PowerPointlessness, blend of PowerPoint and pointlessness and coined by Barb Jenkins around 2000, refers to the senseless use flashy transitions, graphics and sound effects while making a slide presentation that is lacking in thought, meaning and value.
PowerPointlessness(PowerPoint和pointlessness二词的合成形式)由一位名叫Barb Kenkins的女士在2000年左右首创,指的是在幻灯片展示时使用绚丽的切换方式、各类图表和音效,而幻灯片本身缺乏思想、内涵及价值,我们称之为“绚丽空洞的PPT”。
For example:
The corporate team stumbled out of the morning meeting after three hours of suffering through PowerPointlessness and dry lectures about strategy.