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  阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。


  The “Give It Up for Earth Day” encourages people to commit to giving up actions that are harmful to the environment, such as using poisonous cleaners.

  Throughout the month of April, Canadians are being asked to “Give It Up for Earth Day!” Earth Day has been celebrated every year on April 22 since 1970. Earth Day Canada president Jed Goldberg says that as people become more environmentally aware, they want to find ways to reduce their environmental influence, not just celebrate one special event.

  “Earth Day is a great launching_pad for thinking about environmental action

  every day,” said Goldberg. “Choosing healthier options, even for the short term,

  can lead to thinking about the influence of our decisions for a lifetime.”

  That's the reason behind the “Give It Up for Earth Day” campaign.

  It's designed to encourage healthy habits that benefit people and the planet. It challenges everyone to help create a healthier world by making changes in their daily routine.

  ?We wanted to plan an actiontargeted campaign that will give people a chance to act on their concern for the environment in a positive way,” said Goldberg.

  The campaign has identified four daily actions that can add up to huge environmental savings. They include pledging (保证) to turn off the TV, give up the use of poisonous cleaners, reduce consumption of consumer products and cut out meat.

  At the end of April, all of the pledges will be recorded and converted (转化) into the number of TV hours not watched, dollars not spent on unnecessary items, electricity saved, greenhouse gas emissions (排放) avoided by cutting out meat, and poisonous chemicals produced from homes and landfills.

  “What we're trying to achieve this year for Earth Day is to give people a chance to do something that is meaningful and measurable,” said Goldberg.

  文章大意:4月22日是世界地球日,活动“Give It Up for Earth Day”倡导人们在地球日这一天为保护环境做一些有意义、行之有效的事情。

  1.The aim of the campaign mentioned in the passage is to ________.

  A.enable people to save more money for future use

  B.help people develop environmentally friendly habits

  C.prevent people from making changes in their daily routine

  D.warn people against reducing consumption of consumer products

  答案:B 细节理解题。根据文章第四段第二句“It's designed to encourage healthy habits that benefit people and the planet.”可知,答案B符合文义。

  2.The underlined word “launching pad” (in Paragraph 3) probably means “________”.

  A.starting point

  B.finishing line

  C.exchanging stage

  D.reforming stage

  答案:A 词义猜测题。画线词所在句意为:地球日是一个引发人们开始对人类日常活动对环境所造成的影响进行思考的起点,由此结合上文“... they want to find ways to reduce their environmental influence, not just celebrate one special event.”和下文中“can lead to thinking about...”可推知,答案A符合文义。finishing line终点线;exchanging stage交流平台;reforming stage改革舞台,均不符合文义,故排除。

  3.We can conclude from the passage that ________.

  A.Earth Day was first celebrated over half a century ago

  B.short term decisions will by no means influence our lives

  C.Earth Day Canada is actually an everyday environmental action

  D.daily actions must be measured to benefit the environment

  答案:D 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二、三段的整体理解并结合文章最后一句中的“meaningful and measurable”可以推知,我们应该以对环境的影响好坏为标准来判断日常行为是否可行。由此可知,答案D符合文义。

  4.Which disagrees with the spirit of “Give It Up for Earth Day”?

  A.Switching off TV.

  B.Riding bikes.

  C.Using poisonous cleaners.

  D.Saving electricity.

  答案:C 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段的第二句“They include pledging (保证) to turn off the TV, give up the use of poisonous cleaners...”可知,答案C符合文义。

  阅读理解, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。

  Food sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things. A person who eats such food can get an illness called food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not serious, but some types are deadly. The symptoms of food poisoning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food.Fever is one of the most common symptoms.

  Certain microorganisms(微生物)cause most types of food poisoning. Bacteria and other microorganisms can poison eggs, meat, vegetables, and many other foods. After entering the body, these tiny living things release(释放)poisons that make people sick.

  Some chemicals can also cause food poisoning. They are often added to food while it is being grown, processed, or prepared.For example, many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects. Some people may have a bad reaction to those chemicals when they eat the crops.

  Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people. These include certain kinds of seafood, grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and mushrooms.

