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  考点规范练21(必修5 Unit 1)


  At the first show of The Fault in Our Stars in New York City,the scene I found most difficult to watch was when 16-year-old Hazel,who had Stage 4 thyroid(甲状腺) cancer,woke up in the middle of the night out of breath.

  It brought me back to one night in 2008,when I watched my father carry my sister Esther from her bedroom to an ambulance.She was 14 at the time,struggling with thyroid cancer that had spread to her lungs.We held hands and cried as we watched her lying there,so fragile.We didn’t think she’d make it through the night.Yet,like Hazel,she regained her strength.She lived for two more beautiful and hard years—until just after her 16th birthday,in August 2010.

  Author John Green showed respect for Esther at the beginning of his book.“I could never have written The Fault in Our Stars without knowing Esther.Every word in that book depends on her,”Green wrote.

  I’m not sure what Esther would have thought of it.But watching the movie,I couldn’t help feeling I was seeing my little sister on the screen.After a doctor offers a new machine,Hazel interrupts,“Why?I like the old machine.”My sister could be similarly playful.“This oxygen machine is cool,and I like it.I name it Denmark,”she said in one video.

  However,Hazel is not supposed to be Esther.The Fault in Our Stars is a love story between two teenagers.My sister never got to have a relationship like that.Witnessing a life and a romance(浪漫故事) she could have had made me feel unbearably sad and yet,strangely,uplifted.It’s as if,through Hazel,my sister is able to continue having new experiences.As if she got a sequel(续集).

  1.The movie reminded the author of  . 

  A.her 16th birthday

  B.her happy family life

  C.her sister suffering from cancer

  D.her father encouraging her sister

  2.Which of the following can be used to describe Esther?

  A.Funny. B.Smart.

  C.Rude. D.Impatient.

  3.The author feels pity for her sister because  . 

  A.she never read a love story

  B.she couldn’t watch the movie

  C.she died at the age of 14

  D.she never had a romantic relationship



  In an old city of Hungary,there used to be a boy who was very rich and clever but nothing could make him feel happy.He had almost everything a boy could ever want,so he was only  1  in the most rare objects.One day his parents bought him a very strange  2 .When the boy went to see his reflection(影像)in it,he looked very  3 .He tried smiling, 4 his reflection continued with its sad expression. 

  The boy went off to buy sweets and lots of toys. 5 ,he came home as happy as he could be,but he  6  looked sad in that mirror,“What a(n) 7  mirror!It’s the first time I’ve seen a mirror that didn’t  8  properly!”  

  That afternoon he went out to buy some toys and on his way he saw a little girl who was 9 .The boy went over to see what had  10  to her.The little girl said that she couldn’t find her parents.Together the two children set off  11  them.As the little girl wouldn’t stop crying,the boy spent all of his money buying her sweets to  12  her up.After much walking,they  13  her parents who were looking for her,very worried. 

  Then the boy said 14  to the family.When seeing the time,he  15  to head for home without toys and  16 .In his room,to his great surprise,he found a(n) 17  face in the mirror.And so he understood the  18  of that mirror.The mirror could only reflect the  19  feelings of its owner.He felt really happy at having  20  that little girl. 


  C.skilled D.rich

  2.A.mirror B.book

  C.sweet D.toy

  3.A.shy B.excited

  C.sad D.beautiful

  4.A.for B.or

  C.and D.but

  5.A.Proudly B.Hungrily

  C.Surprisingly D.Gratefully

  6.A.already B.still

  C.once D.never

  7.A.terrible B.nice

  C.big D.expensive

  8.A.work B.move

  C.change D.appear

  9.A.studying B.playing

  C.sleeping D.crying

  10.A.devoted B.referred

  C.happened D.turned

  11.A.in need of B.in honor of

  C.in search of D.in charge of

  12.A.put B.cheer

  C.dress D.bring

  13.A.found B.recognized

  C.left D.accepted

  14.A.goodbye B.hello

  C.sorry D.no

  15.A.refused B.agreed

  C.pretended D.decided

  16.A.effort B.hope

  C.money D.doubt

  17.A.red B.dirty

  C.angry D.happy

  18.A.meaning B.wonder

  C.game D.reason

  19.A.true B.strange

  C.general D.good

  20.A.introduced B.helped

  C.invited D.saved



  A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut.As the barber began to work,they started chatting.They talked 1. so many things and various subjects.When they 2.(final)touched on the subject of God,the barber said:“I don’t believe that God exists.”  

