24People in positions of power are most effective when they exercise caution and restraint in the use of that power.
political leader 了解权利使用会带来什么影响,制定有效计划
increase taxation
2、没有限制地使用权利容易 abuse power
Stalin Nixon
manager of a company; exercise power to fire incompetent or un disciplined employee
24T People in positions of power are most effective when they exercise caution and restraint in the use of that power.
②当当权者谨慎的考虑如何使用权力时,他们会更有效率。因为就如经济学所说的,他们会在各种方案之中 trade off, 在有限的资源下选择最优方案。如:现在各种政府方案,甚至会引发商业等各界的参与,进行广泛的竞争,对整个社会都是有益的
③但领袖们不可因为考虑审慎而被束缚了手脚。真正的政治家会因目标而选取自己的手段。如:Czar Peter, the blood-and- iron minister in Russia.反面例子:Sun yat-sen
2.1 people without caution and restraint tent to abuse the power they are granted
2.2 caution and restraint assist people to have better understand and make better use of the power
2.3 caution and restraint do not mean tying oneself up
24People in positions of power are most effective when they exercise caution and restraint in the use of that power.
political leader 了解权利使用会带来什么影响,制定有效计划
increase taxation
2、没有限制地使用权利容易 abuse power
Stalin Nixon
manager of a company; exercise power to fire incompetent or un disciplined employee
24T People in positions of power are most effective when they exercise caution and restraint in the use of that power.
②当当权者谨慎的考虑如何使用权力时,他们会更有效率。因为就如经济学所说的,他们会在各种方案之中 trade off, 在有限的资源下选择最优方案。如:现在各种政府方案,甚至会引发商业等各界的参与,进行广泛的竞争,对整个社会都是有益的
③但领袖们不可因为考虑审慎而被束缚了手脚。真正的政治家会因目标而选取自己的手段。如:Czar Peter, the blood-and- iron minister in Russia.反面例子:Sun yat-sen
2.1 people without caution and restraint tent to abuse the power they are granted
2.2 caution and restraint assist people to have better understand and make better use of the power
2.3 caution and restraint do not mean tying oneself up