少儿英语圣经故事83:If God be for us神若帮助我

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少儿英语圣经故事83:If God be for us神若帮助我

  Do you ever face a project at school and feel so defeated you say, Ill NEVER get all this done! Thats when your mighty God can be your helper!Do you ever face things or people that make you very afraid?Can you think about how very, very big your God is, and His promise to be with you at all times?Ask Him for His help!

  学校里有一个功课, 你费了九牛二虎之力, 还是做不出来, 你实在是觉得太灰心了:我永远也做不出这道题。这个时候你的大有能力的神就可以成为你的帮助。

  Do you sometimes struggle with temptation to sin, and you feel like that sin is stronger than you are?Youre right, but that sin is NOT stronger than your God! Ask Him to help you win against that sinful temptation!

  你有没有面对过使你害怕的人或事?我们的神好大好大, 他应许要一直和你同在。你可以到神面前来求帮助!你有没有经常因罪的试探而挣扎, 而且你觉得罪要胜过你。 但是, 不管罪多么厉害, 它胜不过你的神。求神来帮助你胜过罪的试探。

  If you know the Lord Jesus, remember the Lord is your Helper! Our memory verse for today is from Romans 8:31, If God be for us, who can be against us?You plus God are a majority over any problem you may face in life!

  如果你相信主耶稣, 记住主是你的帮助!我们今天的圣经经节是罗马书8:31:神若帮助我们, 谁能敌挡我们呢??当神与你同在的时候, 你就可以战胜生活中所有的问题。

  If you are Gods child, He is FOR you, Hes on YOUR side! There are so many things that we battle every day:the temptation to sin, physical problems, people who want to hurt us with their words or actions, problems with school or in the home. But the Apostle Paul wrote these wonderful words to remind us:GOD IS BIGGER THAN ANY OF OUR PROBLEMS! Can any problem or person win against the Lord?If you are Gods child, He lives IN you and works FOR you. Even though Jesus says that in this world, we WILL have problems and trouble, yet we are still winners! NO ONE can take us away from God and NO ONE can touch us unless God allows it. Even the Christians in areas of the world who are suffering for our Lord Jesus right now are winners. NO ONE can take away the wonderful joy and everlasting home God has for them.

  如果你是神的孩子, 神是在你这一边!每一天我们都面对许多争战:比如罪的诱惑;身体的疾病;别人用不友善的话语或行为伤害我们;在学校里或家里的问题。但使徒保罗写了这些美妙的话语来提醒我们: 神在我们一切问题之上。有什么问题或哪一个人能胜过我们的主呢?如果你是神的孩子。他住在你里面, 一直来帮助你。虽然主耶稣说, 在这个世界里我们有问题和困难, 但是我们仍然可以胜过这些。没有人能把我们从神那里夺去, 没有神的允许, 没有人能伤害我们。甚至在世界的某些地方正在为主耶稣受苦的那些基督徒, 他们仍是胜利者。没有人能够夺去神赐给他们的喜乐和永远的家。

  When you are into more school work than you feel like you can do, you will probably never finish it unless you remember and ask the Lord for His help!There are evil things and evil people that make us afraid, but when you are afraid, let it remind you to send a quick and urgent prayer to God in Heaven to be your Helper!

  当你有许多你觉得作不完的功课时, 你要记得寻求神的帮助, 否则你或许永远也做不完这些功课。当有一些坏的事情或坏人使我们害怕的时候, 要记得立刻向神祷告, 让天上的神成为你的帮助!

  Hebrews l3:5 6 says, I will never leave you?and ?The Lord is my Helper?.dont delay when you are tempted to sin! Quick! Run away from that temptation to sin, and run into prayer. Pray that God will keep you from that sin! Remember, if you are Gods child, the Lord is your Helper. God did more than all of Joshuas army and He will do more for you than you could ever do by yourself, just as He did for Joshua!

