Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. A t the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked , , and . Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center
Passage One
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
To include mass production and the assembly line among Henry Fords accomplishments.
To report the origin of the minimum wage.
To credit Henry Ford with industrial reforms.
To defend Henry Fords practices.
The five-dollar-a-day minimum wage.
Education and training programs.
Labor unions.
Sick leaves
Passage Two
Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Much competition has to be faced.
Many employees have no work experience.
The young people only care about how much they can earn.
Schools fail to offer students appropriate vocational guidance.
Because they have ruined their talents.
Because they have taken on an unsuitable job.
Because they think of nothing but their salary.
Because they are not aware of their own potential.
Your job must suit your interest.
Your job must set a pattern of life.
Your job must offer you a high salary.
Your job must not ruin your talents.
Passage Three
Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
It centers on convincing the reader that cheating is immoral.
It centers on discussing the reasons the cheating.
It centers on describing how students cheat on exam.
It centers on discussing how to control cheating.
It is forgivable to cheat unless money is involved.
There has been a quick increase in cheating.
Most cheaters are college students.
Cheaters is regardless of guilt and regret.
Cheating is widespread because the society is too tolerant.
Cheatirig is the result of intense pressure.
Cheating is cheating, whether on a test or on any other occasions.
Cheating comes together with civilization.
One wants something badly.
One cant get something in a right way.
It is not very likely to be revealed.
A series of things has to be dealt with.
Section B
Passage One
Passage Two
31.A信息明示题。 文章最后一段指出,在选择职业时,首先应该考虑的是其是否符合自己的兴趣,首先要考虑的也就是最重要的,所以A正确。
Passage Three
32.B 主旨题。文章先指出为什么会作弊,然后指出现在作弊现象增多,并以心理学教授的分析为根据,列举了导致作弊行为的心理原因,指出近年来作弊现象增多的原因在于惩罚力度较轻,可见文章通篇是在分析作弊的原因,所以B正确。
Section B
Passage One
Although Henry Fords name is closely associated with the concept of mass production, he should receive equal credit for introducing labor practices as early as 1913 that would be considered advanced even by todays standards.
Safety measures were improved, and the work day was reduced to eight hours, compared with the ten- or twelve-hour day common at that time. In order to accommodate the shorter work day, the entire factory was converted from two to three shifts.
In addition, sick leaves as well as improved medical care for those injured on the job were instituted. The Ford Motor Company was one of the first factories to develop a technical school to train specialized skilled laborers and an English language, school for immigrants. Some efforts were even made to hire the handicapped and provide jobs for former convicts.
The most widely acclaimed innovation was the five-dollar-a-day minimum wage that was offered in order to recruit and retain the best mechanics and to discourage the growth of labor unions. Ford explained the new wage policy in terms of efficiency and profit sharing. He also mentioned the fact that his employees would be able to purchase the automobiles that they produced--in effect creating a market for the product. In order to qualify for the minimum wage,an employee had to establish a decent home and demonstrate good personal habits, including sobriety, thriftiness,
industriousness, and dependability. Although some criticism was directed at Ford for involving himself too much in the personal lives of his employees, there can be no doubt that, at a time when immigrants were being taken advantage of in frightful ways, Henry Ford was helping many people to establish themselves in America.
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
26. What is the authors main purpose in the passage?
27. How many hours did Fords employees work per shift in his factory?
28. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as labor practices instituted by Ford?
Passage Two
Too often young people get themselves employed quite by accident, not knowing what lies in the way of opportunity for promotion, happiness and security. As a result, they are employed doing jobs that afford them little or no satisfaction. Our school leavers face so much competition that they seldom care what they do as long as they can earn a living. Some stay long at a job and learn to like it; others quit from one to another looking for something to suit them. The young graduates who leave the university look for jobs that offer a salary up to their expectation.
