How successful do you think it will be?
The success of most fad products eventually comes to an end.
success “成功”。fad “一时的流行”。eventually “最终”、 “最后”。come to an end “结束”, 也就是“会
Most instant hit items die out soon.
instant “瞬间的”。die out “过时”。soon “很快”。
The popularity of most fad products fades fast.
popularity “流行”。fade “衰落”。
The popularity of most fad items ends sooner or later.
sooner or later “迟早”。和中文的语序相反, 不说“later or sooner”。
It broke after two uses.
You get what you pay for.
broke “坏了”。
pay for “付钱”。习惯用语, 意思是“便宜的东西因为便宜所以质量也相应低劣”。
If you pay less, you get less.
less “更少”。
If you pay more, you get more.
(如果你付出的越多, 你得到的也就越多。)
more “更多”。
The price usually reflects the quality.
usually “通常”。reflect “反映”。
Women are like that.
Don't be sexist!
That's how women are.
You know women.
How successful do you think it will be?
The success of most fad products eventually comes to an end.
success “成功”。fad “一时的流行”。eventually “最终”、 “最后”。come to an end “结束”, 也就是“会
Most instant hit items die out soon.
instant “瞬间的”。die out “过时”。soon “很快”。
The popularity of most fad products fades fast.
popularity “流行”。fade “衰落”。
The popularity of most fad items ends sooner or later.
sooner or later “迟早”。和中文的语序相反, 不说“later or sooner”。
It broke after two uses.
You get what you pay for.
broke “坏了”。
pay for “付钱”。习惯用语, 意思是“便宜的东西因为便宜所以质量也相应低劣”。
If you pay less, you get less.
less “更少”。
If you pay more, you get more.
(如果你付出的越多, 你得到的也就越多。)
more “更多”。
The price usually reflects the quality.
usually “通常”。reflect “反映”。
Women are like that.
Don't be sexist!
That's how women are.
You know women.