高三英语二轮三轮总复习 重点突破晨背第六周课件(人教版)

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高三英语二轮三轮总复习 重点突破晨背第六周课件(人教版)

  8.promote vt.促进,推动;促销;晋升 The meeting was held to promote trade between China and the U.K..本次会议旨在推动中英双边贸易。 9.purpose n.目的,意图 [归纳] on purpose


  for the purpose of

  为了……的目的 I didn't meet him for the mere purpose of talking. 我见他并非就是单纯为了聊天。 10.quantity n.量,数量 [归纳] in quantity


   a large quantity of


  large quantities of

  [拓展] quality n.

  质量;物质 Your work has improved in quantity and quality this term.本学期你的工作在量和质上都有提高。 11.range n.山脉;一系列;范围,区域

  v. 包括(从……到……)之间的各类事物 The prices of the dolls range from $ 5 to $ 100. 这些玩具的价格从5美元到100美元不等。 表示“渴望,希望” 1.hope to do;expect/wish(sb.)to do We hope to leave school next week.我们希望下周离校。 How I expect them to leave me alone! 我非常希望他们让我一个人待会儿。 2.(be) thirsty for (be hungry for) 渴望 Citizens seem thirsty for any kind of reform. 市民们似乎渴望任何形式的改革。 3.long for(long to do sth.)渴望(做某事) It was freezing outside,and he longed for a hot drink. 外面很冷,他非常想喝一杯热饮。 I was tired and was longing for her to leave. 我很疲倦,很希望她离开。 4.(be) eager for (be anxious for) 渴望 The girls were bored and seemed eager for new experiences.

  女孩子感到腻烦了,似乎对新的体验很渴望。 We are anxious for your safe return.我们盼望你平安 归来。 [第三组] 1.recognize vt. 认出,辨认出 [拓展] recognition n.

  认出 Mary came home so thin and weak that her own children hardly recognized her.玛丽回家时是如此瘦弱以致于她自己的孩子几乎认不出她来了。 2.recommend vt.推荐;建议 We strongly recommend you insure your luggage when you travel.我们极力建议你旅行时为你的行李投保。 3.refuse v. 拒绝 [归纳] refuse to do sth.


  I'm sure if you ask her to help you,she won't refuse. 我肯定你若让她帮你,她不会拒绝的。 4.regardless adj. 不重视的,不注意的 [归纳] regardless of


  He says what he thinks,regardless of other people's feelings.他怎么想就怎么说,不考虑别人的感受。 5.relate v. 联系,关联 [归纳] be related to


  [拓展] relation n.


  relationship n.


  relative n.

  亲属,亲戚 His fear of people is deeply related to his unhappy childhood.他怕人的心理与他不幸的童年息息相关。 6.rely v.依赖,依靠,信赖 [归纳] rely on/upon


  [拓展] reliable adj.

  可信赖的 You can't just rely on your parents lending you the money.你不能只靠你父母借给你钱。 7.relief n.宽慰;缓和;救助 [归纳] to one's relief 

  使某人感到宽慰的是 To our great relief,the children all arrived home safely.令我们十分宽慰的是,孩子们都安全到家了。 8.remind vt.提醒,使想起 [归纳] remind sb. of

  使某人想起 At the same time,remind him that you're always there for him should he seek advice or help.与此同时提醒他一下,万一他需要建议或帮助,你随时恭候。 9.request n. 请求;要求的事 [归纳] at one's request

  应某人之请求 He ignored the neighbour's request that he should make less noise.邻居请他别那么大声响,他不予理睬。 10.require v. 需要,要求,规定 [归纳] require doing=require to be done 要求被做 [拓展] requirement n.要求

  meet a requirement

  符合要求 The situation required that we (should) stay there. 当时的情形要求我们留在那里。 11.resemble vt. 像,看起来像 [拓展] resemblance n.

  相似,类似 She resembles her mother in character but not in appearance.在性格上她像她妈,但在外表上不像。 12.resist v.抵制,抵抗,阻挡 [归纳] resist doing sth.

