What does the woman tell the man?
A.He pays the same price but he gets more.
B.He can get free tomato juice.
C.He pays 10 percent more for the tomato juice.
How many brothers does the woman have?
What can we learn from the dialogue?
A.They are going for a holiday.
B.They are very busy at Christmas.
C.Christmas is coming soon.
When will the two speakers get to Beijing?
A.At 8:3 0.
B.At 8:50.
C.At 9:00.
Why didn’t the woman come on time for the meeting?
A.She got up late.
B.The bus was late.
C.She forgot the time.
When does the woman usually watch TV?
A.After midnight.
B.When she is free.
C.After she has dinner.
Why was the man unhappy?
A.He lost his meal tickets.
B.The food was terrible.
C.The woman had the same problem.
Why did the man feel even worse?
A.He didn’t sleep well.
B.He wasted so much time.
C.The woman had the same problem.
The talk is going between
A.father and mother
B.mother and daughter
C.father and daughter
What day is Mother’s birthday?
A.Next Monday.
B.Next Sunday.
C.Next Saturday.
From the call we know that Lily will go
A.with her friends
B.with her husband
When will the man go to see Mr Smith?
A.At ten o’clock.
B.At nine o’clock.
C.At eight o’clock.
What do we know about Mrs Thompson?
A.She is kind-hearted.
B.She is interested in everything.
C.She lives nearby.
How many things does Mr Potter have to do?
What kind of color TV does the man want to buy?
A.A smaller one.
B.A bigger one.
C.A cheaper one.
What is the woman’s opinion about buying a color TV?
A.She thinks it would be better to buy a smaller one.
B.She agrees to buy a bigger one.
C.She wants the man to buy an expensive one.
Why does the woman suggest that the man should buy a TV as soon as possible?
A.Because it is much cheaper now.
B.Because the shop will sell all the TV sets out.
C.Because she can give him some help now.
How many people were hurt in the accident?
Which sentence best describes the accident?
A.The accident was the result of drunken driving.
B.Poor weather conditions led to the accident.
C.A moving truck hit a school bus.
At what time did the accident happen?
A.At 5:00 P.m.
B.At 3:00 a.m.
C.At 3:00 P.m.
Maja Kazaic looked closely down into the aquarium(水族馆).For two years,she’d been watching the injured
dolphin named Winter swim around the tank.From a distance,the dolphin seemed approachable enough.Still,as
Kazazic prepared to j ump into the water,a little panic
gradually came into her excitement.
The young woman eased herself into the pool.Despite
her fear,she felt strong wearing her new leg.She was ready
to make good on a promise from long ago.
In second grade in Mostar,Yugoslavia,Kazazic’s five- year-old cousin,Jasmina,died of leukemia(白血病).Kazazic
swore that she would honor the little girl by swimming with a dolphin,an animal they both adored.“Jasmina never got the
chance to do it,”says Kazazic,32,“so I decided that someday
I’d do it for her.”
In 1993,during the Bosnian civil war,16-year-old
Kazazic was badly injured.Her left leg was cut off just below
the knee and was brought to the United States for treatment.A few months later,Kazazic received her first artificial leg.Because her right leg was also damaged,walking was still
very painful.Nonetheless,she managed to graduate from a
local high school.
After receiving a BA in psychology,she moved to
Florida’s Gulf Coast.She liked watching the dolphins play at
the aquarium.A young dolphin,Winter,who had lost her tail
in a crab trap,caught Kazazic’s eye:“She swam more like a
shrimp(虾)than a dolphin.” After one doctor’s visit,trainers fit Winter with a high—tech tail.When it was done,Winter swam away fast.Kazazic
was impressed.She approached the trainers,who put her in
touch with the inventors.Within ten days,she had a new leg
and she could walk without pain again.
Eight months 1ater,Kazazic was ready to keep the
promise she had made in honor of Jasmina.“After being in a
war zone,this should be a piece of cake,”Kazazic said as she
lowered herself into the tank.She held out a hand to Winter who approached cautiously,and then moved away.After a
few minutes,the dolphin let Kazazic move her hand gently
over her back.The two started an hour—long swim around the
pool.When Kazazic climbed out,her parents hugged her.She
would have shouted with joy had she not been aware of
dolphins’sensitivity to noise.Instead she quietly said,“I felt I owed somebody something,and now I’ve paid my debt.”Out
in the parking lot,she got into her car and shouted loudly and
happily all the way.
Which is the correct order of the following events?
a.Kazazic was brought to the USA for treatment.
b.Kazazic’s five—year—old
c.Kazazic swam with a dolphin named Winter.
d.Kazazic’s left leg was cut off below the knee.
e.Kazazic had a new leg and could walk without pain.
Which of the following sentences BEST indicates Kazazic
is a woman who keeps her word?
A.Despite her fear,she felt strong wearing her new leg.(Paragraph 2)
B.…“so I decided that someday I’d do it for her.”(Paragraph 3)
C.“I felt I owed somebody something,and now I’ve paid my debt.”(Paragraph 7)
D.“After being in a war zone,this should be a piece of cake,”…(Paragraph 7)
Whieh of the following words can we use to describe
A.Ashamed,faithful and outgoing.
B.Hard—working,shy and hesitant.
C.Unsatisfied,determined and grateful.
D.Determined,considerate and faithful.
Which of the following would be the best title for the
A.A new 1ife of a disabled dolphin.
B.An earnest promise of a disabled woman.
C.The true love between a woman and her cousin.
D.A good relationship between a woman and a dolphin.
