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  涉及工作的词汇:崇高职业noble career白领工作white-collar workers跳槽job-hopping试用期probationary peri

  试用期probationary period

  人才流动和双向选择talent flow and a dual-way selection

  自由职业freelance work

  拜金主义money worship

  获得名利achieve fame and wealth

  充分发挥个人的潜力develop fully ones potential and creativity

  实干精神steadfast and earnest in ones work

  工作出色excel in ones work

  无忧无虑be care-free

  社会和个人的尊重social and personal esteem

  生计问题a bread and butter issue

  生活补助living subsidies

  人才交流talents exchange

  培养人才cultivate talents

  推荐人才recommend the virtuous and able

  人才外流brain drain

  优化产业结构optimize the structure

  精简人员cut off the overstaffed offices

  提高综合素质improve the comprehensive quality

  解决劳动就业问题tackle the problem of labor force utilization

  坚持改革be persistent in the reform progress

  造成失业问题bring about the unemployment problem

  下岗人员the laid-off workers

  自谋生路be self-employed

  给出优惠政策give preferential treatment

  享受失业救济金enjoy unemployment pension

  需要安全感和生活保障need a sense of security and guarantee of life

  劳动力短缺shortage of manpower

  提高文化,智慧,品质修养enhance their cultural and moral quality



  卫生环境sanitary environment 呼吸疾病respiratory disease

  营养不良malnourished 建设卫生城市hygienic city

  传染病infectious disease


  涉及工作的词汇:崇高职业noble career白领工作white-collar workers跳槽job-hopping试用期probationary peri

  试用期probationary period

  人才流动和双向选择talent flow and a dual-way selection

  自由职业freelance work

  拜金主义money worship

  获得名利achieve fame and wealth

  充分发挥个人的潜力develop fully ones potential and creativity

  实干精神steadfast and earnest in ones work

  工作出色excel in ones work

  无忧无虑be care-free

  社会和个人的尊重social and personal esteem

  生计问题a bread and butter issue

  生活补助living subsidies

  人才交流talents exchange

  培养人才cultivate talents

  推荐人才recommend the virtuous and able

  人才外流brain drain

  优化产业结构optimize the structure

  精简人员cut off the overstaffed offices

  提高综合素质improve the comprehensive quality

  解决劳动就业问题tackle the problem of labor force utilization

  坚持改革be persistent in the reform progress

  造成失业问题bring about the unemployment problem

  下岗人员the laid-off workers

  自谋生路be self-employed

  给出优惠政策give preferential treatment

  享受失业救济金enjoy unemployment pension

  需要安全感和生活保障need a sense of security and guarantee of life

  劳动力短缺shortage of manpower

  提高文化,智慧,品质修养enhance their cultural and moral quality



  卫生环境sanitary environment 呼吸疾病respiratory disease

  营养不良malnourished 建设卫生城市hygienic city

  传染病infectious disease