Pantomime 阅读练习与讲义

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Pantomime 阅读练习与讲义


  Pantomimes like pageants, need to be very well planned, and it is essential that initial organization should begin many weeks in advance of the production date. Pantomimes are nearly always divided into separate scenes, very often taking place in different countries or even in different centuries. It is therefore necessary that there should be an overall unity of design culminating in the grand finale. This latter is really just an excuse for visual effects, and for once the performers become merely cloths hangers on which to put elaborate garments.

  The scene should be discussed at some length with the producer so that the background, which is decided upon, does not present impossibilities for the provision of costumes within the budget or insuperable making problems for the wardrobe. Because of the large numbers of costumes needed full use must be made of the cheapest materials available, such as tarlatan nets and inexpensive cottons and taffetas. Very often it is possible to pick up goods that have been substantially reduced in price as cheap lines either in the big stores or on stalls in street markets.

  Costumes for pantomimes need to be imaginative, gay and fairly bold in conceptionthis does not mean that they need to be garish. Usually in one scene there needs to be the flavor of what is newest at the moment in clothes. It is always a good idea to make use of a modern gimmick and to point it in some way if this can be conveniently fitted into the scheme. The audience comes to pantomime to have the eye feasted as much as for any other purpose, thus making a great chance for the designer to excel. Because of the very varied audience to be catered for there must be costumes to please patrons of all ages and delight the eyes of toddlers, teenagers, parents and grandparents.

  Usually there is the chance for some country scene involving merry-making peasants in ginghams, stripes of chintzes. There may be a military or naval routine or some number emphasizing precision and calling for trim slick costumes. There is certain to be a ballet which is to look fairy-like or romantic and pretty and which may well need either classical or romantic tutus. The finale, which must be the most spectacular of all, is often set in a ballroom or palace where all the characters come together to make their final bows; and it is for this scene that the glitter of sequins and jewels, the sparkle of tinsel, the gold and silver materials and the waving plumes should be saved.

  It may be helpful to examine the different characters and the various scenes in which they are likely to appear. They remain much the same in all pantomimes; the flavor varying according to the settingso that a sdash of the Orient, or the particular feeling of a historical epoch is added to the standard costume.

  1. Which word can best describe the final scene in pantomime?

  [A]. Spectacular. [B]. Beautiful. [C]. Romantic. [D]. Sparkling.

  2. What is the best title for this passage?

  [A]. How to Gain Success of a Pantomime.

  [B]. The Most Important Factors in a Pantomime.

  [C]. Pantomime needs to have a very-well.

  [D]. How to Make Preparation for a Pantomime.

  3. What does paragraph two imply?

  [A]. It implies actor and actress outnumber costume.

  [B]. It implies costume costs too much.

  [C]. It implies the funds available is on meager side.

  [D]. It implies a good plan is necessary for a pantomime.

  4. The success of a pantomime lie in

  [A]. well-planned preparation. [B]. excellent actors.

  [C]. brilliant costume. [D]. harmony.


  1. culminate 达到顶点,达到最高潮

  2. insuperable 不可逾越的,不可克服的

  3. tarlatan 薄纱,塔拉丹

  4. taffeta 花花绿绿的塔夫绸,衬绸

  5. gimmick (魔术师道具等)暗机关,

  6. garish 装饰(物) 鲜艳夺目的,俗不可耐的

  7. gingham 方格花布

  8. stripe 条纹布,斜纹布

  9. chintz 擦光印花棉布

  10. slick 光滑的,打扮漂亮的,华而不实的,讨人喜欢的

  11. tutu (芭蕾舞女演员)短裙

  12. sequin 装饰服装用的圆形小金属片

  13. tinsel 金银丝织品,闪亮装饰品


  1. This latter is really just an excuse for visual effects, and for once the performers become merely cloths hangers on which to put elaborate garments.

  [结构简析] for once= for just once 就这一次

  [参考译文] 后者确实就是为了视觉效果,就这一次,演员成了仅仅是套上精致衣服的衣架子。

  2. Usually in one scene there needs to be the flavor of what is newest at the moment in clothes. It is always a good idea to make use of a modern gimmick and to point it in some way if this can be conveniently fitted into the scheme.

