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  Barack Obama and the Republicans


  NEXT week a collection of largely unknown Republicans will hold the first proper TV debate ofthe 2023 presidential campaign. Whoever eventually wins their partys nomination then hasto take on Barack Obama, the giant of American politics. The president has a huge war-chest,his own party firmly behind him and a rare capacity to inspire. Yet he is vulnerable. Thisweek a poll showed him in a dead heat with Mitt Romney, the Republican front-runner.Americas sluggish recovery will give any challenger a chance. The question is whether anyRepublican has the personality and especially the ideas to take him on. For the best way tomake this race competitiveand the best thing for Americais to force voters to confront thehard choices their country has to make.

  下周,一群大都不知名的共和党人将举行2023年总统选举的第一次电视辩论。 无论谁获胜取得本党的题目都将面对奥巴马这位美国政坛的巨人。总统有巨额的竞选经费,以及他的政党作为坚实的后盾,还有罕见的号召力。然而他仍然是脆弱的。本周的民调显示他与前美国麻州州长罗姆尼的支持率持平,后者现在可谓是共和党的领军式人物。美国经济迟缓恢复将为任何挑战者提供机会。问题在于是否任何共和党人都具有向奥巴马挑战所需的个人魅力特别是政纲。使这场竞赛更具竞争性的最好方式以及对美国最有益的是迫使选民直面这个国家的艰难抉择。

  This time, Mr President, you are playing Goliath


  In terms of the horse race, an incumbent presidentusually has a head start. While the Republicansspend the next year clobbering each other, MrObama can appear statesmanlike and husband hisresources. His approval rating is in the 50s, betterthan Bill Clintons at this stage in the proceedings in1995, before he went on to score a solid victoryagainst Bob Dole in 1996.


  But whereas that Clinton race should encourage Mr Obama, the previous one should worryhim. In spring 1991 George Bush senior was coasting towards re-election; by November 1992the president was toastand the main reason was a sluggish economy. This recovery, in thewake of the worst financial shock since 1929, is even slower. Growth in the first quarter was afeeble 1.8%. The unemployment rate actually rose, to 9.1%, in May: the rate of job creationis barely keeping track with the natural increase in the working-age population. Twice as manyAmericans think the country is on the wrong track as the right one. Many of the places whereAmericans feel angriest are battleground states: Florida, Michigan and Ohio all saw bigRepublican gains in the 2010 mid-terms.

  虽然克林顿的那场战役能鼓励奥巴马,也应使他感到担心。在1991年春天老布什的连任看起来将一帆风顺,第二年11月这位老总统的连任已经看不到任何希望主要原因就是当时疲软的经济。经过这次自1929年来最严重的金融冲击之后,美国经济的恢复更为缓慢。首季度增长缓慢只有1.8%。 5月份失业率实际上升到9.1%:职位创造率只与劳动年龄人口增长率持平。三分之二的美国人认为国家经济已误入歧途,认为国家经济在正确轨道上的只有三分之一。那些最愤怒的美国人聚集在那些竞争最激烈的几个州:佛罗里达州,密歇根州和俄亥俄州,共和党中期选举时在这几个州都有明显收获。

  In 2008 Mr Obama represented change. This time he will have to fend off charges that he is toblame for the achingly slow recovery by arguing that it would have been worse without hisactions, such as his $800 billion stimulus package and the takeover of GM and Chrysler. Thatmay be true but it is not easy to sell a counterfactual on the stump . And there are other holes in Mr Obamas record. What happened to his promises todo something about the environment or immigration or Guantnamo? Why should anybusinessman support a chief executive who has let his friends in the labour movement runamok and who let his health-care bill be written by Democrats in Congress? Above all, why hashe never produced a credible plan to tackle the budget deficit, currently close to 10% of GDP?Asking these questions will surely give any Republican a perch in this race. But to beat thepresident, the Republicans need both a credible candidate and credible policies.


  In terms of talent, the current line-up is not without hope . Jon Huntsman, TimPawlenty and Mr Romney have all been first-rate governors: they can claim the sort of hands-on experience of government that Mr Obama so signally lacked in 2008. Mr Romney could get itright this time ; or the more charismatic Mr Huntsman could soar. All the same,there are other current and former governors who this newspaper wishes were in the racenotably Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels and Rick Perry. As for Sarah Palin, her anticsare helping no one, other than Mr Obama; she should put up, or preferably shut up. MicheleBachmann, a right-wing congresswoman, can carry the tea-party banner.


  Yes you canif we can afford it


  Talent is less of a problem than policies. A seriousRepublican candidate must come up with answers tothe two big problems facing Americas economy: howto get more people back to work, and how to fix thedeficit. The first requires a swathe of bold structuralreforms to boost jobs and growth, the second acredible plan to balance the books in the mediumterm that does not wreck the economy in the shortterm. When it comes to encouraging jobs, theRepublican failure is largely one of inventiveness. They focus merely on tax cuts and slashingred tape. But what about a big new push to free up trade? Or an overhaul of the antiquatedunemployment-insurance scheme and worker-training programmes that gets business moreinvolved? Or serious immigration reform?


