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  A: Oops, I ve made a blunder.

  B: Don t worry, we can fix it.


  n. 错误

  vi. 1.跌跌撞撞地走,慌乱地走; 2.犯错误

  A: Do you not know how to cut bread?

  B: Of course I do, but this knife is blunt.


  a. 1.钝的; 2.率直的,直言不讳的

  vt. 1.使迟钝,使减弱; 2.使钝

  A: Do you remember your first birthday?

  B: No, it is all a blur.

  A: He blurred the corners of the picture to make it look old.

  B: He did a good job of it.


  n. 模糊,模糊的东西

  v. 变模糊

  A: Brian blurted out the answer before I even had a chance to think about it.

  B: Yes, he is very smart.


  vt. 脱口而出

  A: You are very beautiful.

  B: Stop, you are making me blush.


  vi./n. 脸红

  A: Are there any bogs in your country?

  B: Yes, plenty, particularly in the west, where it is very wet.

  A: Would you like to come to the cinema with me tonight?

  B: Can we go next week, I m bogged down at work at the moment.


  n. 沼泽

  v. 1.陷入困境; 2.陷入泥沼

  A: Family ties are the strongest form of bondage.

  B: I don t agree, I am not very close to my parents.


  n. 1.奴役;2.束缚


  A: Oops, I ve made a blunder.

  B: Don t worry, we can fix it.


  n. 错误

  vi. 1.跌跌撞撞地走,慌乱地走; 2.犯错误

  A: Do you not know how to cut bread?

  B: Of course I do, but this knife is blunt.


  a. 1.钝的; 2.率直的,直言不讳的

  vt. 1.使迟钝,使减弱; 2.使钝

  A: Do you remember your first birthday?

  B: No, it is all a blur.

  A: He blurred the corners of the picture to make it look old.

  B: He did a good job of it.


  n. 模糊,模糊的东西

  v. 变模糊

  A: Brian blurted out the answer before I even had a chance to think about it.

  B: Yes, he is very smart.


  vt. 脱口而出

  A: You are very beautiful.

  B: Stop, you are making me blush.


  vi./n. 脸红

  A: Are there any bogs in your country?

  B: Yes, plenty, particularly in the west, where it is very wet.

  A: Would you like to come to the cinema with me tonight?

  B: Can we go next week, I m bogged down at work at the moment.


  n. 沼泽

  v. 1.陷入困境; 2.陷入泥沼

  A: Family ties are the strongest form of bondage.

  B: I don t agree, I am not very close to my parents.


  n. 1.奴役;2.束缚