Very few go out into the world knowing exactly what they want and realizing their own abilities. The reason behind all this confusion is that there never has been a proper vocational guidance in our educational institution. Nearly all grope in the dark and their chief concern when they look for a job is to ask what the salary is like. They never bother to think whether they are suited for the job or, even more important, whether the job suits them. Having a job is more than merely providing yourself and your dependants with daily bread and some money for leisure and entertainment. It sets a pattern of life and, in many ways, determines social status in life, selection of friends, leisure and interest.
In choosing a career you should first consider the type, of work which will suit your interest. Nothing is more pathetic than taking on a job in which you have no interest for it will not only discourage your desire to succeed in life but also ruin your talents and ultimately make you an emotional wreck and a bitter person,
Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.
29. Why is it difficult for young people to choose a suitable job?
30. Why are some people unlikely to succeed in life?
31. Which of the following statements is most important according to the passage?
Passage Three
Cheating: The income tax deadline approaches and some taxpayers thoughts turn to it. Test time approaches and some students thoughts turn to it.
You want something you cant get by behaving within the rules, and you want it badly enough youll do it Regardless of guilt or deep regret, and youre willing to run the risk of being caught. Thats how Ladd Wheeler,
psychology professor at the University of Rochester in New York, defines cheating.
Many experts believe cheating is on the rise. Were suffering a moral breakdown. Pinkard says. Were seeing more of the kind of person who regards the world as a series of things to be dealt with. Whether to cheat depends on whether its the persons interest. He does, however, see less cheating among the youngest students.
Richard Diensbier. psychology professor at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, believes that societys attitudes account for much of the increase in cheating.
Twenty years ago, if a person cheated in college, society said: That is extremely serious, you will be dropped for a term if not kicked out permanently, he says. Nowadays, at the University of Nebraska, for example, it is the stated policy of the College of Arts and Sciences that if a student cheats on an exam, the student must receive an F on what he cheated on, Thats nothing. If youre going to fail, why not cheat?
Cheating is most liely in situations where the vital interests are high and the chances of getting caught are low.
says social psychologist, Lynn Kahle of the University of Oregon in Eugene.
Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
32. What does the passage mainly talk about?
33. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
34. What can be inferred from the passage?
35. When does cheating tend to occur?
Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. A t the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked , , and . Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center
Passage One
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
To include mass production and the assembly line among Henry Fords accomplishments.
To report the origin of the minimum wage.
To credit Henry Ford with industrial reforms.
To defend Henry Fords practices.
The five-dollar-a-day minimum wage.
Education and training programs.
Labor unions.
Sick leaves
Passage Two
Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Much competition has to be faced.
Many employees have no work experience.
The young people only care about how much they can earn.
Schools fail to offer students appropriate vocational guidance.
Because they have ruined their talents.
Because they have taken on an unsuitable job.
Because they think of nothing but their salary.
Because they are not aware of their own potential.
Your job must suit your interest.
Your job must set a pattern of life.
Your job must offer you a high salary.
Your job must not ruin your talents.
Passage Three
Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
It centers on convincing the reader that cheating is immoral.
It centers on discussing the reasons the cheating.
It centers on describing how students cheat on exam.
It centers on discussing how to control cheating.
It is forgivable to cheat unless money is involved.
There has been a quick increase in cheating.
Most cheaters are college students.
Cheaters is regardless of guilt and regret.
Cheating is widespread because the society is too tolerant.
Cheatirig is the result of intense pressure.
Cheating is cheating, whether on a test or on any other occasions.
Cheating comes together with civilization.
One wants something badly.
One cant get something in a right way.
It is not very likely to be revealed.
A series of things has to be dealt with.
Section B
Passage One
Passage Two
31.A信息明示题。 文章最后一段指出,在选择职业时,首先应该考虑的是其是否符合自己的兴趣,首先要考虑的也就是最重要的,所以A正确。
Passage Three
32.B 主旨题。文章先指出为什么会作弊,然后指出现在作弊现象增多,并以心理学教授的分析为根据,列举了导致作弊行为的心理原因,指出近年来作弊现象增多的原因在于惩罚力度较轻,可见文章通篇是在分析作弊的原因,所以B正确。
Section B
Passage One
Although Henry Fords name is closely associated with the concept of mass production, he should receive equal credit for introducing labor practices as early as 1913 that would be considered advanced even by todays standards.