  [结构简析] 两句句子。To make use of 利用,to point 强调。

  [参考译文] 一般说来,在一幕里,需要有当时服装上最新款式和风格。如果便于和演出设计相吻合的话,利用当时的机关并给以适当突出也不失为好办法。

  3. The audience comes to pantomime to have the eye feasted as much as for any other purpose, thus making a great chance for the designer to excel。

  [结构简析] 注意后面thus making的译法。

  [参考译文] 观众来看哑剧,不仅为了大饱眼福,还有其它目的。这就给了设计者展示才能超越别人的大好机会。




  1. A. 最后一幕非常壮观。文章内两处提到,第一段第二句哑剧几乎总是分成独立的几幕,常常是发生在不同的国家和不同的世纪,因此,在宏伟的最后一幕有一个达到高潮完整统一设计。第四段第四行末尾最后一幕,必须是全戏最壮观的,地点常常是在舞厅或者皇宫,聚集着所有的演员,以备谢幕。

  B. 美丽的。 C. 浪漫的。 D. 灿烂的,都只是壮观中之一部分。

  2. D. 如何为哑剧做好准备工作。文章一开始哑剧,像露天演出剧一样,需要很好策划,应在演出前好几个星期作好最初的组织工作。后面几段都是围绕这一中心而写。

  A. 如何获取哑剧的成功,文中提得很少但准备的目的是获得成功。 B. 哑剧的最重要的因素。 C. 哑剧需要一个很好的设计,都是准备工作中提及的部分内容。

  3. C. 隐射能得到的资金很少。第二段剧幕场景应和舞台监督进行详细的讨论。这样决定下来的场景不会出现预算内金额不能提供服装,或剧团服装难以供应的问题。由于需要剧装量大,要充分利用能得到的最便宜的材料,类似薄纱,低价棉布和衬绸之类。可以在大商店或马路地摊上选购一些降价的便宜货品。这一段说明他们的资金相当少,所以C 正确。

  A. 演员认输超过了服装数。 B. 服装太贵,文中都没有提到。也不是第二段的内涵。 D. 哑剧需要一个好计划。一开始就点明,不用隐射。

  4. A. 充分计划好的准备工作。如果没有计划,其他三点都谈不上。因为

  B. 优秀演员。 C. 华丽的戏装。 D. 和谐,都四计划内考虑的因素。



  Pantomimes like pageants, need to be very well planned, and it is essential that initial organization should begin many weeks in advance of the production date. Pantomimes are nearly always divided into separate scenes, very often taking place in different countries or even in different centuries. It is therefore necessary that there should be an overall unity of design culminating in the grand finale. This latter is really just an excuse for visual effects, and for once the performers become merely cloths hangers on which to put elaborate garments.

  The scene should be discussed at some length with the producer so that the background, which is decided upon, does not present impossibilities for the provision of costumes within the budget or insuperable making problems for the wardrobe. Because of the large numbers of costumes needed full use must be made of the cheapest materials available, such as tarlatan nets and inexpensive cottons and taffetas. Very often it is possible to pick up goods that have been substantially reduced in price as cheap lines either in the big stores or on stalls in street markets.

  Costumes for pantomimes need to be imaginative, gay and fairly bold in conceptionthis does not mean that they need to be garish. Usually in one scene there needs to be the flavor of what is newest at the moment in clothes. It is always a good idea to make use of a modern gimmick and to point it in some way if this can be conveniently fitted into the scheme. The audience comes to pantomime to have the eye feasted as much as for any other purpose, thus making a great chance for the designer to excel. Because of the very varied audience to be catered for there must be costumes to please patrons of all ages and delight the eyes of toddlers, teenagers, parents and grandparents.

  Usually there is the chance for some country scene involving merry-making peasants in ginghams, stripes of chintzes. There may be a military or naval routine or some number emphasizing precision and calling for trim slick costumes. There is certain to be a ballet which is to look fairy-like or romantic and pretty and which may well need either classical or romantic tutus. The finale, which must be the most spectacular of all, is often set in a ballroom or palace where all the characters come together to make their final bows; and it is for this scene that the glitter of sequins and jewels, the sparkle of tinsel, the gold and silver materials and the waving plumes should be saved.

  It may be helpful to examine the different characters and the various scenes in which they are likely to appear. They remain much the same in all pantomimes; the flavor varying according to the settingso that a sdash of the Orient, or the particular feeling of a historical epoch is added to the standard costume.

