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  1.As can be indicated / is revealed / is showed in the table / graph / chart , / according to the figures given in the table , / As the survey results show , / This chart shows that / It can be seen from the statistics that


  2.From to ,there is a slight / slow / steady / rapid / dramatic / abrupt rise / increase in

  从 到 ,在 方面有了轻微/缓慢/稳定/快速/显著/急剧的增长/增加。

  3.During / later , the demand / income / price / production of has declined / decreased / fallen / dropped rapidly / abruptly / markedly / sharply


  14.Among all these reasons / factors / causes , plays an important role .

  在所有的原因中, 起着很关分健的作用/是主要的一个。

  15.One may think of the trend as a result of


  16.The change in largely results from the fact that


  17.There are several causes for this significant growth in First

  有一些原因导致了在 方面的显著增长。第一,

  18.A number of factors contribute to this change .


  19. is an important / vital factor / reason for / plays an important / vital role in

  是导致 的一个重要原因/在 方面起到至关重要的作用。

  20.An increase / decrease in results in / leads to / produces

  在 方面的增加/减少导致了

  21.The reasons for this phenomenon may be obvious . / There may be some obvious reasons for this phenomenon .


  22. is mainly due to the following reasons / factors .


  23.There are many factors deciding / influencing


  24.Effective measures should be taken as soon as possible to


  25.It is an urgent thing to take effective methods to solve this problem .


  26.Facing , we should try our best to figure out the ways to change this situation .

  而对 ,我们应该努力想办法改变这种局面。

  27.The following ways can be taken to


  28. is an effective way to

  是一个 的有效的方法。

  29.By dong , one person can

  通过 ,一个人可以

  30.In order to , should

  为了 , 应该

  31.Taking the above-mentioned into consideration /Considering the serious effects of the problem , I think it is high time that we tood effective measures / for us to take effective measures to

  鉴于以上所述/考虑到问题的严重性,我认为是采取有效的措施 的时候了。

  32.We must look for all immediate methods , because the present situation of , if permitted to continue , will sure lead to / result in

  我们必须立该寻找解决办法,因为现在的 形势如果持续下去的话,势必会导致

  33.There is no immediate solution to the problem of , but might be helpful / beneficial .

  问题并没有立竿见影的解决办法,但是 可能会有所帮助。

  34.No easy method can be at hand to solve the problem of , but the general awareness of the necessity / importance of might be the first step on the right way .

  目前还没有作何简单的办法能够解决 问题,但是,使人们普遍认识到 的必要性/重要性或许是有效的第一步。

  35.To reverse the trend is not a light task , and it requires keen consciousness of

  要扭转这一趋势并不容易,它需要对 具有敏锐意识。

  36.Different people have / hold different opinions / views on the question / droblem / matter . Some believe that ; others argue that ;

  对于这一问题,人们的看法各不相同。一些人认为 ;其他人认为 ;(还有一些人坚持 )

  37.Some people hold the opinion that , while others argue that

  一些人认为 ,然而其他人争辩说

  38.When it comes to , different people offer different views .

  当谈到/涉及 时,不同的人有不同的看法。

  39.As to , there is no consensus / complete agreement among people .

  关于 ,人们的看法不一。

  40.They think quite differently on this question .


  41.Opinions vary from individual to individual , from culture to culture .


  42.However , still some other people / others think differently / do not agree this / hold the opposite opinion .


  43.Faced with , quite a few people argue that , but other people conceive differently .

  面对 ,相当一问分认为 ,但是其他人并不认同。

  44.Now it is commonly held that , but I doubt whether

  现在人们普遍认为 ,但是我怀疑 是否

  45.A is to B what / as C is to D .


  46.In contrast / On the contrary


  47.Just as ,so

  正如 , 也一样。

  48.A and B have in common / have many common


  49.The same is true of / The same can be said of


  50.Although is may bring unfavorble consequences , we can be sure to conclude that this practice is faorable on the whole .


  51.The advantages of Aare much greater than those of B .


  52.Compared with B , A has many advantages .


  53.The advantages outweigh the disadvantages .


  54.Although A enjoys considerable advantage over , it cannot compete with B in

  尽管A在 方面有相当大的优势,但它在 方面不能和B相比。

  55.Contrary to widely accepted views , I believe that


  56.It is one thing to , it is quite another to

  是一回事,但 就是另外一回事了。

  57. have drawbacks as well as merits .


  58.A is superior / inferior to B

  A(在 方面)优于/劣于B。

  59.A is just the opposite of B .


  60.A differs from B in that


  61.A is not the same as B .


  62.There is a general discussion today about the issue of / Currently there is a widespread concern on

  现在对于 存在广泛的讨论/关注。

  63.Now people in growing number are coming to realize / More and more people are relize


  64.Recently / In recent years , the phenomenon / issue / problem of has been brought into focus / aroused public attention / become a hated topic / been in the limelight .