  抵制做某事 She couldn't resist asking him about his date. 她控制不住就问了他关于他约会的事。 表示“忙于/专心于” 1.(be) busy with(doing) sth.忙于某事 They were busy with preparations for their wedding. 他们正忙着准备他们的婚礼。 2.(be)absorbed/lost/buried in专心于…… Lost in thought,he almost knocked into the tree in front of him. 正专心思考,他几乎撞到了前面的树上。 3.(be) occupied with(in)/occupy oneself with (in)忙于……, 专心于…… I have been occupied in reading history books. 我一直专心读历史书。 4.(be) devoted to/devote oneself to专心于……,致力于 The majority of her adult life was devoted to the relief of suffering.她的大部分成年生活都投入到了解救苦难的工 作中。 [第一组]

  1.outstanding adj.杰出的,突出的 [拓展] stand out显眼,突出 Well,that dress will make you stand out in a crowd. 那件衣服会使你很出众的。 2.pace n.步调;节奏 [归纳] keep pace with

  与……并驾齐驱 She followed Bobby,barely keeping pace with him. 她跟在鲍比后面,勉强与之同步前行。 3.panic n.& v.惊慌,恐慌 [归纳] get into a panic


  in a panic

  惊慌地 She got into a real panic when she thought she'd lost the tickets.当想到她弄丢了票据的时候,她真慌了。 4.participate vi. 参加,参与 [归纳] participate in

  参加 [拓展] participant n.

  参加者,参与者 Everyone in the class is expected to participate in these discussions. 希望班上每个同学都去参加讨论。 5.patient adj.有耐心的,能容忍的

  n.病人 [归纳] be patient with sb.


  be patient of sth.

  对某事耐心 [拓展] patience n.

  耐心,忍耐 Most people wouldn't have the patience of such painstaking work.多数人对这种辛苦的工作都没耐心做。 6.permit v.准许,允许

  n.许可证 [归纳] permit doing sth.


  permit sb.to do sth.

  允许某人做某事 [拓展] permission n.

  准许,许可 We should first apply for the building permit,and then start construction soon,weather permitting. 我们应该先申请建筑许可证,然后在天气允许的情况下尽快动工。 7.personal adj.个人的,私人的 [拓展] personally adv.


  personnel n.

  职员,队员 You'll have to fill out a form giving your personal details.你需要填张表格给出你个人的详细资料。 9.possess v.拥有;占有 [拓展] possession n.


  be in possession of


  be in the possession of


  get/take possession of

  拿到;占领 They don't possess the necessary technical knowledge. 他们不具备必要的技术知识。 10.possibility n.可能,可能性 [归纳] There is no possibility... 没有可能……。 [拓展] possible adj.


  if possible

  如果可能的话 Is there any possibility that he will be elected chairman?有可能他会被选为主席吗? 11.practise (practice) v.练习,训练 [归纳] practise/practice doing sth. 练习做某事 [拓展] practice n.


  practical adj.

  实用的,实际的 I need to practise my Italian before my business trip. 我出差以前需要练习一下意大利语。 表示“组成,构成” 1.make up (be made up of)组成(由……组成) Women make up only 30% of the workforce. 妇女仅占劳动力的30%。 This book is made up of twelve separate short stories. 这本书由12篇独立的短篇故事组成。 2.consist of 由……组成 This club consists of more than 200 members. 这个俱乐部由200位以上的会员所组成。 3.be composed of 由……构成 A sentence is composed of several words put together. 句子是由几个单词连接组合而成。 [第二组] 1.precious adj.宝贵的,珍贵的 Don't waste precious time talking to him,he is not worth it.别浪费宝贵的时间与他谈了,他不值得。 2.prefer v.喜欢,宁愿 [归纳] prefer sth.to sth.


  prefer doing to doing


  prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.

  喜欢做……而不喜欢做…… [拓展] preference n.

  偏爱 I asked her where she wanted to go on vacation,but she didn't express any preference. 我问她她想去哪里度假,但她没表示有什么偏爱。 3.present n.礼物


  vt.展现;赠送 [归纳] at present


  for the present

  目前,暂且 [拓展] presentation n.

  赠送,授予 David's manager presented him with the award for best sales in the region.大卫的经理授予他本地区最佳销售奖。 4.pressure n.压力

  Life is tough in the city. In order to lose pressure, some people drink alcohol. 在城市里生活很艰难,为了减压,一些人喝酒。 6.privilege n.特权,特殊待遇;荣幸 Only members have the privilege of using the sports facilities. 只有会员才有权使用这些体育设施。 7.promise n.诺言

  v.允诺,答应 [归纳] make a promise许下诺言 (2008•湖北高考)The young man made a promise to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation.这个年轻人向他父母许下了诺言,毕业后将努力靠自己谋生。 8.persuade .说服,劝服


  Don't let yourself be persuaded into buying things

  you don't really need.


