baby, back , background, backwards, bacterium/bacteria, badly/very , balance, ban/bar, banana, band, bank, bankrupt, barely/hardly, bargain , base , basic/fundamental, battery, battle, B.C. be, beach, beam , bear , bearing, beat, beautiful/beauty, because, become, go to bed, bee, beef, beer, before/after, beforehand/in advance, beg/bag, begin/start , beginning, behalf , behavior/conduct, behind/ in front of, belief, believe , belong , below/under/beneath, beneficial/favorable, benefit , beside/besides = in addition, best , better , between/among, beyond, bicycle, bid, big/great, bill , billion/million/trillion, biography, biological, bird, birth , birthday, bit , bitter, black, blackboard, blame , blank, blanket, blend, blind, block , blood, bloody, bloom, blue, board , boat, body, boil , bold, bomb/blow up, bone, book , boom, boost/lift, border , boring/troublesome, born, borrow/lend, boss, both , bother/trouble, bottle, bottom, bound , boundary, box, boxing, boy, boyfriend, brain, branch/department, brand, brave, breach/break, bread, break , breakdown/ collapse, breakfast, breath , breathe, breed/ raise, bridge, brief , briefly, bright/clever/ brilliant/intelligent, bring , bring/take, Britain, British, broad, broadcast, brother, brush, budget, build, building, bulk/block, bullet, burden, burn , burst , bus, business, busy , but/only , buy, by
baby, back , background, backwards, bacterium/bacteria, badly/very , balance, ban/bar, banana, band, bank, bankrupt, barely/hardly, bargain , base , basic/fundamental, battery, battle, B.C. be, beach, beam , bear , bearing, beat, beautiful/beauty, because, become, go to bed, bee, beef, beer, before/after, beforehand/in advance, beg/bag, begin/start , beginning, behalf , behavior/conduct, behind/ in front of, belief, believe , belong , below/under/beneath, beneficial/favorable, benefit , beside/besides = in addition, best , better , between/among, beyond, bicycle, bid, big/great, bill , billion/million/trillion, biography, biological, bird, birth , birthday, bit , bitter, black, blackboard, blame , blank, blanket, blend, blind, block , blood, bloody, bloom, blue, board , boat, body, boil , bold, bomb/blow up, bone, book , boom, boost/lift, border , boring/troublesome, born, borrow/lend, boss, both , bother/trouble, bottle, bottom, bound , boundary, box, boxing, boy, boyfriend, brain, branch/department, brand, brave, breach/break, bread, break , breakdown/ collapse, breakfast, breath , breathe, breed/ raise, bridge, brief , briefly, bright/clever/ brilliant/intelligent, bring , bring/take, Britain, British, broad, broadcast, brother, brush, budget, build, building, bulk/block, bullet, burden, burn , burst , bus, business, busy , but/only , buy, by