《创战纪》国内震撼上映 史上投资最大影片之一

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《创战纪》国内震撼上映 史上投资最大影片之一

The 1982 film "Tron," was about hacker/arcade owner Kevin Flynn who is digitally broken down into a data stream by a villainous software pirate known as the Master Control Program (MCP) and reconstituted into the internal, 3-D graphical world of computers. It is there, in the ultimate blazingly colorful, geometrically intense landscapes of cyberspace, that Flynn joins forces with Tron to outmaneuver the MCP that holds them captive in the equivalent of a gigantic, infinitely challenging computer game.

The new movie is acting as a "next chapter." Plot details are being guarded closely, but Wilde will play a worker in the virtual world who tries to help fight Master Control Program, the villainous intelligence protocol that was the nemesis in the original film. Garrett will play a siren in the virtual world.

《创战纪》(Tron: Legacy)是1982年经典科幻片《电子世界争霸战》的续集,继承了老版中的科幻概念和视觉元素,并结合最顶尖的CG和3D技术。投资3亿美元,是迄今为止电影史上投资最大的电影之一。其中单是角色服饰一项的预算就高达1300万美元,一件车手的定制西服的价格就高达6万美元。


《创战纪》是由第一次执导电影的约瑟夫-科金斯基(Joseph Kosinski)担任导演,《迷失》(Lost)、《人间炼狱》(Living Hell)的编剧亚当-霍罗威茨(Adam Horowitz)、爱德华-凯特西斯(Edward Kitsis)、理查德-杰弗理斯(Richard Jefferies)与1982年的第一部《电子世界争霸战》(Tron)的导演史蒂文-利斯伯吉尔(Steven Lisberger)共同担任编剧。杰夫-布里吉斯(Jeff Bridges)、加内特-赫德兰(Garrett Hedlund)、奥利维亚-王尔德(Olivia Wilde)等人担当主演。

The 1982 film "Tron," was about hacker/arcade owner Kevin Flynn who is digitally broken down into a data stream by a villainous software pirate known as the Master Control Program (MCP) and reconstituted into the internal, 3-D graphical world of computers. It is there, in the ultimate blazingly colorful, geometrically intense landscapes of cyberspace, that Flynn joins forces with Tron to outmaneuver the MCP that holds them captive in the equivalent of a gigantic, infinitely challenging computer game.

The new movie is acting as a "next chapter." Plot details are being guarded closely, but Wilde will play a worker in the virtual world who tries to help fight Master Control Program, the villainous intelligence protocol that was the nemesis in the original film. Garrett will play a siren in the virtual world.

《创战纪》(Tron: Legacy)是1982年经典科幻片《电子世界争霸战》的续集,继承了老版中的科幻概念和视觉元素,并结合最顶尖的CG和3D技术。投资3亿美元,是迄今为止电影史上投资最大的电影之一。其中单是角色服饰一项的预算就高达1300万美元,一件车手的定制西服的价格就高达6万美元。


《创战纪》是由第一次执导电影的约瑟夫-科金斯基(Joseph Kosinski)担任导演,《迷失》(Lost)、《人间炼狱》(Living Hell)的编剧亚当-霍罗威茨(Adam Horowitz)、爱德华-凯特西斯(Edward Kitsis)、理查德-杰弗理斯(Richard Jefferies)与1982年的第一部《电子世界争霸战》(Tron)的导演史蒂文-利斯伯吉尔(Steven Lisberger)共同担任编剧。杰夫-布里吉斯(Jeff Bridges)、加内特-赫德兰(Garrett Hedlund)、奥利维亚-王尔德(Olivia Wilde)等人担当主演。