  “Why do you say that?”asked the customer.

  “Well,you just have to go out in 3. street to prove that.Tell me,if God existed,would there be so many sick people?Would there be abandoned children?If God existed,there 4. be neither suffering nor pain.I can’t imagine 5.(love)a God who would allow all of these things to happen.”  

  The customer thought for a moment,but didn’t respond because he didn’t want to start an 6.(argue).After everything 7.(do)and just after he left the barber’s,he saw a man in the street with long dirty hair.The customer entered the barber’s again and said:“Knowing what?8. do not exist.”  

  “How can you say that?”asked the surprised barber.“I am here,and I am a barber.And I just 9.(work)on you!”  

  “No!” the customer said.“Barbers don’t exist because 10. they did,there would be no people with long dirty hair,like that man outside.” 〚导学号95480045〛 



  I love camping.It is my favoritest way to spend the summer vacation.Last year,my families and I went camping in the countryside.It was one of the excited experiences I have ever had.We slept in a tent and took a long walk every day.We cooked over a fire and the food always tasted wonderfully.For a whole week,I saw lovely mountain views or breathed fresh air.At night,I heard the gentle wind blowing in the forest,and I feel so peaceful.It doesn’t cost many to camp.What I believe it’s the best way to get close nature and enjoy its beauty.


  考点规范练21(必修5 Unit 1)


  1.C 细节理解题。根据第二段开头的“It brought me back to one night in 2008,when I watched my father carry my sister Esther...struggling with thyroid cancer...”可知答案为C项。

  2.A 推理判断题。根据第四段末的“My sister could be similarly playful.‘This oxygen machine is cool,and I like it.I name it Denmark.’”可推断,Esther是一个有趣的人。

  3.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“My sister never got to have a relationship like that.Witnessing a life and a romance(浪漫故事) she could have had made me feel unbearably sad...”可知,作者为妹妹从未谈过恋爱感到遗憾。


  1.B 本句句意:他几乎拥有了每个男孩想要的一切东西,所以他只对最罕见的东西感兴趣。be interested in“对……感兴趣”,选B项。confident“自信的”;skilled“熟练的,有技能的”;rich“富有的”。

  2.A 根据下文中的“When the boy went to see his reflection(影像) in it”可知,此处表示他的父母给他买了一面奇怪的镜子,故选A项。下文中的“What a(n) 7 mirror”也是提示。

  3.C 根据下文中的“ 4 his reflection continued with its sad expression”可知,此处表示当他照镜子时,里面的影像显示他很难过,故选C项。

  4.D 本句句意:他尝试着笑,但是他的影像仍然是难过的表情。根据语境可知,前后表示转折关系,故用but。

  5.C 本句句意:使人吃惊的是,他回家尽力地表现得很快乐,但是在那面镜子中,他仍然看上去很难过。surprisingly“惊人地,使人吃惊地”,符合语境。proudly“自豪地”;hungrily“饥饿地”;gratefully“感激地”。

  6.B 参见上题解析。根据语境可知,此处用still“仍然”,故选B项。

  7.A 本句句意:多么可怕的镜子啊!terrible“可怕的”,符合语境。

  8.A 这是“我”第一次见不起作用的镜子。此处用work“有效,起作用”。

  9.D 根据下文中的“The little girl said that she couldn’t find her parents.”可推断,此处表示小女孩在哭,故选D项。下文中的“As the little girl wouldn’t stop crying...”也是提示。

  10.C 本句句意:男孩过去看小女孩发生了什么事。根据语境可知,选C项。

  11.C 本句句意:两个小孩一起出发去找女孩的父母。in search of“寻找”,符合语境。in need of“需要”;in honor of“向……表示敬意”;in charge of“负责,主管”。

  12.B 本句句意:小女孩还在哭,男孩花了他所有的钱买糖让小女孩高兴。cheer sb.up“使某人高兴起来,使某人振作起来”,符合语境。

  13.A 本句句意:走了很久后,他们发现小女孩的父母也正在焦急地找小女孩。根据语境可知,选A项。recognize“认出”;leave“离开”;accept“接受”。

  14.A 本句句意:后来男孩和这家人告别了。say goodbye to sb.“和某人告别”,为固定短语,故选A项。

  15.D 本句句意:看了一下时间,男孩决定回家。decide to do sth.“决定做某事”,符合语境。refuse“拒绝”;agree“同意”;pretend“假装”。

