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  Either, dance, course, letter, current.这些简单词汇的英式和美式发音在我们的历年真题音频中都能找到。






  11.W: This is one of our best and least expensive two-bedroom listings. Its located in a quiet building and its close to bus lines.

  M: That maybe true. But look at it, its awful, the paint has peeled off and carpet is worn and the stove is ancient.

  Q: What can we infer from the conversation?



  M: This truck looks like what I need but Im worried about maintenance. For us itll have to operate for long periods of time in very cold temperatures.

  W: We have several models that are especially adaptive for extreme conditions. Would you like to see them?

  Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?

  正确答案是A) He needs a vehicle to be used in harsh weather.原文中,男士说担忧卡车的维护,提出truck需要operate for long periods of time in very cold temperatures,意思是能够满足长时间在严寒中使用。 very cold temperatures和extreme conditions即对应harsh weather.关于严寒的极端天气这种说法,早在之前06年6月17日的考试当中就出现过,见当年第三篇短文的18题选项A) How animals survive harsh conditions in the wild.



  freshman大一学生,sophomore大二学生,junior student大三学生, senior student大四学生,高年级学生, undergraduate student本科生, graduate student / postgraduate student研究生, tutor / mentor / director / supervisor导师,take the course选课,drop the course 退课,register注册,sign up for the course选课,seminar讨论班, selective course /elective course/optional course选修课,requirement / required course/compulsory必修课,credit学分,introductory course初级课程,advanced course高级课程,skip the class翘课,paper/ essay/ thesis论文, librarian图书管理员,due到期, renew续借, back number过刊, latest issue最新一期, journal期刊, periodical 期刊


  promotion提升、升职, immediate boss顶头上司,qualification 资历,certificate证书, quit/ resign 辞职,retire退休, lay off 失业, credential 文凭, apply for the job申请工作, applicant 申请者, resume简历(注意发音),position职位, occupation职位, job vacancy 职务空缺, job opening 职位空缺


  renter/ tenant 房客, landlord地主/房东, lease租约/租契, utilities水电气费用, let租, furniture家具, carpet地毯, stove炉子, oven炉子, suite套房(注意发音), hotel receptionist 酒店前台接待员, room service 客房服务, reservation 预订,be booked up订满


  plumber 管工, mechanic 机师, electrician 电工, carpenter 木匠, telephone repairman 修理工(以上四个单词请见2001年1月六级短对话第7题四个选项), fix 修理, garage 车库, vacuum 吸尘器, refrigerator电冰箱, fuse保险丝


  W: The handle of the suitcase is broken. Can you have it fixed by next Tuesday?

  M: Let me see, I need to find a handle that matches but that shouldnt take too long.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  答案The suitcase can be fixed in time.在男人的话中,首先说明需要找到一个可以匹配的把手,但接下来就用一个but说明这个修理过程不会持续很久,也就是我们的答案in time的来源。


  M: What are you going to do with the old house you are in heritage from your grandfather?

  W: I once intended to sell it, but now, Im thinking of turning it into a guest house, because its still a solid structure.

  Q: What does the man plan to do with his old house?

  答案Convert it into a hotel.就是来自于女人答语的but后面。如果错误关注于but前方的内容once intended to sell it,就会认为应该卖掉,但听到but之后,才知道答案是turn it into a guest house,也就是说convert into a hotel的替换。


  比如刚刚说过的第18题,其中的定位点but和答案点turn it into替换convert,都是来自于1999年6月份六级考试的听力真题第8题

  A) He may convert it and use it as a restaurant.

  B) He may pull it down and build a new restaurant.

  C) He may rent it out for use as a restaurant.

  D) He may sell it to the owner of a restaurant.


  M: What is Mr. Peterson going to do with his old house on London Road? Rent it or sell it?

  W: I heard he is thinking of turning it into a restaurant, which isnt a bad idea, because its still a solid building.

  Q: What will Mr. Peterson do with his old house?

  同样考察了turn it into和convert的同义替换。




  19. A. Unique descriptive skills.

  B. Good knowledge of readers tastes.

  C. Colorful world experiences.

  D. Careful plotting and clueing.

  20. A. A peaceful setting.

  B. A spacious room.

  C. To be in the right mood.

  D. To be entirely alone.

  21. A. They rely heavily on their own imagination.

  B. They have experiences similar to the characters.

  C. They look at the world in a detached manner.

  D. They are overwhelmed by their own prejudices.


  19. D. Careful plotting and clueing.

  20. D. To be entirely alone.

  21. C. They look at the world in a detached manner.


  W: When you write a novel, do you know where youre going, Dr. James?

  M: Yes, you must, really, if youre writing the classical detective story,because it must be so carefully plotted and so carefully clued. I have schemes. I have charts. I have diagrams. It doesnt mean to say that I always get it right, but I do plan before I begin writing.But what is so fascinating is how a book changes during the process of writing. It seems to me that creative writing is a process of revelation, really, rather than of creativity in the ordinary sense.

  W: When youre planning the basic structure, do you like to go away to be sure that youre by yourself?

  M:(第20题答案位置,放音此时出现非常明确的语气强调,且出现引导词absolutely和but、completely等表达)I need to be by myself certainly, absolutely. I cant even bare anybody else in the house. I dont mind much where I am as long as Ive got enough space to write, but I need to be completely alone.

  W: Is that very important to you?

  M: Oh, yes. Ive never been lonely in all my life.

  W: How extraordinary! Never?

  M: No, never.

