三年级英语阅读之The Wooden Horse

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三年级英语阅读之The Wooden Horse

A carpenter and a blacksmith had an argument. Each of them insisted that he was more skilful than the other. Who was actually the more skilful of the two? They disputed this question for a long time without reaching any conclusion. Finally they agreed, Lets go to the king and ask him to be the judge.

So they came to the king who asked them, What have you come for?

I am a carpenter, said the one. And my handiwork is more ingenious than the handiwork of any other carpenter in the world. But he said that I cannot match him in skill.

The blacksmith said, Whoever sees my work praises it. But he insists that my skill is inferior to his.

We want Your Majesty to be our judge and tell us whose skill is truly superior, the two pleaded. This put the king in a difficult position. How can I form a judgement without seeing a single thing you have made? said he. ll give you ten days. In that time you must each make a sample of your work and bring it here.

The two went home and each set his hand to his task. Ten days later, they came to the king again. The blacksmith brought with him a huge iron fish. What can this do? asked the king.