  The Republican failure on the deficit is more serious. Mr Obama is deeply vulnerable here, notleast because he is still trying to kid Americans that their fiscal future can be shored up merelyby taxing the rich more. But the Republican solution of tax cuts and even deeper spendingcuts is arguably worse. Most of the burden ofrepairing Americas public finances should certainly fall on spending. But the deficit is simply toolarge to close through spending cuts alone. The overall tax takeat its lowest, as a share ofGDP, in decadesmust eventually rise.

  共和党人在财政赤字上的失败更严重。这两个话题是奥巴马先生的软肋,不单单是因为他仍然尝试愚弄美国人尝试让他们相信他们的财政状况可以仅仅通过向富人征税而得到改善。但是共和党人提出的减税以及进一步的削减开支的提议却更不靠谱。的确,修复美国公共财政的担子大部分落于支出控制。但是这赤字太大不能仅仅靠开支削减来缩小。现在总的税率占 GDP的比例是近几十年来最低的,而这最终都会上升。

  An honest Republican candidate would acknowledge this and lay out the right way to do sofor instance, by eliminating distorting loopholes and thus allowing revenues to rise. He would also come up with a more systematic plan on the spending side. No Republicanseems to understand the difference between good spending and bad. Investment in roads andeducation, for instance, ought not to be lumped in with costly and unreformed entitlements,like Social Security and Medicare. Defence should not be sacrosanct. That Mr Obama has nostrategy either is not an excuse.

  一位诚实的共和党候选人将会承认这一事实并提出正确的方案 比如,通过去除各种扭曲的财政漏洞而使收入增加。他可以就财政开支提出一个更系统性的方案。而似乎没有一个共和党人能明白有益开支和有害开支的区别。比如说,在道路和教育上的投资不应该被归并为昂贵的待改革的津贴,后者如社保和医疗。辩解不必是神圣不可侵犯的。奥巴马先生没有提出战略也不是借口。

  In most elections promising toughness is not a successful tactic; but this time Americansknow that their country has huge problems and that their nations finances are the biggestproblem of all. In Britain the Conservatives made the incumbent Gordon Brown seemridiculous by spelling out the austerity that he at first barely dared mention; now anothertough-talking centre-right party has won in Portugal . If ever there was a time forpragmatic conservative realism, it is now. Mr Obama might also bear that in mind.



  Barack Obama and the Republicans


  NEXT week a collection of largely unknown Republicans will hold the first proper TV debate ofthe 2023 presidential campaign. Whoever eventually wins their partys nomination then hasto take on Barack Obama, the giant of American politics. The president has a huge war-chest,his own party firmly behind him and a rare capacity to inspire. Yet he is vulnerable. Thisweek a poll showed him in a dead heat with Mitt Romney, the Republican front-runner.Americas sluggish recovery will give any challenger a chance. The question is whether anyRepublican has the personality and especially the ideas to take him on. For the best way tomake this race competitiveand the best thing for Americais to force voters to confront thehard choices their country has to make.

  下周,一群大都不知名的共和党人将举行2023年总统选举的第一次电视辩论。 无论谁获胜取得本党的题目都将面对奥巴马这位美国政坛的巨人。总统有巨额的竞选经费,以及他的政党作为坚实的后盾,还有罕见的号召力。然而他仍然是脆弱的。本周的民调显示他与前美国麻州州长罗姆尼的支持率持平,后者现在可谓是共和党的领军式人物。美国经济迟缓恢复将为任何挑战者提供机会。问题在于是否任何共和党人都具有向奥巴马挑战所需的个人魅力特别是政纲。使这场竞赛更具竞争性的最好方式以及对美国最有益的是迫使选民直面这个国家的艰难抉择。

  This time, Mr President, you are playing Goliath


  In terms of the horse race, an incumbent presidentusually has a head start. While the Republicansspend the next year clobbering each other, MrObama can appear statesmanlike and husband hisresources. His approval rating is in the 50s, betterthan Bill Clintons at this stage in the proceedings in1995, before he went on to score a solid victoryagainst Bob Dole in 1996.


  But whereas that Clinton race should encourage Mr Obama, the previous one should worryhim. In spring 1991 George Bush senior was coasting towards re-election; by November 1992the president was toastand the main reason was a sluggish economy. This recovery, in thewake of the worst financial shock since 1929, is even slower. Growth in the first quarter was afeeble 1.8%. The unemployment rate actually rose, to 9.1%, in May: the rate of job creationis barely keeping track with the natural increase in the working-age population. Twice as manyAmericans think the country is on the wrong track as the right one. Many of the places whereAmericans feel angriest are battleground states: Florida, Michigan and Ohio all saw bigRepublican gains in the 2010 mid-terms.