Safety measures were improved, and the work day was reduced to eight hours, compared with the ten- or twelve-hour day common at that time. In order to accommodate the shorter work day, the entire factory was converted from two to three shifts.
In addition, sick leaves as well as improved medical care for those injured on the job were instituted. The Ford Motor Company was one of the first factories to develop a technical school to train specialized skilled laborers and an English language, school for immigrants. Some efforts were even made to hire the handicapped and provide jobs for former convicts.
The most widely acclaimed innovation was the five-dollar-a-day minimum wage that was offered in order to recruit and retain the best mechanics and to discourage the growth of labor unions. Ford explained the new wage policy in terms of efficiency and profit sharing. He also mentioned the fact that his employees would be able to purchase the automobiles that they produced--in effect creating a market for the product. In order to qualify for the minimum wage,an employee had to establish a decent home and demonstrate good personal habits, including sobriety, thriftiness,
industriousness, and dependability. Although some criticism was directed at Ford for involving himself too much in the personal lives of his employees, there can be no doubt that, at a time when immigrants were being taken advantage of in frightful ways, Henry Ford was helping many people to establish themselves in America.
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
26. What is the authors main purpose in the passage?
27. How many hours did Fords employees work per shift in his factory?
28. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as labor practices instituted by Ford?
Passage Two
Too often young people get themselves employed quite by accident, not knowing what lies in the way of opportunity for promotion, happiness and security. As a result, they are employed doing jobs that afford them little or no satisfaction. Our school leavers face so much competition that they seldom care what they do as long as they can earn a living. Some stay long at a job and learn to like it; others quit from one to another looking for something to suit them. The young graduates who leave the university look for jobs that offer a salary up to their expectation.
Very few go out into the world knowing exactly what they want and realizing their own abilities. The reason behind all this confusion is that there never has been a proper vocational guidance in our educational institution. Nearly all grope in the dark and their chief concern when they look for a job is to ask what the salary is like. They never bother to think whether they are suited for the job or, even more important, whether the job suits them. Having a job is more than merely providing yourself and your dependants with daily bread and some money for leisure and entertainment. It sets a pattern of life and, in many ways, determines social status in life, selection of friends, leisure and interest.
In choosing a career you should first consider the type, of work which will suit your interest. Nothing is more pathetic than taking on a job in which you have no interest for it will not only discourage your desire to succeed in life but also ruin your talents and ultimately make you an emotional wreck and a bitter person,
Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.
29. Why is it difficult for young people to choose a suitable job?
30. Why are some people unlikely to succeed in life?
31. Which of the following statements is most important according to the passage?
Passage Three
Cheating: The income tax deadline approaches and some taxpayers thoughts turn to it. Test time approaches and some students thoughts turn to it.
You want something you cant get by behaving within the rules, and you want it badly enough youll do it Regardless of guilt or deep regret, and youre willing to run the risk of being caught. Thats how Ladd Wheeler,
psychology professor at the University of Rochester in New York, defines cheating.
Many experts believe cheating is on the rise. Were suffering a moral breakdown. Pinkard says. Were seeing more of the kind of person who regards the world as a series of things to be dealt with. Whether to cheat depends on whether its the persons interest. He does, however, see less cheating among the youngest students.
Richard Diensbier. psychology professor at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, believes that societys attitudes account for much of the increase in cheating.
Twenty years ago, if a person cheated in college, society said: That is extremely serious, you will be dropped for a term if not kicked out permanently, he says. Nowadays, at the University of Nebraska, for example, it is the stated policy of the College of Arts and Sciences that if a student cheats on an exam, the student must receive an F on what he cheated on, Thats nothing. If youre going to fail, why not cheat?
Cheating is most liely in situations where the vital interests are high and the chances of getting caught are low.
says social psychologist, Lynn Kahle of the University of Oregon in Eugene.
Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
32. What does the passage mainly talk about?
33. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
34. What can be inferred from the passage?
35. When does cheating tend to occur?