国际英语资讯:APEC dialogue in Vietnam discusses free trade agreements

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国际英语资讯:APEC dialogue in Vietnam discusses free trade agreements

HO CHI MINH CITY, Aug. 27 -- Over 200 delegates from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) members met here Sunday to discuss issues on regional trade agreements (RTAs) and free trade agreements (FTAs) in the region.

At a dialogue on RTAs/FTAs, the delegates, including senior officials, experts and business people, shared their views and experiences in negotiations, signing and implementing such agreements in the Asia-Pacific region.

Addressing the dialogue, Bui Thanh Son, Vietnamese deputy minister of foreign affairs, chair of SOM (Senior Officials' Meetings) APEC 2024, said that APEC is the best platform for discussing RTAs/FTAs which play an important role in creating new driving forces for economic growth as well as trade and investment in the region.

The delegates discussed measures to fully tap socioeconomic benefits of RTAs/FTAs and minimize disadvantages such as high adjustment costs and widening income inequality.

APEC economies have joined a total of 165 FTAs/RTAs, Son said, adding that Vietnam has so far negotiated and signed 12 FTAs, and is negotiating four others.