  希伯来书13章5-6节说:我总不撇下你, 也不丢弃你。 主是帮助我的?。当你被罪试探的时候, 要马上跑开, 去祷告神救你脱离罪的试探。 记住, 如果你是神的孩子, 神是你的帮助。神所做的比约书亚的整个军队做的还要多。神为你所能做的远超你自己一切的能力。

  If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus as your Savior from sin, then you are left to face all your problems alone. Much worse, you are left to face death and eternity alone. But that is not what your loving God wants. He wants YOU to be His child and He wants to be your Helper! Why not go now to ?How to Be a Child of God.

  如果你还没有相信主耶稣把你从罪中拯救出来, 那么你就要自己面对一切的困难。更糟糕的是, 你还要面对死亡和永远与神的分离。但神不愿意让你这样。他愿意你成为他的孩子, 他成为你的帮助。 请你去听?怎样能成为神的孩子?, 照着那里说的来做出决定。

  Can we say Romans 8:31 together and then sing it as well?If God be for us, who can be against us?Can anyone win against the Lord?If God be for us, who can be against us?No one can win against the Lord!!Can an army win against the Lord?NO! No!Can the devil win against the Lord?No! No!If God be for us, who can be against us?No one can win against the Lord!Can our problems win against the Lord?No! No!Can our enemies win against the Lord?No! No!If God be for us, who can be against us?No one can win against the Lord!Can sickness win against the Lord?No! No!Can temptation win against the Lord?No! No!If God be for us, who can be against us?No one can win against the Lord!

  让我们再说一遍罗马书8:31:神若帮助我们, 谁能敌挡我们呢??让我们一起唱下面这首歌:神若帮助我们, 谁能敌挡我们?有谁能胜过神呢?神若帮助我们, 谁能敌挡我们?无人能胜过神!有什么军队能胜过神?没有!老魔鬼能胜过神吗?不!不!神若帮助我们, 谁能敌挡我们?无人能胜过神!我们的困难能胜过神吗?不!不!我们的敌人能胜过神吗?不!不!神若帮助我们, 谁能敌挡我们?无人能胜过神!我们的疾病能胜过神吗?不!不!罪的试探能胜过神吗?不!不!神若帮助我们, 谁能敌挡我们?无人能胜过神!


  Do you ever face a project at school and feel so defeated you say, Ill NEVER get all this done! Thats when your mighty God can be your helper!Do you ever face things or people that make you very afraid?Can you think about how very, very big your God is, and His promise to be with you at all times?Ask Him for His help!

  学校里有一个功课, 你费了九牛二虎之力, 还是做不出来, 你实在是觉得太灰心了:我永远也做不出这道题。这个时候你的大有能力的神就可以成为你的帮助。

  Do you sometimes struggle with temptation to sin, and you feel like that sin is stronger than you are?Youre right, but that sin is NOT stronger than your God! Ask Him to help you win against that sinful temptation!

  你有没有面对过使你害怕的人或事?我们的神好大好大, 他应许要一直和你同在。你可以到神面前来求帮助!你有没有经常因罪的试探而挣扎, 而且你觉得罪要胜过你。 但是, 不管罪多么厉害, 它胜不过你的神。求神来帮助你胜过罪的试探。

  If you know the Lord Jesus, remember the Lord is your Helper! Our memory verse for today is from Romans 8:31, If God be for us, who can be against us?You plus God are a majority over any problem you may face in life!

  如果你相信主耶稣, 记住主是你的帮助!我们今天的圣经经节是罗马书8:31:神若帮助我们, 谁能敌挡我们呢??当神与你同在的时候, 你就可以战胜生活中所有的问题。

  If you are Gods child, He is FOR you, Hes on YOUR side! There are so many things that we battle every day:the temptation to sin, physical problems, people who want to hurt us with their words or actions, problems with school or in the home. But the Apostle Paul wrote these wonderful words to remind us:GOD IS BIGGER THAN ANY OF OUR PROBLEMS! Can any problem or person win against the Lord?If you are Gods child, He lives IN you and works FOR you. Even though Jesus says that in this world, we WILL have problems and trouble, yet we are still winners! NO ONE can take us away from God and NO ONE can touch us unless God allows it. Even the Christians in areas of the world who are suffering for our Lord Jesus right now are winners. NO ONE can take away the wonderful joy and everlasting home God has for them.