International Weather Forecast(January 18 th,2008)
Paris Weather
Today:Plentiful sunshine High 59F.Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph.
Tonight:Generally clear.Low near 35F.Winds light and variable.
Tomorrow:A mainly sunny sky.High 59F.Winds ENE at 5 to l0mph.
Tomorrow night:A mostly clear sky.Low 36F,Winds light and variable.
New York Weather
Today:Cloudy with rain and snow showers Temps nearly steady in the mid 30s.Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph.Chance of precip 40%.
Tonight:Rain and snow showers this evening changing to rain showers overnight Low 34F.Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph Chance of precip 60%.
Tomorrow:Cloudy skies early will become partly cloudy later in the day.High around 45F.Winds WNW at l0 to 20mph.
Tomorrow night:Partly cloudy early with increasing clouds overnight Low 29F.Winds W at 5 to10 mph.
London Weather
Today:Cloudy and windy.High 56F. Winds WSW at 20 to 30 mph.
Tonight:Partly cloudy and windy.Low 43F.Winds W at 20 to 30 mph.
Tomorrow:Windy with occasional light rain.High 58F.Winds SW at 20 to 30 mph.Chance of rain 70%.
Tomorrow night:Cloudy and windy.Periods of light rain early.Low 54F.Winds WSW
at 20 to 30 mph,Chance of rain 60%.
Sydney Weather
Today:Cloudy with periods of rain.High 73F.Winds NE at 10 to 15 mph.Chance of rain 70%.Rainfall around a quarter of an inch.
Tonight:Rain.Low near 70F.Winds NNE at 10 to 15 mph.Chance of rain 70%.Rainfall near a quarter of an inch.
Tomorrow:Showers in the morning with isolated thunderstorms arriving in the afternoon.High 78F.WindsNNE at 5 to10 mph.Chance of rain 40%.
Tomorrow night:An isolated thunderstorm possible during the evening.Then occasional showers overnight.Low near 70F.Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph.Chance of rain 40%.
Which city has the strongest wind on January 19th?
A. Paris.
B. New York.
C. London.
D. Sydney.
There will be thunderstorms in Sydney on__________.
A. the evening of January 18th
B. the afternoon of January 18th
C. the morning of January 19th
D. the afternoon of January 19th
If you go on a tour on January l8th,which of the following places of interest is the most favorable according to the weather report?
A. The Eiffel Tower.
B. Statue of Liberty.
C. Big Ben.
D. The Sydney Opera House.
It is easy to lose patience with science today. The questions are pressing: How dangerous is air pollution? What about low-level radiation? When will that horrible earthquake strike California? And why can't we predict weather better? But the evidence is often described as "uncertain", forcing scientists to base their points of view almost as much on intuition(直觉)as on science.
When historians and philosophers of science listen to these questions, some conclude that science may not be able to solve all these problems any time soon. The unknowns can grow into riddles that are impossible to solve. Because of the unstable and changing state of the earth's atmosphere, for example, scientists have struggled for centuries to predict the weather with precision(精确) but failed.
The case is different for scientists of astronomy. For example, they think that the gravitational force of a nearby space vehicle, though tiny, is able to change the path of a much larger planet if the vehicle spends enough time close to it. With the aid of Newton's laws of gravitational attraction, ground controllers can predict the path of a planetary probe (探测仪)-or satellite-with incredible accuracy. They do this by calculating the gravitational force from each of the passing planets until the probe speeds beyond the edge of the solar system.A much more difficult task is to calculate what happens when two or three times of such force pull on the probe at the same time. Such procedures can, of course, be very difficult, but for experiments, they are effective.
This range of questions-from simple problems to those impossibly complex-has resulted in nicknames for various fields of study: "soft" sciences and
" hard "
sciences.“Soft” sciences admit a great degree of uncertainty. Academicians tend to judge fields such as sociology, psychology, and political science as “soft” because they are assumed to be understandable, of unnecessary mathematical accuracy, and concerned with everyday affairs such as interpersonal relationships. However, "hard" sciences, such as astronomy and chemistry, are said to offer precise answers. Precise definitions for "hard" sciences vary, but the characteristics of "hard" sciences include: producing testable predictions; performing controlled experiments; relying on quantifiable data and mathematical models; a high degree of accuracy and objectivity; and generally applying a pure form of the scientific method
We can learn from the passage that
A.a large planet is able to change the size of a tiny planet
B.ground controllers can affect the gravitational force of planets
C.calculating the probe speeds beyond the solar system is possible
D.predicting the weather is more difficult than predicting the path of a satellite
According to the author, "soft" sciences
A.allow for certain inaccuracy
B.focus on personal relationships
C.are based on controlled experiments
D.are rooted in data and mathematical models
What might be the best title for the passage?
A. Science, a Long History?
C. Science, Accurate or Not?
B. Science and Its Functions
D. Science and Its Application
What is the author's attitude towards science in this passage?
A. Objective. B. Sceptical. C. Disapproval.
D. Optimistic
Britain’s private schools are one of its most successful exports.The children of the well-off flock to them,whether from China,Nigeria or Russia :the number of foreign pupils rose by 1.4%in the last year alone.
Yet foreign students,whether educated in British private schools or elsewhere,are decreasingly likely to go to English universities.According to the Higher Education Funding Council for England,307,200 overseas students began their studies in the country in 2024-13,down from 312,000 two years earlier and the first drop in 29 years.Student numbers from the rest of the European Union(EU)fell—probably a result of the increase in annual tuition fees in England from £6,000($10,000)a year to £9,000.But arrivals from India and Pakistan declined most sharply.