  16.C 根据上文中的“the boy spent all of his money buying her sweets”可知,此处表示没有钱,故选C项。

  17.D 本句句意:在房间里,令他惊讶的是,他在镜子里发现了一张快乐的脸。根据“great surprise”可知,选D项。

  18.B 本句句意:他明白了那面镜子的神奇之处。wonder“奇妙之处”,符合语境。

  19.A 本句句意:这面镜子只能反映它的主人的真实感觉。true“真实的”,符合语境。

  20.B 本句句意:帮助那个小女孩让他感到真的很开心。help“帮助”,符合语境。


  1.about 考查介词。talk about sth.“讨论某事”。

  2.finally 考查副词。修饰动词touched应用final的副词形式。

  3.the 考查冠词。in the street“在街上”。

  4.would/should/could/might 考查情态动词。本句是if引导的虚拟语气,与现在的事实相反,从句用一般过去时,主句应用would/could/might/should+动词原形。

  5.loving 考查非谓语动词。imagine doing sth.“想象做某事”。

  6.argument 考查名词。根据前面的不定冠词an可知,这里需要用名词形式。

  7.was done 考查动词的时态和语态。and连接并列成分,所以句中的两个after都引导时间状语从句;由后面的left可知,空格处应用一般过去时;又因do和everything是动宾关系,故应用被动语态。

  8.Barbers 考查语境理解。根据下文理发师说的话可知,这里是在说“理发师是不存在的”。

  9.worked 考查动词的时态。“我”刚刚给你理了头。根据just可知此处是描述过去发生的事,故应用一般过去时。

  10.if 考查连词。根据句中的“...they did,there would be...”等可知,because后面是与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,所填词引导虚拟条件句,所以填if。本句句意:如果理发师存在的话,就不会出现头发又长又脏的人了。

  .I love camping.It is my favoritest way to spend the summer vacation.Last year,my families and I went camping in the countryside.It was one of the excited experiences I have ever had.We slept in a tent and took a long walk every day.We cooked over a fire and the food always tasted wonderfully.For a whole week,I saw lovely mountain views or breathed fresh air.At night,I heard the gentle wind blowing in the forest,and I feel so peaceful.It doesn’t cost many to camp.


   I believe it’s the best way to get close

  nature and enjoy its beauty.

  考点规范练21(必修5 Unit 1)


  At the first show of The Fault in Our Stars in New York City,the scene I found most difficult to watch was when 16-year-old Hazel,who had Stage 4 thyroid(甲状腺) cancer,woke up in the middle of the night out of breath.

  It brought me back to one night in 2008,when I watched my father carry my sister Esther from her bedroom to an ambulance.She was 14 at the time,struggling with thyroid cancer that had spread to her lungs.We held hands and cried as we watched her lying there,so fragile.We didn’t think she’d make it through the night.Yet,like Hazel,she regained her strength.She lived for two more beautiful and hard years—until just after her 16th birthday,in August 2010.

  Author John Green showed respect for Esther at the beginning of his book.“I could never have written The Fault in Our Stars without knowing Esther.Every word in that book depends on her,”Green wrote.

  I’m not sure what Esther would have thought of it.But watching the movie,I couldn’t help feeling I was seeing my little sister on the screen.After a doctor offers a new machine,Hazel interrupts,“Why?I like the old machine.”My sister could be similarly playful.“This oxygen machine is cool,and I like it.I name it Denmark,”she said in one video.

  However,Hazel is not supposed to be Esther.The Fault in Our Stars is a love story between two teenagers.My sister never got to have a relationship like that.Witnessing a life and a romance(浪漫故事) she could have had made me feel unbearably sad and yet,strangely,uplifted.It’s as if,through Hazel,my sister is able to continue having new experiences.As if she got a sequel(续集).

  1.The movie reminded the author of  . 

  A.her 16th birthday

  B.her happy family life

  C.her sister suffering from cancer

  D.her father encouraging her sister

  2.Which of the following can be used to describe Esther?

  A.Funny. B.Smart.

  C.Rude. D.Impatient.

  3.The author feels pity for her sister because  . 

  A.she never read a love story

  B.she couldn’t watch the movie

  C.she died at the age of 14

  D.she never had a romantic relationship



  In an old city of Hungary,there used to be a boy who was very rich and clever but nothing could make him feel happy.He had almost everything a boy could ever want,so he was only  1  in the most rare objects.One day his parents bought him a very strange  2 .When the boy went to see his reflection(影像)in it,he looked very  3 .He tried smiling, 4 his reflection continued with its sad expression. 