  如果你是神的孩子, 神是在你这一边!每一天我们都面对许多争战:比如罪的诱惑;身体的疾病;别人用不友善的话语或行为伤害我们;在学校里或家里的问题。但使徒保罗写了这些美妙的话语来提醒我们: 神在我们一切问题之上。有什么问题或哪一个人能胜过我们的主呢?如果你是神的孩子。他住在你里面, 一直来帮助你。虽然主耶稣说, 在这个世界里我们有问题和困难, 但是我们仍然可以胜过这些。没有人能把我们从神那里夺去, 没有神的允许, 没有人能伤害我们。甚至在世界的某些地方正在为主耶稣受苦的那些基督徒, 他们仍是胜利者。没有人能够夺去神赐给他们的喜乐和永远的家。

  When you are into more school work than you feel like you can do, you will probably never finish it unless you remember and ask the Lord for His help!There are evil things and evil people that make us afraid, but when you are afraid, let it remind you to send a quick and urgent prayer to God in Heaven to be your Helper!

  当你有许多你觉得作不完的功课时, 你要记得寻求神的帮助, 否则你或许永远也做不完这些功课。当有一些坏的事情或坏人使我们害怕的时候, 要记得立刻向神祷告, 让天上的神成为你的帮助!

  Hebrews l3:5 6 says, I will never leave you?and ?The Lord is my Helper?.dont delay when you are tempted to sin! Quick! Run away from that temptation to sin, and run into prayer. Pray that God will keep you from that sin! Remember, if you are Gods child, the Lord is your Helper. God did more than all of Joshuas army and He will do more for you than you could ever do by yourself, just as He did for Joshua!

  希伯来书13章5-6节说:我总不撇下你, 也不丢弃你。 主是帮助我的?。当你被罪试探的时候, 要马上跑开, 去祷告神救你脱离罪的试探。 记住, 如果你是神的孩子, 神是你的帮助。神所做的比约书亚的整个军队做的还要多。神为你所能做的远超你自己一切的能力。

  If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus as your Savior from sin, then you are left to face all your problems alone. Much worse, you are left to face death and eternity alone. But that is not what your loving God wants. He wants YOU to be His child and He wants to be your Helper! Why not go now to ?How to Be a Child of God.

  如果你还没有相信主耶稣把你从罪中拯救出来, 那么你就要自己面对一切的困难。更糟糕的是, 你还要面对死亡和永远与神的分离。但神不愿意让你这样。他愿意你成为他的孩子, 他成为你的帮助。 请你去听?怎样能成为神的孩子?, 照着那里说的来做出决定。

  Can we say Romans 8:31 together and then sing it as well?If God be for us, who can be against us?Can anyone win against the Lord?If God be for us, who can be against us?No one can win against the Lord!!Can an army win against the Lord?NO! No!Can the devil win against the Lord?No! No!If God be for us, who can be against us?No one can win against the Lord!Can our problems win against the Lord?No! No!Can our enemies win against the Lord?No! No!If God be for us, who can be against us?No one can win against the Lord!Can sickness win against the Lord?No! No!Can temptation win against the Lord?No! No!If God be for us, who can be against us?No one can win against the Lord!

  让我们再说一遍罗马书8:31:神若帮助我们, 谁能敌挡我们呢??让我们一起唱下面这首歌:神若帮助我们, 谁能敌挡我们?有谁能胜过神呢?神若帮助我们, 谁能敌挡我们?无人能胜过神!有什么军队能胜过神?没有!老魔鬼能胜过神吗?不!不!神若帮助我们, 谁能敌挡我们?无人能胜过神!我们的困难能胜过神吗?不!不!我们的敌人能胜过神吗?不!不!神若帮助我们, 谁能敌挡我们?无人能胜过神!我们的疾病能胜过神吗?不!不!罪的试探能胜过神吗?不!不!神若帮助我们, 谁能敌挡我们?无人能胜过神!