奥巴马的最后任职期限 Obamas Last Term of Office
Barack Obama who is the first black president in America will finish his last term of office soon. He is going to move away the White House and relieve his job as president. I still remember the time when Obama won the election and gave his inspiring speech, he said he wanted to make some changes to America. Now 8 years have passed, his words have been tested. Some people think he is a good president even though they don’t think what Obama brought to the country did not make a big difference. But no one will deny that Obama is very humorous, it is known to all that he likes to watch the TV series. He keeps his eyes on them and sometimes he will play jokes in his personal Facebook. During his last term, he joined the talk show and showed his humor.
美国历史上第一位黑人总统巴拉克奥巴马很快就会完成他的最后任期。他将离开白宫和卸下他作为总统的工作。我还记得当年奥巴马赢得大选, 发表了鼓舞人心的演讲,他说他想给给美国带来一些改变。现在8年过去了,他的话会得到检验。有些人认为他是一个好总统,即使他们并不认为奥巴马给国家带来很大的影响。但没有人会否认,奥巴马很幽默,众所周知,他喜欢看电视连续剧。他一直关注着美剧,有时他会在他的个人脸谱账号上玩笑。在他最后的任期里,他还参加了谈话节目,展示了他的幽默。