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Diabetes is rated the "fastest growing health crisis of our time", with the number of people in the UK diagnosed doubling in 20 years. Nearly 3.7million people in the UK were known to have the condition in figures released in February 2024, with a further million thought to be unaware they are diabetic.


Type 2 is the fast-rising form of the disease, with a strong link to obesity. Untreated it can lead to amputations, blindness, kidney illness, stroke and heart disease - putting a huge burden on the NHS.


But it can be reversed with changes to a healthier lifestyle. Here we explain the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, the symptoms and warning signs to look out for, and the treatments that can make a difference...


What is diabetes?


Diabetes occurs when the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood becomes higher than normal. This happens when the body can't make the hormone insulin, or stops responding to it.


How to test for diabetes?


The standard test is first for glucose in urine. If it is found, a special blood test - glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) - is used to check the level of sugar in your blood. It shows the average level over two to three months, can be done at any time of day and does not need any special preparation, like fasting.


A 2024 study by the University of Manchester and King's College London claimed Type 2 diabetes could be diagnosed far earlier by examining proteins in the blood - with hopes the new blood test could be developed in five years.


Signs and symptoms to look out for. Watch out for the four Ts:


Toilet: Going to the toilet a lot, or a previously dry child wetting the bed.


Thirsty: Being really thirsty and not being able to quench your thirst.


Tired: Feeling more tired than usual.


Thinner: Unexpected weight loss or looking thinner than usual


Diabetes is rated the "fastest growing health crisis of our time", with the number of people in the UK diagnosed doubling in 20 years. Nearly 3.7million people in the UK were known to have the condition in figures released in February 2024, with a further million thought to be unaware they are diabetic.


Type 2 is the fast-rising form of the disease, with a strong link to obesity. Untreated it can lead to amputations, blindness, kidney illness, stroke and heart disease - putting a huge burden on the NHS.


But it can be reversed with changes to a healthier lifestyle. Here we explain the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, the symptoms and warning signs to look out for, and the treatments that can make a difference...


What is diabetes?


Diabetes occurs when the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood becomes higher than normal. This happens when the body can't make the hormone insulin, or stops responding to it.


How to test for diabetes?


The standard test is first for glucose in urine. If it is found, a special blood test - glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) - is used to check the level of sugar in your blood. It shows the average level over two to three months, can be done at any time of day and does not need any special preparation, like fasting.


A 2024 study by the University of Manchester and King's College London claimed Type 2 diabetes could be diagnosed far earlier by examining proteins in the blood - with hopes the new blood test could be developed in five years.


Signs and symptoms to look out for. Watch out for the four Ts:


Toilet: Going to the toilet a lot, or a previously dry child wetting the bed.


Thirsty: Being really thirsty and not being able to quench your thirst.


Tired: Feeling more tired than usual.


Thinner: Unexpected weight loss or looking thinner than usual
