高中英语语法-“ up to ”用法小结

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高中英语语法-“ up to ”用法小结

   up to 用法小结

     up to 的用法较多,同学们在使用这一短语时容易出错。现将 up to 的用法归纳如下,供同学们参考。

    1. up to 意为多达。例如:

    I can take up to four people in my car. (我的车能载 4 个人。)

    2. up to 意为不多于,不迟于。例如:

    Read up to page 109. (读到第 100 页。)

    3. up to 意为可与某事物相比,比得上。例如:

    As a doctor, he is not up to Mr Smith.


    4. up to 意为有某种能力的,能胜任的。例如:

    He's not up to the part of Othello.


    5. up to 意为从事于,忙于。例如:

    What's he up to? (他要干什么?)

    6. up to 意为由决定,由负责。例如:

    It's up to you whether we accept the present or not.


    7. up to 意为(时间)直到。例如:

    Up to now he's been quiet. (他直到现在还保持沉默。)

    8. up to 后面接表示时间、日期的名词时,意为跟得上形势,时髦。例如:

    Most of her clothes are up to date. (她的大多数衣服都很时髦。)

    9. up to 后面接表示刻度、标准的词语时,意为达到某种要求或水平。例如:

    Is their spoken English up to the company's standard?


   up to 用法小结

     up to 的用法较多,同学们在使用这一短语时容易出错。现将 up to 的用法归纳如下,供同学们参考。

    1. up to 意为多达。例如:

    I can take up to four people in my car. (我的车能载 4 个人。)

    2. up to 意为不多于,不迟于。例如:

    Read up to page 109. (读到第 100 页。)

    3. up to 意为可与某事物相比,比得上。例如:

    As a doctor, he is not up to Mr Smith.


    4. up to 意为有某种能力的,能胜任的。例如:

    He's not up to the part of Othello.


    5. up to 意为从事于,忙于。例如:

    What's he up to? (他要干什么?)

    6. up to 意为由决定,由负责。例如:

    It's up to you whether we accept the present or not.


    7. up to 意为(时间)直到。例如:

    Up to now he's been quiet. (他直到现在还保持沉默。)

    8. up to 后面接表示时间、日期的名词时,意为跟得上形势,时髦。例如:

    Most of her clothes are up to date. (她的大多数衣服都很时髦。)

    9. up to 后面接表示刻度、标准的词语时,意为达到某种要求或水平。例如:

    Is their spoken English up to the company's standard?