  The boy went off to buy sweets and lots of toys. 5 ,he came home as happy as he could be,but he  6  looked sad in that mirror,“What a(n) 7  mirror!It’s the first time I’ve seen a mirror that didn’t  8  properly!”  

  That afternoon he went out to buy some toys and on his way he saw a little girl who was 9 .The boy went over to see what had  10  to her.The little girl said that she couldn’t find her parents.Together the two children set off  11  them.As the little girl wouldn’t stop crying,the boy spent all of his money buying her sweets to  12  her up.After much walking,they  13  her parents who were looking for her,very worried. 

  Then the boy said 14  to the family.When seeing the time,he  15  to head for home without toys and  16 .In his room,to his great surprise,he found a(n) 17  face in the mirror.And so he understood the  18  of that mirror.The mirror could only reflect the  19  feelings of its owner.He felt really happy at having  20  that little girl. 


  C.skilled D.rich

  2.A.mirror B.book

  C.sweet D.toy

  3.A.shy B.excited

  C.sad D.beautiful

  4.A.for B.or

  C.and D.but

  5.A.Proudly B.Hungrily

  C.Surprisingly D.Gratefully

  6.A.already B.still

  C.once D.never

  7.A.terrible B.nice

  C.big D.expensive

  8.A.work B.move

  C.change D.appear

  9.A.studying B.playing

  C.sleeping D.crying

  10.A.devoted B.referred

  C.happened D.turned

  11.A.in need of B.in honor of

  C.in search of D.in charge of

  12.A.put B.cheer

  C.dress D.bring

  13.A.found B.recognized

  C.left D.accepted

  14.A.goodbye B.hello

  C.sorry D.no

  15.A.refused B.agreed

  C.pretended D.decided

  16.A.effort B.hope

  C.money D.doubt

  17.A.red B.dirty

  C.angry D.happy

  18.A.meaning B.wonder

  C.game D.reason

  19.A.true B.strange

  C.general D.good

  20.A.introduced B.helped

  C.invited D.saved



  A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut.As the barber began to work,they started chatting.They talked 1. so many things and various subjects.When they 2.(final)touched on the subject of God,the barber said:“I don’t believe that God exists.”  

  “Why do you say that?”asked the customer.

  “Well,you just have to go out in 3. street to prove that.Tell me,if God existed,would there be so many sick people?Would there be abandoned children?If God existed,there 4. be neither suffering nor pain.I can’t imagine 5.(love)a God who would allow all of these things to happen.”  

  The customer thought for a moment,but didn’t respond because he didn’t want to start an 6.(argue).After everything 7.(do)and just after he left the barber’s,he saw a man in the street with long dirty hair.The customer entered the barber’s again and said:“Knowing what?8. do not exist.”  

  “How can you say that?”asked the surprised barber.“I am here,and I am a barber.And I just 9.(work)on you!”  

  “No!” the customer said.“Barbers don’t exist because 10. they did,there would be no people with long dirty hair,like that man outside.” 〚导学号95480045〛 



  I love camping.It is my favoritest way to spend the summer vacation.Last year,my families and I went camping in the countryside.It was one of the excited experiences I have ever had.We slept in a tent and took a long walk every day.We cooked over a fire and the food always tasted wonderfully.For a whole week,I saw lovely mountain views or breathed fresh air.At night,I heard the gentle wind blowing in the forest,and I feel so peaceful.It doesn’t cost many to camp.What I believe it’s the best way to get close nature and enjoy its beauty.


  考点规范练21(必修5 Unit 1)


  1.C 细节理解题。根据第二段开头的“It brought me back to one night in 2008,when I watched my father carry my sister Esther...struggling with thyroid cancer...”可知答案为C项。

  2.A 推理判断题。根据第四段末的“My sister could be similarly playful.‘This oxygen machine is cool,and I like it.I name it Denmark.’”可推断,Esther是一个有趣的人。

  3.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“My sister never got to have a relationship like that.Witnessing a life and a romance(浪漫故事) she could have had made me feel unbearably sad...”可知,作者为妹妹从未谈过恋爱感到遗憾。


  1.B 本句句意:他几乎拥有了每个男孩想要的一切东西,所以他只对最罕见的东西感兴趣。be interested in“对……感兴趣”,选B项。confident“自信的”;skilled“熟练的,有技能的”;rich“富有的”。