  W: (第21题答案位置。用上下两句对话说明作家的特点。先说明The writer can stand aside from experience and look at it, watch it happening接下来用了一个单词detachment的重现直指答案They look at the world in a detached manner,其中detached译为不带感情的,超然的。)Youre very lucky. Someone once said that theres a bit of ice at the heart of every writer.

  M: Yes. I think this is true. The writer can stand aside from experience and look at it, watch it happening. There is thisdetachment and I realize that there are obviously experiences which would overwhelm everyone.But very often, a writer can appear to stand aside, and this detachment makes people feel theres a bit of ice in the heart.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. What is the key to write a good classical detective story according to the man?

  20. What does the man mainly need when working on a book?

  21. What does the man say about writers?


  W: There is an element there about competition then, isnt there? Because British railways are a nationalized industry. Theres only one railway system in the country. If you dont like a particular kind of big beans, you can go and buy another.(这是该篇第一道题目第22题答案的位置。正确选项Like it or not, you have to use them,即是从but后方内容得到的形象概括。)But if you dont like a particular railway, you cant go and use another.

  M: Some people who write to me say this




  (文章最开始的首句群出现开篇26题答案位置,选项即原文重现)Among global warmings most frightening threats is the prediction is that the polar ice-caps will melt, raising sea level so much that coastal cities from New York to Los Angles to Shanghai will be flooded.Scientists agree that key player in this scenario is the West Antarctic ice sheet, a Brazil-size mass of frozen water that is much as 7000 feet thick. Unlike floating ice shelves which have little impact on sea level when they break up, the ice sheet is anchored to bedrock will blow the sea surface. Surrounded by open ocean, it is also vulnerable, (注意but的逻辑词引导,这是第27题答案位置)but Antarctic experts disagree strongly on just how unstable it is.(细节题,第28题答案位置,和选项几乎相同的原文重现)Now, new evidence reveals that all or most of the Antarctic ice sheet collapsed at least once during the past 1.3 million years, a period when global temperatures probably were not significantly higher than they are today. And the ice sheet was assumed to have been stable. In geological time, a million years is recent history. The proof, which was published(提示第29题latest finding)last weekin Science, comes from a team of scientists from Uppsala University in Sweden and California Institute of Technology who drew deep holes near the edge of ice sheet. Within samples collected from the solid substances lying beneath the ice. They found fossils of microscopic marine plants which(第29题答案位置,注意结论性的语句)suggest that the region was once open ocean not solid ice.As Herman Engleheart, a co-author from the California Institute of Technology says, the West Antarctic ice sheet disappear once and can disappear again.

  26. What is one of the most frightening threats of global warming according to the passage?

  答案:Many coastal cities will be covered with water.

  27. What did scientists disagree on?

  答案:How unstable the West Antarctic ice sheet is.

  28. What is the latest information revealed about the West Antarctic ice sheet?

  答案:It collapsed at least once during the past 1.3 million years.

  29. What the scientists latest findings suggest?

  答案:The West Antarctic region was once a open ocean.

  本文属于地理科学类文章,涉及到全球气候变暖、极地冰川融化等近年来很热门的环境问题。其中包含一些专业词汇,如West Antarctic ice sheet西南极洲冰原,ice shelf 冰架, fossil 化石, microscopic marine plants海洋微生物,等等。除了专业词汇的困扰外,文章中出现的大数字也会在听力放音中给众多考生加压。文章结尾选取的Herman Engleheart的引语,给全篇的科学实验做出了一个结论,也就是西南极冰原可能再度融化。

  在这类专业性较强的文章里,一定要听明白文章首句群在文章的开头三到四句话中往往会交代这篇文章研究的领域或者提出的科学猜想,这对于解题至关重要。通常在这样的首句群之后,文章将进行到相关的数据例证或者实验分析,这时候,由于文章本身出题数量的限制,经常是没有需要总结或概括的题目出现的,所以,在数据列举和实验分析的过程,即使出题也很可能只是细节的题目,这个时候应用视听基本一致就变得非常简单。文章的结尾往往很重要,通常会有结论出现。基本在所有的新知识普及型文章中,都有两个通用的出题点a,实验带来的最终结论;b,科学研究者的直接引用观点即得出的最可能的理论和设想。所以,请大家注意如a, research/ survey/ statistics/ evidence/ studies+ show/ reveal/ indicate和b, scientist/ researcher/ a certain scientists name+ believe/ find/ discover/ estimate组合后方的内容,往往是答案所在的区域。



  1, 审题。先看第一句,判断出该篇的主题、感情基调及时态。再看单词空格前后的单词或短语,以此推知空格中所填单词的词性甚至词义。此外还需注意句子空格前后是什么单词,以判断句子的起止点。

  2, 速记。复合式听写在第一遍读文章时,时间是比较不够用的,所以如何锻炼自己速记能力很重要。如departmentdept., difficultdifft, three months later 3m, eight days ago8d等。对于写字慢的同学,句子不一定完全照搬,可以记下重点词,之后凭印象和逻辑连词成句。

  3, 注意单词拼写。一般常考的单词是名词和动词。名词需要注意单复数,动词需要注意时态。句子中如果遇到不会拼写的单词,可用同义词替换。



  English is the leading international language. In different countries around the globe, English is acquired as the mother ________, in others its used as a second language.





  President Clinton later today joins ________presidents Ford, Garter and Bush at the presidents summit for Americans future aimed at recruiting one million volunteer tutors

  答案: former

