国花系列:CHINESE ROSE (伊拉克
At the end of the eighteenth century, as Chinese Roses were prominently introduced to the West, there was a great revolution in the world of roses. The arrival of the China Roses changed the rose world profoundly.
The Chinese Roses broadened the scents of roses. New blends became apparent when the Chinese hybridized with other roses. In A Fragrant Year, Helen van Pelt Wilson and Léonie Bell, state that Chinas are vaguely scented on their own. They remark that they are able to detect the fragrance of nectarine in 'Old Blush'. They go on further to say that 'Old Blush' gave a pepper smell to some of its offspring; in others a fruity smell was heightened. They believe that 'Parson's Pink' and 'Slater's Crimson China' had little scent. The mating with European fragrances produced a pronounced fruity bouquet, notably nectarine or raspberry, that can be found in the Bourbons.
The Chinese Rose brought a change to the form of the flower. The high centered exhibition rose owes its form to the China genes. The China Roses also brought the rose world slender buds that unfurl when opening.
The Chinese Roses have a mysterious origin. Although there is no evidence of how they were developed, they are the product of a rich culture of ingenious people. They were not seen in art before the tenth century, were not a part of mythology, and little is known of their history. What we do know is that they were cultivated for many centuries in China; however, the Chinese did not prize the rose as they did the chrysanthemum, which appears in their art from long times past.
The value of the Chinese Rose should not be underestimated. Graham Thomas believes that the Chinese Roses are the species upon which modern roses are built. The work of Dr. Hurst pinpointed our Chinese roses back to four garden roses known as the Four Stud Chinas :'Slater's Crimson China' (1792), 'Parson's Pink China' (1793, Identical to 'Old Blush'), 'Hume's Blush Tea-scented China' (1809), and 'Parks' Yellow Tea-scented China' (1824). There may be evidence that the China Rose was known in Italy long before the official introduction dates.
学名:Rosa chinensis
英名:Chinese Rose
产地与习性:蔷薇科属植物原产北半球,几乎遍及亚、欧两大洲,中国是月季的原 产地之一。至于现代月季,血缘关系极为复杂。月季为有刺灌木,或呈蔓状与攀援状。
和平月季是法国人弗兰西斯.梅朗1939年在法西斯铁蹄下培育出来的。他以3-35-40的代号,将这种月季寄到美国。美国园艺家焙耶收到了这远渡重洋的品种后,立即分送美国南北各重要花圃进行繁殖。几年后,这个新品种东山再起,一时轰动全美。1945年美国太平洋月季协会将这个品种命名为和平,并宣称:我们确信,当代最了不起的这一新品种月季,应当以当今世界人民最大的愿望“和平”来命名,我们相信,和平月季将做为一个典范,永远生长在我们子孙万代的花园里。 和平月季命名这一天,正巧联军攻克柏林,希特勒灭亡。而当和平月季获全美帝国主义无条件投降。当联合国成立,在旧金山召开第一次会议时,每个代表房间的花瓶里,都有一束美国月季协会赠送的和平月季。上面有一个字条写着:我们希望“和平”月季能够影响人们的思想,给全世界以持久和平。第二次世界大战期间,法西斯匪徒在离布拉格十四公里一个叫里斯底的村子里,残害了一百七十五名十五岁以上的男人,并将妇女和儿童关进集中营。战后,为了纪念这些人们,许多月季专家和一些自愿捐助的人,于1955年在这里建起了一个月季园,其中主要的品种是和平。
At the end of the eighteenth century, as Chinese Roses were prominently introduced to the West, there was a great revolution in the world of roses. The arrival of the China Roses changed the rose world profoundly.
The Chinese Roses broadened the scents of roses. New blends became apparent when the Chinese hybridized with other roses. In A Fragrant Year, Helen van Pelt Wilson and Léonie Bell, state that Chinas are vaguely scented on their own. They remark that they are able to detect the fragrance of nectarine in 'Old Blush'. They go on further to say that 'Old Blush' gave a pepper smell to some of its offspring; in others a fruity smell was heightened. They believe that 'Parson's Pink' and 'Slater's Crimson China' had little scent. The mating with European fragrances produced a pronounced fruity bouquet, notably nectarine or raspberry, that can be found in the Bourbons.
The Chinese Rose brought a change to the form of the flower. The high centered exhibition rose owes its form to the China genes. The China Roses also brought the rose world slender buds that unfurl when opening.
The Chinese Roses have a mysterious origin. Although there is no evidence of how they were developed, they are the product of a rich culture of ingenious people. They were not seen in art before the tenth century, were not a part of mythology, and little is known of their history. What we do know is that they were cultivated for many centuries in China; however, the Chinese did not prize the rose as they did the chrysanthemum, which appears in their art from long times past.
The value of the Chinese Rose should not be underestimated. Graham Thomas believes that the Chinese Roses are the species upon which modern roses are built. The work of Dr. Hurst pinpointed our Chinese roses back to four garden roses known as the Four Stud Chinas :'Slater's Crimson China' (1792), 'Parson's Pink China' (1793, Identical to 'Old Blush'), 'Hume's Blush Tea-scented China' (1809), and 'Parks' Yellow Tea-scented China' (1824). There may be evidence that the China Rose was known in Italy long before the official introduction dates.
学名:Rosa chinensis
英名:Chinese Rose
产地与习性:蔷薇科属植物原产北半球,几乎遍及亚、欧两大洲,中国是月季的原 产地之一。至于现代月季,血缘关系极为复杂。月季为有刺灌木,或呈蔓状与攀援状。
和平月季是法国人弗兰西斯.梅朗1939年在法西斯铁蹄下培育出来的。他以3-35-40的代号,将这种月季寄到美国。美国园艺家焙耶收到了这远渡重洋的品种后,立即分送美国南北各重要花圃进行繁殖。几年后,这个新品种东山再起,一时轰动全美。1945年美国太平洋月季协会将这个品种命名为和平,并宣称:我们确信,当代最了不起的这一新品种月季,应当以当今世界人民最大的愿望“和平”来命名,我们相信,和平月季将做为一个典范,永远生长在我们子孙万代的花园里。 和平月季命名这一天,正巧联军攻克柏林,希特勒灭亡。而当和平月季获全美帝国主义无条件投降。当联合国成立,在旧金山召开第一次会议时,每个代表房间的花瓶里,都有一束美国月季协会赠送的和平月季。上面有一个字条写着:我们希望“和平”月季能够影响人们的思想,给全世界以持久和平。第二次世界大战期间,法西斯匪徒在离布拉格十四公里一个叫里斯底的村子里,残害了一百七十五名十五岁以上的男人,并将妇女和儿童关进集中营。战后,为了纪念这些人们,许多月季专家和一些自愿捐助的人,于1955年在这里建起了一个月季园,其中主要的品种是和平。