  When people handle food properly, the risk of food poisoning is very small. Microorganisms multiply rapidly in dirty places and in warm temperatures. This means that people should never touch food with dirty hands or put food on unwashed surfaces.Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from growing. Meat needs to be cooked thoroughly to kill any dangerous microorganisms.People should also wash food covered with chemicals before eating it. Finally, people should not eat wild mushrooms or other foods that grow in the wild.Some of these foods may contain natural materials that are poisonous to humans. In addition, some types of fish can be poisonous.

  Most people recover from food poisoning after a few days of resting and drinking extra water. If people eat natural poisons, they must go to the hospital right away to have their stomachs emptied.

  1. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A.Food when poisoned can make people sick.

  B.Food poisoning means death.

  C.Food poisoning comes in varieties.

  D.Food poisoning can be serious.

  2. We know from the passage that the symptoms of food poisoning________ .

  A.are always accompanied by a fever

  B.are too common to be noted

  C.can be noticed within hours

  D.can he ignored

  3. Food poisoning can be caused by all the following EXCEPT________.

  A.some chemicals

  B.low temperatures

  C.some tiny living things

  D.certain natural materials

  4. From Paragraph 5,we can learn that________ .

  A.mushrooms should not be eaten

  B.vegetables are safer than meat and seafood

  C.natural poisons are more dangerous than chemicals

  D.different types of food should be handled differently[解题导语] 本文主要讲述了几种食物中毒的表现,如何避免食物中毒的一些注意事项以及食物中毒后的一些处理方法。

  1.解析: 选B。细节理解题。由第一段第三句Food poisoning is usually not serious, but some types are deadly.可知B项内容描述错误。食物中毒不一定就意味着死亡。

  2.解析:选C。细节理解题。由第一段倒数第二句The symptoms of food poisoning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food.可知C项正确。由第一段最后一句Fever is one of the most common symptoms.可知A项错误;由第一段第二句可知食物中毒的人会生病,故B、D两项错误。

  3.解析:选 B。细节理解题。由第三段第一句、第二段第三句和第五段倒数第二句可知A、C、D三项内容正确。而由第五段中Microorganisms multiply rapidly in dirty places and in warm temperatures.可知,B项中的low temperatures不会导致食物中毒。


  , 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。

  You know eating fruit and vegetables does good.But do you know it can also make you look good? People who increased their intake over just six weeks developed a healthy glow and appeared more attractive, researchers found.Scientists at St Andrews University found eating them slightly increased yellow and red pigments in the volunteers’ skin. They monitored the food intake of 35 people and took pictures of their faces, arms and hands using a sensitive camera at the start, and after three and six weeks. Increasing their intake of greens by 2.9 portions a day was found to make the person look more healthy and an extra 3.3 portions could enhance their attractiveness, when their photographs were rated by others.

  Fruit and vegetables are rich in carotenoids (类胡萝卜素),which are known to protect against cell damage from pollution and UV rays, and can also prevent age-related diseases including heart disease and cancer. But while it was known eating extreme amounts of certain vegetables such as carrots could turn skin orange ,it was not known a small increase was perceptible(被觉察)to others-and was seen as appealing.

  A camera measured changes to the skin’s redness, yellowness and lightness, and found it significantly changed in people who naturally increased their intake. These changes were not evident in three weeks. Using light sensors, the researchers showed these red and yellow hues were linked with the levels of carotenoids in their skin. There are hundreds of carotenoids but those thought to have the most dramatic effect are lycopene(番茄红素),which gives tomatoes and red peppers their red colour and beta-carotene found in carrots as well as broccoli, squash, and spinach. Skin colour is also affected by chemicals called polyphenols(多元酚),found in apples, blueberries and cherries, which cause blood rush to the skin surface.

  4. What do we know from the research?

  A. If you take in a little more fruit and vegetables, you will obviously look more attractive in three weeks.

  B. The researchers took the pictures of the 35 people in the research at different stages.

  C. Increasing your intake of greens by 2.9 portions a day can greatly improve your health.

  D. People who increased their intake of greens by 3.3 portions a day were found the most attractive after six weeks.

  . Which of the following is NOT the function of carotenoids ?

