris on Act of 1914.The Act provides that illegal possession of narcotics is punishable by fines and/or imprisonment.Sentences can range from 2 to 10 years for the first offense,5 to 20 years for the second,and 10 to 20 years for further offenses.?
Illegal sale of narcotics can mean a fine of $20,000 and a sentence from 20 to 40 years for later offenses.A person who sells narcotics to someone under 18 is refused parole and probation,even for the first offense.If the drug is heroin,he can be sentenced to life imprisonment or to death.
1. What is the topic of this passage??
A.How to cure a drug addict.?
B.Heroin and narcotic.?
C. The harm of the drugs and the anti?drug measures taken by the government.
D.The American laws. ?
2. An addict cannot continue his eduction or work at a job,because of____?
A.his concentration on getting drugs?
B.his personality?
C.his emotional problems?
D.his stortage of money ?
3. According to the author,how can the addicts get the money for drugs??
A.Borrow from their families. B.By hard working.?
C.In an illegal way. D.The author doesnt mention it. ?
4. According to the author,who can get narcotic easily??
A.Government men. B.Medical workers.?
C.The minorities. D.The Jews. ?
5. A person who sell heroin to a kid can be?
A.fined $20,000.
B. sentenced to 5 to 20 years in prison.?
C. sentenced to 20 to 40 years in prison.?
D. sentenced to death. ?
成瘾者不能继续学业或干工作,因为本题要理解关键词这道题的答案在第三段的第二句话。考生只要知道prevent一词在句中的含义为防碍,就不难选择正确答案。其它三个选项在文中也有提及,但考生应该寻找文中最直接的答案。 ?
据作者所认为,成瘾者如何得到买毒品的钱?本题要求理解关键词。这道题的答案在第五段,只要理解turning to crime就是an illegal way,而且考生应注意问题的前提according to the author。 ?
据作者认为,谁能轻易得到麻醉剂?本题要求综合分析。这道题的答案在第二段。这一段里提到的doctors,nurses,and pharmacists都属于medical workers从四个选项中不难得出答案。 ?
卖海洛因给孩子的人会被本题是道推断题。这道题要求对文中最后两段提到的量刑标准进行综合分析,不要被问题中to a kid所迷惑。注意了文中最后一句,就能得出答案。 ?