  5.pretend .假装,佯装

  [归纳] pretend


  Sarah pretended to be cheerful and said nothing about

  the argument.


  8.promote vt.促进,推动;促销;晋升 The meeting was held to promote trade between China and the U.K..本次会议旨在推动中英双边贸易。 9.purpose n.目的,意图 [归纳] on purpose


  for the purpose of

  为了……的目的 I didn't meet him for the mere purpose of talking. 我见他并非就是单纯为了聊天。 10.quantity n.量,数量 [归纳] in quantity


   a large quantity of


  large quantities of

  [拓展] quality n.

  质量;物质 Your work has improved in quantity and quality this term.本学期你的工作在量和质上都有提高。 11.range n.山脉;一系列;范围,区域

  v. 包括(从……到……)之间的各类事物 The prices of the dolls range from $ 5 to $ 100. 这些玩具的价格从5美元到100美元不等。 表示“渴望,希望” 1.hope to do;expect/wish(sb.)to do We hope to leave school next week.我们希望下周离校。 How I expect them to leave me alone! 我非常希望他们让我一个人待会儿。 2.(be) thirsty for (be hungry for) 渴望 Citizens seem thirsty for any kind of reform. 市民们似乎渴望任何形式的改革。 3.long for(long to do sth.)渴望(做某事) It was freezing outside,and he longed for a hot drink. 外面很冷,他非常想喝一杯热饮。 I was tired and was longing for her to leave. 我很疲倦,很希望她离开。 4.(be) eager for (be anxious for) 渴望 The girls were bored and seemed eager for new experiences.

  女孩子感到腻烦了,似乎对新的体验很渴望。 We are anxious for your safe return.我们盼望你平安 归来。 [第三组] 1.recognize vt. 认出,辨认出 [拓展] recognition n.

  认出 Mary came home so thin and weak that her own children hardly recognized her.玛丽回家时是如此瘦弱以致于她自己的孩子几乎认不出她来了。 2.recommend vt.推荐;建议 We strongly recommend you insure your luggage when you travel.我们极力建议你旅行时为你的行李投保。 3.refuse v. 拒绝 [归纳] refuse to do sth.


  I'm sure if you ask her to help you,she won't refuse. 我肯定你若让她帮你,她不会拒绝的。 4.regardless adj. 不重视的,不注意的 [归纳] regardless of


  He says what he thinks,regardless of other people's feelings.他怎么想就怎么说,不考虑别人的感受。 5.relate v. 联系,关联 [归纳] be related to


  [拓展] relation n.


  relationship n.


  relative n.

  亲属,亲戚 His fear of people is deeply related to his unhappy childhood.他怕人的心理与他不幸的童年息息相关。 6.rely v.依赖,依靠,信赖 [归纳] rely on/upon


  [拓展] reliable adj.

  可信赖的 You can't just rely on your parents lending you the money.你不能只靠你父母借给你钱。 7.relief n.宽慰;缓和;救助 [归纳] to one's relief 

  使某人感到宽慰的是 To our great relief,the children all arrived home safely.令我们十分宽慰的是,孩子们都安全到家了。 8.remind vt.提醒,使想起 [归纳] remind sb. of

  使某人想起 At the same time,remind him that you're always there for him should he seek advice or help.与此同时提醒他一下,万一他需要建议或帮助,你随时恭候。 9.request n. 请求;要求的事 [归纳] at one's request

  应某人之请求 He ignored the neighbour's request that he should make less noise.邻居请他别那么大声响,他不予理睬。 10.require v. 需要,要求,规定 [归纳] require doing=require to be done 要求被做 [拓展] requirement n.要求

  meet a requirement

  符合要求 The situation required that we (should) stay there. 当时的情形要求我们留在那里。 11.resemble vt. 像,看起来像 [拓展] resemblance n.

  相似,类似 She resembles her mother in character but not in appearance.在性格上她像她妈,但在外表上不像。 12.resist v.抵制,抵抗,阻挡 [归纳] resist doing sth.