  近年来, 现象/问题成为公众关注的焦点。

  65.With , people begin to / there arises a heated debate as to

  随首 (的稳定/快速/惊人的发展),人们开始 。/出现了对 的热烈讨论。

  66.Nowadays , our society is witnessing more and more


  67.In the past / last / recent years , there has been a sharp increase / decrease in / has experienced an alarming rise / decline . Aceording to an official report / survey / poll

  在过去的 年中,在 方面有了急剧的增长/下降。根据一项官方报告/调查/民意测验。

  68.Until recently / For years , has / have been regarded / viewed as But some people are taking a fresh look at it .

  直到最近/许多年来, 一直被认为是 。但是现在一些人对它有了新的认识。

  69.Most people used to / In the past , But many people dont share this view any more not .

  大多数人过去 /过去 ,但是现在许多人不再这们认为。

  70.It is a tradition / common practice / traditional way . But now / in recent decades things have changed .


  71.Nowadays there is no agreement among people as to Some people while others may

  现在对于 人们(的看法或做法)并不一致。一些人 ,然而其他人可能

  72.Whem asked , a great majority of people / most people But I think quite differeently .

  当被问及 时,大多数人会 。但是我有不同的看法。

  73.When it comes to / Whem faced with / In the face of , quite a few people claim that , while other people argue

  当谈到/面对 时,相当一部分人认为 ,然而也有一些人认为

  74.Now , it is commonly / generally / widely believed / acknowledged / accepted that


  75.Now there is a growing awareness / recognition of the necessity to / Now people are becoming increasingly aware / conscious of the importance of

  现在人们越来越意识到 的必要性/重要性。

  76. ,which has been generally accepted . The truth of it is deep and profound / self-evident .


  77.Should / What ? Opinions on / Attitudes towards / Answers to the question vary from person to person .


  78. Why do / have ? Many people often ask / pose the question like this .

  为什么 ? 许多人经常问/提出这们的问题。

  79.There is an old popular saying / proverb which goes that The truth of it is profound and significant . / Under its simplified cover , a truth is ironically pointed out , that is ,

  有一句古老/流行的谚语说: 。其中的道理意义深远。/简单的话语中蕴含着具有讽刺的意味的事实,那就是

  80.One great had ever said / once remarked , Now it still has a realistic / profound significance . / I t is still working in our modern society . / The remark is still confirmed by people in todays society .

  一位伟大的 曾经说过: 现在这句话仍然具有现实/深远的意义。/在现代社会这个道理仍然适用。/在今天的社会中仍然有许多人相信这一点。

  81.From the above-mentioned / what has been discussed above , / Judging from all evidence offered , we may safely arrive at / draw / come to / reach the conclusion that


  82.Taking into account / Considering all these factors / In view of the above-mentioned facts , we should


  83.It is no doubt / denying that / There is little / no doubt / denying that


  84.It is , therefore , obvious / evident that require immediate attention .

  因此,很显然 需要立刻引起注意。

  85.It is high time / It is an urgent thing that we put considerable / great / special emphasis on


  86.In a word , it takes our common efforts / is everyones responsibility to

  总之, 需要我们共同的努力/是我们每一个人的责任。

  87.Only in this way / through these ways / when all measures go into action can the problem of be solved in near future / can we


  88.Therefore , think it over and make full preparation before you decide to / we should take a full account before we make our decisions .

  因此,在决定 之前要考虑周全并做好充分的准备/我们应该仔细考虑之后再作决定。

  89.Given the factors that I have just outlined , it is wise to support the statement that

  鉴于我刚才提到的因素,支持 观点是明智的。

  90.All the available / striking evidence goes to show that / points to the fact that


  91.All the evidence / analysis supports / confirms an unmistakable / unshakable conclusion / a sound view that


  92.The conclusion is self-evident .


  93.Weighing up these two arguments / Taking into account all these factors , I am for / I prefer


  94.Weighing the pros and cons of , we can naturally arrive at the conclusion that

  权衡 的利弊,我们可以自然地得出这样的结论:

  95.Clearly / Obviously / No doubt , if we cannot / if we ignore / are blind to , it is very likely that

  显然,如果我们不能/如果说我们忽视 ,很可能

  96.Any person / nation / society who / shich ignores / is blind to / fails to would pay a heavy price .

  任何忽视/没能 的人/民族/社会,都将付出沉重的代价。

  97.If we work on from now on , in foreseeable future , we will not be cursed / overwhelmed by the same dilemma / problem .

  如果我们从现在开始努力 ,那么在不久的将来,我们将不会再为相同的难题所困扰。