  1. Which word can best describe the final scene in pantomime?

  [A]. Spectacular. [B]. Beautiful. [C]. Romantic. [D]. Sparkling.

  2. What is the best title for this passage?

  [A]. How to Gain Success of a Pantomime.

  [B]. The Most Important Factors in a Pantomime.

  [C]. Pantomime needs to have a very-well.

  [D]. How to Make Preparation for a Pantomime.

  3. What does paragraph two imply?

  [A]. It implies actor and actress outnumber costume.

  [B]. It implies costume costs too much.

  [C]. It implies the funds available is on meager side.

  [D]. It implies a good plan is necessary for a pantomime.

  4. The success of a pantomime lie in

  [A]. well-planned preparation. [B]. excellent actors.

  [C]. brilliant costume. [D]. harmony.


  1. culminate 达到顶点,达到最高潮

  2. insuperable 不可逾越的,不可克服的

  3. tarlatan 薄纱,塔拉丹

  4. taffeta 花花绿绿的塔夫绸,衬绸

  5. gimmick (魔术师道具等)暗机关,

  6. garish 装饰(物) 鲜艳夺目的,俗不可耐的

  7. gingham 方格花布

  8. stripe 条纹布,斜纹布

  9. chintz 擦光印花棉布

  10. slick 光滑的,打扮漂亮的,华而不实的,讨人喜欢的

  11. tutu (芭蕾舞女演员)短裙

  12. sequin 装饰服装用的圆形小金属片

  13. tinsel 金银丝织品,闪亮装饰品


  1. This latter is really just an excuse for visual effects, and for once the performers become merely cloths hangers on which to put elaborate garments.

  [结构简析] for once= for just once 就这一次

  [参考译文] 后者确实就是为了视觉效果,就这一次,演员成了仅仅是套上精致衣服的衣架子。

  2. Usually in one scene there needs to be the flavor of what is newest at the moment in clothes. It is always a good idea to make use of a modern gimmick and to point it in some way if this can be conveniently fitted into the scheme.

  [结构简析] 两句句子。To make use of 利用,to point 强调。

  [参考译文] 一般说来,在一幕里,需要有当时服装上最新款式和风格。如果便于和演出设计相吻合的话,利用当时的机关并给以适当突出也不失为好办法。

  3. The audience comes to pantomime to have the eye feasted as much as for any other purpose, thus making a great chance for the designer to excel。

  [结构简析] 注意后面thus making的译法。

  [参考译文] 观众来看哑剧,不仅为了大饱眼福,还有其它目的。这就给了设计者展示才能超越别人的大好机会。




  1. A. 最后一幕非常壮观。文章内两处提到,第一段第二句哑剧几乎总是分成独立的几幕,常常是发生在不同的国家和不同的世纪,因此,在宏伟的最后一幕有一个达到高潮完整统一设计。第四段第四行末尾最后一幕,必须是全戏最壮观的,地点常常是在舞厅或者皇宫,聚集着所有的演员,以备谢幕。

  B. 美丽的。 C. 浪漫的。 D. 灿烂的,都只是壮观中之一部分。

  2. D. 如何为哑剧做好准备工作。文章一开始哑剧,像露天演出剧一样,需要很好策划,应在演出前好几个星期作好最初的组织工作。后面几段都是围绕这一中心而写。

  A. 如何获取哑剧的成功,文中提得很少但准备的目的是获得成功。 B. 哑剧的最重要的因素。 C. 哑剧需要一个很好的设计,都是准备工作中提及的部分内容。

  3. C. 隐射能得到的资金很少。第二段剧幕场景应和舞台监督进行详细的讨论。这样决定下来的场景不会出现预算内金额不能提供服装,或剧团服装难以供应的问题。由于需要剧装量大,要充分利用能得到的最便宜的材料,类似薄纱,低价棉布和衬绸之类。可以在大商店或马路地摊上选购一些降价的便宜货品。这一段说明他们的资金相当少,所以C 正确。

  A. 演员认输超过了服装数。 B. 服装太贵,文中都没有提到。也不是第二段的内涵。 D. 哑剧需要一个好计划。一开始就点明,不用隐射。

  4. A. 充分计划好的准备工作。如果没有计划,其他三点都谈不上。因为

  B. 优秀演员。 C. 华丽的戏装。 D. 和谐,都四计划内考虑的因素。


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