  2.A 根据下文中的“When the boy went to see his reflection(影像) in it”可知,此处表示他的父母给他买了一面奇怪的镜子,故选A项。下文中的“What a(n) 7 mirror”也是提示。

  3.C 根据下文中的“ 4 his reflection continued with its sad expression”可知,此处表示当他照镜子时,里面的影像显示他很难过,故选C项。

  4.D 本句句意:他尝试着笑,但是他的影像仍然是难过的表情。根据语境可知,前后表示转折关系,故用but。

  5.C 本句句意:使人吃惊的是,他回家尽力地表现得很快乐,但是在那面镜子中,他仍然看上去很难过。surprisingly“惊人地,使人吃惊地”,符合语境。proudly“自豪地”;hungrily“饥饿地”;gratefully“感激地”。

  6.B 参见上题解析。根据语境可知,此处用still“仍然”,故选B项。

  7.A 本句句意:多么可怕的镜子啊!terrible“可怕的”,符合语境。

  8.A 这是“我”第一次见不起作用的镜子。此处用work“有效,起作用”。

  9.D 根据下文中的“The little girl said that she couldn’t find her parents.”可推断,此处表示小女孩在哭,故选D项。下文中的“As the little girl wouldn’t stop crying...”也是提示。

  10.C 本句句意:男孩过去看小女孩发生了什么事。根据语境可知,选C项。

  11.C 本句句意:两个小孩一起出发去找女孩的父母。in search of“寻找”,符合语境。in need of“需要”;in honor of“向……表示敬意”;in charge of“负责,主管”。

  12.B 本句句意:小女孩还在哭,男孩花了他所有的钱买糖让小女孩高兴。cheer sb.up“使某人高兴起来,使某人振作起来”,符合语境。

  13.A 本句句意:走了很久后,他们发现小女孩的父母也正在焦急地找小女孩。根据语境可知,选A项。recognize“认出”;leave“离开”;accept“接受”。

  14.A 本句句意:后来男孩和这家人告别了。say goodbye to sb.“和某人告别”,为固定短语,故选A项。

  15.D 本句句意:看了一下时间,男孩决定回家。decide to do sth.“决定做某事”,符合语境。refuse“拒绝”;agree“同意”;pretend“假装”。

  16.C 根据上文中的“the boy spent all of his money buying her sweets”可知,此处表示没有钱,故选C项。

  17.D 本句句意:在房间里,令他惊讶的是,他在镜子里发现了一张快乐的脸。根据“great surprise”可知,选D项。

  18.B 本句句意:他明白了那面镜子的神奇之处。wonder“奇妙之处”,符合语境。

  19.A 本句句意:这面镜子只能反映它的主人的真实感觉。true“真实的”,符合语境。

  20.B 本句句意:帮助那个小女孩让他感到真的很开心。help“帮助”,符合语境。


  1.about 考查介词。talk about sth.“讨论某事”。

  2.finally 考查副词。修饰动词touched应用final的副词形式。

  3.the 考查冠词。in the street“在街上”。

  4.would/should/could/might 考查情态动词。本句是if引导的虚拟语气,与现在的事实相反,从句用一般过去时,主句应用would/could/might/should+动词原形。

  5.loving 考查非谓语动词。imagine doing sth.“想象做某事”。

  6.argument 考查名词。根据前面的不定冠词an可知,这里需要用名词形式。

  7.was done 考查动词的时态和语态。and连接并列成分,所以句中的两个after都引导时间状语从句;由后面的left可知,空格处应用一般过去时;又因do和everything是动宾关系,故应用被动语态。

  8.Barbers 考查语境理解。根据下文理发师说的话可知,这里是在说“理发师是不存在的”。

  9.worked 考查动词的时态。“我”刚刚给你理了头。根据just可知此处是描述过去发生的事,故应用一般过去时。

  10.if 考查连词。根据句中的“...they did,there would be...”等可知,because后面是与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,所填词引导虚拟条件句,所以填if。本句句意:如果理发师存在的话,就不会出现头发又长又脏的人了。

  .I love camping.It is my favoritest way to spend the summer vacation.Last year,my families and I went camping in the countryside.It was one of the excited experiences I have ever had.We slept in a tent and took a long walk every day.We cooked over a fire and the food always tasted wonderfully.For a whole week,I saw lovely mountain views or breathed fresh air.At night,I heard the gentle wind blowing in the forest,and I feel so peaceful.It doesn’t cost many to camp.


   I believe it’s the best way to get close

  nature and enjoy its beauty.