国内英语资讯:China arranges flights to fetch stranded tourists in Bali

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国内英语资讯:China arranges flights to fetch stranded tourists in Bali

BEIJING, Nov. 30 -- The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) has arranged domestic airlines to send 13 flights to fetch stranded tourists in Bali, Indonesia, as the airport reopened after a volcano eruption.

On Wednesday night, China Southern Airlines flew two planes from Guangzhou and Shenzhen while China Eastern Airlines sent four from Beijing and Shanghai to take more than 2,700 Chinese tourists home.

On Thursday, domestic airlines sent another seven flights to bring nearly 1,000 tourists home, according to the CAAC.

It also mobilized the help of foreign carriers, which are expected to send 29 planes to bring 5,596 tourists home.

The International Ngurah Rai airport in Bali was closed on Monday due to the eruption of Mount Agung volcano. The airport reopened Wednesday afternoon and was subject to further closures depending on the weather and the movement of volcanic ash.