  虽然克林顿的那场战役能鼓励奥巴马,也应使他感到担心。在1991年春天老布什的连任看起来将一帆风顺,第二年11月这位老总统的连任已经看不到任何希望主要原因就是当时疲软的经济。经过这次自1929年来最严重的金融冲击之后,美国经济的恢复更为缓慢。首季度增长缓慢只有1.8%。 5月份失业率实际上升到9.1%:职位创造率只与劳动年龄人口增长率持平。三分之二的美国人认为国家经济已误入歧途,认为国家经济在正确轨道上的只有三分之一。那些最愤怒的美国人聚集在那些竞争最激烈的几个州:佛罗里达州,密歇根州和俄亥俄州,共和党中期选举时在这几个州都有明显收获。

  In 2008 Mr Obama represented change. This time he will have to fend off charges that he is toblame for the achingly slow recovery by arguing that it would have been worse without hisactions, such as his $800 billion stimulus package and the takeover of GM and Chrysler. Thatmay be true but it is not easy to sell a counterfactual on the stump . And there are other holes in Mr Obamas record. What happened to his promises todo something about the environment or immigration or Guantnamo? Why should anybusinessman support a chief executive who has let his friends in the labour movement runamok and who let his health-care bill be written by Democrats in Congress? Above all, why hashe never produced a credible plan to tackle the budget deficit, currently close to 10% of GDP?Asking these questions will surely give any Republican a perch in this race. But to beat thepresident, the Republicans need both a credible candidate and credible policies.


  In terms of talent, the current line-up is not without hope . Jon Huntsman, TimPawlenty and Mr Romney have all been first-rate governors: they can claim the sort of hands-on experience of government that Mr Obama so signally lacked in 2008. Mr Romney could get itright this time ; or the more charismatic Mr Huntsman could soar. All the same,there are other current and former governors who this newspaper wishes were in the racenotably Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels and Rick Perry. As for Sarah Palin, her anticsare helping no one, other than Mr Obama; she should put up, or preferably shut up. MicheleBachmann, a right-wing congresswoman, can carry the tea-party banner.


  Yes you canif we can afford it


  Talent is less of a problem than policies. A seriousRepublican candidate must come up with answers tothe two big problems facing Americas economy: howto get more people back to work, and how to fix thedeficit. The first requires a swathe of bold structuralreforms to boost jobs and growth, the second acredible plan to balance the books in the mediumterm that does not wreck the economy in the shortterm. When it comes to encouraging jobs, theRepublican failure is largely one of inventiveness. They focus merely on tax cuts and slashingred tape. But what about a big new push to free up trade? Or an overhaul of the antiquatedunemployment-insurance scheme and worker-training programmes that gets business moreinvolved? Or serious immigration reform?


  The Republican failure on the deficit is more serious. Mr Obama is deeply vulnerable here, notleast because he is still trying to kid Americans that their fiscal future can be shored up merelyby taxing the rich more. But the Republican solution of tax cuts and even deeper spendingcuts is arguably worse. Most of the burden ofrepairing Americas public finances should certainly fall on spending. But the deficit is simply toolarge to close through spending cuts alone. The overall tax takeat its lowest, as a share ofGDP, in decadesmust eventually rise.

  共和党人在财政赤字上的失败更严重。这两个话题是奥巴马先生的软肋,不单单是因为他仍然尝试愚弄美国人尝试让他们相信他们的财政状况可以仅仅通过向富人征税而得到改善。但是共和党人提出的减税以及进一步的削减开支的提议却更不靠谱。的确,修复美国公共财政的担子大部分落于支出控制。但是这赤字太大不能仅仅靠开支削减来缩小。现在总的税率占 GDP的比例是近几十年来最低的,而这最终都会上升。

  An honest Republican candidate would acknowledge this and lay out the right way to do sofor instance, by eliminating distorting loopholes and thus allowing revenues to rise. He would also come up with a more systematic plan on the spending side. No Republicanseems to understand the difference between good spending and bad. Investment in roads andeducation, for instance, ought not to be lumped in with costly and unreformed entitlements,like Social Security and Medicare. Defence should not be sacrosanct. That Mr Obama has nostrategy either is not an excuse.

  一位诚实的共和党候选人将会承认这一事实并提出正确的方案 比如,通过去除各种扭曲的财政漏洞而使收入增加。他可以就财政开支提出一个更系统性的方案。而似乎没有一个共和党人能明白有益开支和有害开支的区别。比如说,在道路和教育上的投资不应该被归并为昂贵的待改革的津贴,后者如社保和医疗。辩解不必是神圣不可侵犯的。奥巴马先生没有提出战略也不是借口。

  In most elections promising toughness is not a successful tactic; but this time Americansknow that their country has huge problems and that their nations finances are the biggestproblem of all. In Britain the Conservatives made the incumbent Gordon Brown seemridiculous by spelling out the austerity that he at first barely dared mention; now anothertough-talking centre-right party has won in Portugal . If ever there was a time forpragmatic conservative realism, it is now. Mr Obama might also bear that in mind.



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