2024届高考英语一轮跟踪训练:选修8 unit2《cloning》

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2024届高考英语一轮跟踪训练:选修8 unit2《cloning》

  Ⅰ.品句填词)根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺单词。____________(归功于) all his success to the support of his family.答案:owes____________

  (麻烦) you with so many questions on such an occasion.答案:botherednk is the right person to ____________(承担) the task?答案:undertake____________(规则) of the company and they must obey them.


  in cancer research.答案:breakthrough)在句中空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。____________(object)I have is that it costs more than expected.

  答案:objection____________ his sister is weak in it.

  答案:while____________ in time.

  答案:off____________ (resist)to disease.

  答案:resistant____________(laugh).答案:laughingⅡ.选词填空 用方框中短语的适当形式完成下列句子。;in favour of;be bound to;pay off;object to;pass on;from time to time;in vain;bring back to life;in good condition________________ again.

  答案:brought back to life________________my cold to anyone.

  答案:pass on________________,and the patient died after three days’ treatment.

  答案:in vain________________ though we live far from each other.

  答案:from time to time________________.答案:in good condition________________.He achieved success in his career.答案:paid off________________.

  答案:cast down8.A considerable number of people ________________ the government’s attitude to immigration.

  答案:object to________________it.

  答案:in favour of________________ pass the exam.

  答案:are bound to完成句子 运用所学词汇或句型完成下列句子。在你所就读的大学里住宿的优势在于如________________ using your university accommodation ________ you can get support if you have a problem.

  答案:The advantage of;is that母亲许诺如果我通过高考她将给我买一个手机。____________ the College Entrance Examination,she would buy me a mobile phone.

  答案:that if I passed________________ (使自己灰心丧气) by a small failure

  in the experiment;try again.答案:let yourself be cast down________________(我突然有了一个很好的想法)that I could use the money to help a poor student.答案:A bright idea suddenly struck me________________ (从学校办公室传出消息)Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University.答案:News came from the school office that词语串练 根据汉语提示完成下列短文。____1____ greatly in cloning technique.Some people are

  ____2____ its development,for they believe it will be bound to

  ____3____ us. ____4____,others feel cast down to find that it could raise

  ____5____ moral questions.In order to

  ____6____ the technique,they don’t bother to list as many disadvantages

  ____7____.However, ____8________9____ on the assumption that all

  ____10____ to use it properly.

  人们在克隆技术上分歧相当大。一些人支持它的发展因为他们认为这项技术一定会有利于我们。相反的是另外一些人发现克隆可能引起一系列的道德问题他们感到很沮丧。为了禁止这项技术他们不厌尽可能多的缺点。然而在我看来只要所有的人都答应合理使用克隆技术我们在克隆上的努力会有很大的回报。答案:1.differ 2.in favour of 3.benefit 4.On the contrary 6.forbid 7.as possible 8.in my  10.undertake课文语法填空阅读下面课文缩写材料在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。ay of ______1_______(make) an exact copy of another animal or plant.It has two major uses.One is ______2______gardeners use it to produce commercial quantities of plants.The ______3______ is that it is valuable for research on new species and for medical research on animals.However,the process of cloning is difficult ______4______ (undertake).______5______ (science) world follow its process,though it had ______6______ (many) problems than the normal sheep.On the other hand,Dolly’s appearance ______7______ (raise) a storm of objections and had a great impact ______8______ the media and public imagination.Different people have different opinions on it.However,scientists still wonder whether cloning will help ______9______ harm us and ______10______ it is leading us.

  答案:1.making 2.that 3.other 4.to undertake 5.scientific 6.more 7.raised 8.on 9.or 10.where






  One possible version:cloning differ.Some feel cast down because they think it is not morally reasonable and should be forbidden.Actually many countries undertake it and obtain great breakthroughs.So we are unable to resist it.

  Ⅰ.品句填词)根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺单词。____________(归功于) all his success to the support of his family.答案:owes____________

  (麻烦) you with so many questions on such an occasion.答案:botherednk is the right person to ____________(承担) the task?答案:undertake____________(规则) of the company and they must obey them.


  in cancer research.答案:breakthrough)在句中空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。____________(object)I have is that it costs more than expected.

  答案:objection____________ his sister is weak in it.

  答案:while____________ in time.

  答案:off____________ (resist)to disease.

  答案:resistant____________(laugh).答案:laughingⅡ.选词填空 用方框中短语的适当形式完成下列句子。;in favour of;be bound to;pay off;object to;pass on;from time to time;in vain;bring back to life;in good condition________________ again.

  答案:brought back to life________________my cold to anyone.

  答案:pass on________________,and the patient died after three days’ treatment.

  答案:in vain________________ though we live far from each other.

  答案:from time to time________________.答案:in good condition________________.He achieved success in his career.答案:paid off________________.

  答案:cast down8.A considerable number of people ________________ the government’s attitude to immigration.

  答案:object to________________it.

  答案:in favour of________________ pass the exam.

  答案:are bound to完成句子 运用所学词汇或句型完成下列句子。在你所就读的大学里住宿的优势在于如________________ using your university accommodation ________ you can get support if you have a problem.

  答案:The advantage of;is that母亲许诺如果我通过高考她将给我买一个手机。____________ the College Entrance Examination,she would buy me a mobile phone.

  答案:that if I passed________________ (使自己灰心丧气) by a small failure

  in the experiment;try again.答案:let yourself be cast down________________(我突然有了一个很好的想法)that I could use the money to help a poor student.答案:A bright idea suddenly struck me________________ (从学校办公室传出消息)Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University.答案:News came from the school office that词语串练 根据汉语提示完成下列短文。____1____ greatly in cloning technique.Some people are

  ____2____ its development,for they believe it will be bound to

  ____3____ us. ____4____,others feel cast down to find that it could raise

  ____5____ moral questions.In order to

  ____6____ the technique,they don’t bother to list as many disadvantages

  ____7____.However, ____8________9____ on the assumption that all

  ____10____ to use it properly.

  人们在克隆技术上分歧相当大。一些人支持它的发展因为他们认为这项技术一定会有利于我们。相反的是另外一些人发现克隆可能引起一系列的道德问题他们感到很沮丧。为了禁止这项技术他们不厌尽可能多的缺点。然而在我看来只要所有的人都答应合理使用克隆技术我们在克隆上的努力会有很大的回报。答案:1.differ 2.in favour of 3.benefit 4.On the contrary 6.forbid 7.as possible 8.in my  10.undertake课文语法填空阅读下面课文缩写材料在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。ay of ______1_______(make) an exact copy of another animal or plant.It has two major uses.One is ______2______gardeners use it to produce commercial quantities of plants.The ______3______ is that it is valuable for research on new species and for medical research on animals.However,the process of cloning is difficult ______4______ (undertake).______5______ (science) world follow its process,though it had ______6______ (many) problems than the normal sheep.On the other hand,Dolly’s appearance ______7______ (raise) a storm of objections and had a great impact ______8______ the media and public imagination.Different people have different opinions on it.However,scientists still wonder whether cloning will help ______9______ harm us and ______10______ it is leading us.

  答案:1.making 2.that 3.other 4.to undertake 5.scientific 6.more 7.raised 8.on 9.or 10.where






  One possible version:cloning differ.Some feel cast down because they think it is not morally reasonable and should be forbidden.Actually many countries undertake it and obtain great breakthroughs.So we are unable to resist it.