She called in sick again.
I can’t put up with this any longer!
call in sick “打电话请病假”。
put up with “忍受”。any longer “再也”。
I just ran out of patience!
run out of ... “用完……”。patience “忍耐”、 “耐心”。
This is no longer acceptable!
acceptable “能够接受的”、 “可忍受的”。
Let’s go for a drink now.
Enough of that nonsense.
enough “足够的”。nonsense “无意义”、 “胡说八道”、 “胡闹”。
None of that nonsense.
None of ... “停止(不受欢迎的行为等)”。
Don’t talk nonsense.
That’s not even funny.
Gee, it was just a joke.
even是副词,表示“连……都”。funny “可笑的”、 “滑稽的”。
I don’t find that one bit funny.
one bit funny “一点点好笑”。
There’s nothing funny about that.
I know I’ve told you before, but hurry up!
(我知道我以前告诉过你, 但是要快点!)
Stop nagging me!
nag “频繁抱怨”、 “唠唠叨叨”。
Leave me alone.
Stop pressing the issue.
Stop bugging me.
bug “使烦恼”、 “使发愁”。
Hey! Bring me a cup of coffee.
(嘿, 给我拿一杯咖啡。)
Who do you think I am?
What do you think I am?
Do you think I’m your servant?
servant “仆人”、 “佣人”。
I heard you’re going to divorce your wife.
Mind your own business.
mind “关心”。business “生意”、 “工作”。习惯用语,表示“多管闲事”、 “闭嘴”。
How much do they pay you?
None of your business.
Keep your nose out of my business.
It’s none of your business.
That’s none of your business.
That’s none of your concern.
concern “关心的事”、 “担心”。
It’s not your concern.
Stay out of it.
直译是“别管这事”。stay out “不加入……”。
Don’t get involved.
involve “卷入”。
She called in sick again.
I can’t put up with this any longer!
call in sick “打电话请病假”。
put up with “忍受”。any longer “再也”。
I just ran out of patience!
run out of ... “用完……”。patience “忍耐”、 “耐心”。
This is no longer acceptable!
acceptable “能够接受的”、 “可忍受的”。
Let’s go for a drink now.
Enough of that nonsense.
enough “足够的”。nonsense “无意义”、 “胡说八道”、 “胡闹”。
None of that nonsense.
None of ... “停止(不受欢迎的行为等)”。
Don’t talk nonsense.
That’s not even funny.
Gee, it was just a joke.
even是副词,表示“连……都”。funny “可笑的”、 “滑稽的”。
I don’t find that one bit funny.
one bit funny “一点点好笑”。
There’s nothing funny about that.
I know I’ve told you before, but hurry up!
(我知道我以前告诉过你, 但是要快点!)
Stop nagging me!
nag “频繁抱怨”、 “唠唠叨叨”。
Leave me alone.
Stop pressing the issue.
Stop bugging me.
bug “使烦恼”、 “使发愁”。
Hey! Bring me a cup of coffee.
(嘿, 给我拿一杯咖啡。)
Who do you think I am?
What do you think I am?
Do you think I’m your servant?
servant “仆人”、 “佣人”。
I heard you’re going to divorce your wife.
Mind your own business.
mind “关心”。business “生意”、 “工作”。习惯用语,表示“多管闲事”、 “闭嘴”。
How much do they pay you?
None of your business.
Keep your nose out of my business.
It’s none of your business.
That’s none of your business.
That’s none of your concern.
concern “关心的事”、 “担心”。
It’s not your concern.
Stay out of it.
直译是“别管这事”。stay out “不加入……”。
Don’t get involved.
involve “卷入”。