  抵制做某事 She couldn't resist asking him about his date. 她控制不住就问了他关于他约会的事。 表示“忙于/专心于” 1.(be) busy with(doing) sth.忙于某事 They were busy with preparations for their wedding. 他们正忙着准备他们的婚礼。 2.(be)absorbed/lost/buried in专心于…… Lost in thought,he almost knocked into the tree in front of him. 正专心思考,他几乎撞到了前面的树上。 3.(be) occupied with(in)/occupy oneself with (in)忙于……, 专心于…… I have been occupied in reading history books. 我一直专心读历史书。 4.(be) devoted to/devote oneself to专心于……,致力于 The majority of her adult life was devoted to the relief of suffering.她的大部分成年生活都投入到了解救苦难的工 作中。 [第一组]

  1.outstanding adj.杰出的,突出的 [拓展] stand out显眼,突出 Well,that dress will make you stand out in a crowd. 那件衣服会使你很出众的。 2.pace n.步调;节奏 [归纳] keep pace with

  与……并驾齐驱 She followed Bobby,barely keeping pace with him. 她跟在鲍比后面,勉强与之同步前行。 3.panic n.& v.惊慌,恐慌 [归纳] get into a panic


  in a panic

  惊慌地 She got into a real panic when she thought she'd lost the tickets.当想到她弄丢了票据的时候,她真慌了。 4.participate vi. 参加,参与 [归纳] participate in

  参加 [拓展] participant n.

  参加者,参与者 Everyone in the class is expected to participate in these discussions. 希望班上每个同学都去参加讨论。 5.patient adj.有耐心的,能容忍的

  n.病人 [归纳] be patient with sb.


  be patient of sth.

  对某事耐心 [拓展] patience n.

  耐心,忍耐 Most people wouldn't have the patience of such painstaking work.多数人对这种辛苦的工作都没耐心做。 6.permit v.准许,允许

  n.许可证 [归纳] permit doing sth.


  permit sb.to do sth.

  允许某人做某事 [拓展] permission n.

  准许,许可 We should first apply for the building permit,and then start construction soon,weather permitting. 我们应该先申请建筑许可证,然后在天气允许的情况下尽快动工。 7.personal adj.个人的,私人的 [拓展] personally adv.


  personnel n.

  职员,队员 You'll have to fill out a form giving your personal details.你需要填张表格给出你个人的详细资料。 9.possess v.拥有;占有 [拓展] possession n.


  be in possession of


  be in the possession of


  get/take possession of

  拿到;占领 They don't possess the necessary technical knowledge. 他们不具备必要的技术知识。 10.possibility n.可能,可能性 [归纳] There is no possibility... 没有可能……。 [拓展] possible adj.


  if possible

  如果可能的话 Is there any possibility that he will be elected chairman?有可能他会被选为主席吗? 11.practise (practice) v.练习,训练 [归纳] practise/practice doing sth. 练习做某事 [拓展] practice n.


  practical adj.

  实用的,实际的 I need to practise my Italian before my business trip. 我出差以前需要练习一下意大利语。 表示“组成,构成” 1.make up (be made up of)组成(由……组成) Women make up only 30% of the workforce. 妇女仅占劳动力的30%。 This book is made up of twelve separate short stories. 这本书由12篇独立的短篇故事组成。 2.consist of 由……组成 This club consists of more than 200 members. 这个俱乐部由200位以上的会员所组成。 3.be composed of 由……构成 A sentence is composed of several words put together. 句子是由几个单词连接组合而成。 [第二组] 1.precious adj.宝贵的,珍贵的 Don't waste precious time talking to him,he is not worth it.别浪费宝贵的时间与他谈了,他不值得。 2.prefer v.喜欢,宁愿 [归纳] prefer sth.to sth.


  prefer doing to doing


  prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.

  喜欢做……而不喜欢做…… [拓展] preference n.

  偏爱 I asked her where she wanted to go on vacation,but she didn't express any preference. 我问她她想去哪里度假,但她没表示有什么偏爱。 3.present n.礼物


  vt.展现;赠送 [归纳] at present


  for the present

  目前,暂且 [拓展] presentation n.

  赠送,授予 David's manager presented him with the award for best sales in the region.大卫的经理授予他本地区最佳销售奖。 4.pressure n.压力

  Life is tough in the city. In order to lose pressure, some people drink alcohol. 在城市里生活很艰难,为了减压,一些人喝酒。 6.privilege n.特权,特殊待遇;荣幸 Only members have the privilege of using the sports facilities. 只有会员才有权使用这些体育设施。 7.promise n.诺言

  v.允诺,答应 [归纳] make a promise许下诺言 (2008•湖北高考)The young man made a promise to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation.这个年轻人向他父母许下了诺言,毕业后将努力靠自己谋生。 8.persuade .说服,劝服


  Don't let yourself be persuaded into buying things

  you don't really need.


  5.pretend .假装,佯装

  [归纳] pretend


  Sarah pretended to be cheerful and said nothing about

  the argument.
