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do some washing and weep the floor做家务英语作文,I like go fishing and swimming 做家务英语作文,so I am healthy 我叫xxx,我是一个好孩子,我能在家做 许多家务,当我回到家时我能帮妈妈洗衣服,还有拖地板 ,我喜欢钓鱼还有游泳所以我很健康。


有利于学生做家务吗 有些人认为学生不需要做任何家务他们认为学生唯一需要做的就是好好学习我不这么认为做家务是有利于学生三个原因首先,做一些家务可以让你独立你不能一辈子依赖别人所以,你现在应该学会做家务。

Today is Sunday I got up very early, because I wanted to help my mother with the houseworkShe worked vey hard on weekdys, but she still have to do many houseworks after work So I decided to help。

Your child should to make the houseworkHousework will help the child to be independent你的孩子应该做家务做家务会使一个孩子有很好的独立能力For example,to clean the house,to wash the bowl,to clean the。

他们整天埋头读书,并以此为骄傲They think that it will make them lose their face if they do housework for they often think themselves very noble在他们认为一旦让他们去做家务,就会让他慢很丢人,因为他们。

Doing Housework Some day, our teacher tells me that we should help our parents with the housework, so I decide to help my mother After school, I ran to home, saying to mom that I want to share。

我帮外婆做家务英语作文80字左右 Today is Sunday I got up very early, because I wanted to help my grandma with the houseworkShe worked vey hard on weekdys, but she still have to do many houseworks after work。


Doing housework is part of our life How about middle school students做家务英语作文? We do a survey about it among 100 students According the survey we made a pie chart Here are the results only 18 students always。