  A. They can protect against cell damage from pollution and UV rays.

  B. They can prevent heart disease and cancer.

  C. They can prevent age-related diseases.

  D. They can keep you in good health.

  . Which of the statements is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. We’ve already known eating extreme amounts of carrots can turn skin orange.

  B. We knew in the past that eating a few more carrots could make us look appealing.

  C. The research showed the improvement in skin is linked with the levels of carotenoids in it.

  D. Among hundreds of carotenoids, lycopene is thought to have the most dramatic effect on the skin.

  . We can infer from the passage that ________

  A.skin’s redness, yellowness and lightness make a person look more healthy and attractive

  B.carotenoids have the same effect as lycopene

  C.it is carotenoids that give tomatoes and red peppers their red colour

  D.both beta-carotene and polyphenols affect skin colour by causing blood rush to the skin surface

  [解题导语] 本文主要论述了吃水果和蔬菜不仅让我们的身体健康,而且还能使人看起来更漂亮。

  .解析:选B。细节理解题。根据They monitored the food intake of 35 people and took pictures of their faces, arms and hands using a sensitive camera at the start, and after three and six weeks.故选B。

  .解析:选D。细节理解题。根据Fruit and vegetables are rich in carotenoids (类胡萝卜素),which are known to protect against cell damage from pollution and UV rays, and can also prevent age­related diseases including heart disease and cancer.没有提到选项D的内容,故选D。


  .解析:选A。推理判断题。根据People who increased their intake over just six weeks developed a healthy glow and appeared more attractive, researchers found.可以推出皮肤发红、发黄、轻盈让人看起来更健康和有吸引力。故选A。A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

  The latest research suggests that the key factor separating geniuses from the merely accomplished is not I. Q. , a generally bad predictor of success. Instead, it’s purposeful practice. Top performers spend more hours practising their craft. If you wanted to picture how a typical genius might develop, you’d take a girl who possessed a slightly above average language ability. It wouldn’t have to be a big talent, just enough so that she might gain some sense of distinction. Then you would want her to meet, say, a novelist, who coincidentally shared some similar qualities. Maybe the writer was from the same town, had the same family background, or, shared the same birthday.

  This contact would give the girl a vision of her future self. It would give her some idea of a fascinating circle she might someday join. It would also help if one of her parents died when she was 12, giving her a strong sense of insecurity and fuelling a desperate need for success. Armed with this ambition, she would read novels and life stories of writers without end. This would give her a primary know-ledge of her field. She’d be able to see new writing in deeper ways and quickly understand its inner workings.

  Then she would practise writing. Her practice would be slow, painstaking and error-focused. By practising in this way, she delays the automatizing process. Her mind wants to turn conscious, newly learned skills into unconscious, automatically performed skills. By practising slowly, by breaking skills down into tiny parts and repeating, she forces the brain to internalize a better pattern of performance. Then she would find an adviser who would provide a constant stream of feedback, viewing her performance from the outside, correcting the smallest errors, pushing her to take on tougher challenges. By now she is redoing problems—how do I get characters into a room—dozens and dozens of times. She is establishing habits of thought she can call upon in order to understand or solve future problems.

  The primary quality our young writer possesses is not some mysterious genius. It’s the ability to develop a purposeful, laborious and boring practice routine. The latest research takes some of the magic out of great achievement. But it underlines a fact that is often neglected. Public discussion is affected by genetics and what we’re “hard-wired” to do. And it’s true that genes play a role in our capabilities. But the brain is also very plastic. We construct ourselves through behaviour.

  1. The passage mainly deals with . 

  A. the function of I. Q. in cultivating a writer

  B. the relationship between genius and success

  C. the decisive factor in making a genius

  D. the way of gaining some sense of distinction

  2. By reading novels and writers’ stories, the girl could . 

  A. come to understand the inner structure of writing

  B. join a fascinating circle of writers someday

  C. share with a novelist her likes and dislikes

  D. learn from the living examples to establish a sense of security

  3. In the girl’s long painstaking training process,  . 

  A. her adviser forms a primary challenging force to her success

  B. her writing turns into an automatic pattern of performance

  C. she acquires the magic of some great achievements