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  14. stimulate

  Recycling also stimulates the local economy by creating jobs and trims the pollution control and energy costs of industries that make recycled products by giving them a more refined raw material.

  【全真测试】A. 打击B. 刺激C. 改变


  【四级词义】vt. 刺激,激励

  【猜 一 猜】① stimulating② stimulation③stimulative

  【Key】① adj. 刺激的,有刺激性的

  ② n. 激励,鼓舞,刺激

  ③ adj. 刺激的,激励的,促进的

  15. acquire

  Most adult find it extremely difficult to acquire even a basic knowledge, particularly in a short time.

  【全真测试】A. 获得B. 获准C. 抛弃


  【四级词义】vt. 取得,获得;学到


  【猜 一 猜】① require② acquirement

  【Key】① vt. 需要;要求,命令

  ② n. 成绩;造诣;学到的东西

  16. accomplish

  I accomplished two hours work before dinner.

  【全真测试】A. 完成B. 放弃C. 得到


  【四级词义】vt. 完成,到达;实行,要求,命令

  【猜 一 猜】① accomplishment② accomplishable

  【Key】① (-ment名词后缀) n. 完成,到达② adj. 可达成的,可完成的

  17. network

  The anchorman of the VOA networks morning news got fired.

  【全真测试】A. 网状物B. 线路C. 轨道


  【四级词义】n. 网状物;电视网;网络

  【巧记】合成词net(网络)+ work

  18. tide

  Every time the tide came in, this place is under two feet of water.

  【全真测试】A. 潮汐B. 领带C. 轮胎


  【词义】n. 潮水,潮汐;时期季节

  【猜 一 猜】① eventide② Christmastide


  19. tidy

  They went into the house and found that it is extremly tidy.

  【全真测试】A. 整洁的B. 杂乱的C. 舒服的


  【四级词义】adj. 整洁的,整齐的;可观的a tidy income一笔相当可观的收入

  20. trace

  One difficulty is that almost all of what is called behavior science continues to trace behavior to states of mind, feelings, of character, human nature, and so on.

  【全真测试】A 追踪B 捕猎C 治疗


  【四级词义】vt. 追踪,找到

  【巧记】① 在树(tree)上没有找到(ee)却找到纸牌(ace)的痕迹。

  ② 联系trade(贸易)来记,c去追踪做贸易的d

  【词性变化】n. 痕迹,踪迹

  21. torture

  FBI agents repeatedly complained about the torture of detainees in Iraq.

  【全真测试】A. 折磨B. 期盼C. 气愤


  【四级词义】vt. 拷打,折磨,使痛苦,使弯曲


  【词性变化】n. 拷打,折磨

  22. wander

  The headmaster asked the students not to wander in front of the houses adjacent to the school.

  【全真测试】A. 漫游B. 旅行C. 航行


  【四级词义】vi. 漫游,闲逛

  【巧记】wand(指挥棒)+(-er)= 指挥棒加了er就有了生命,会漫游,闲逛了

  23. wax

  Candles are made from wax.

  【全真测试】A. 蜡B. 蜂蜜C. 琥珀


  【四级词义】n. 蜡

  【词义扩展】vi. 上蜡于


  【猜 一 猜】beeswax


  24. weave

  How does it take to weave five yards of cloth?

  【全真测试】A. 编B. 制造C. 改造


  【四级词义】(weaving, wove, woven)v. 织,编

  【词性变化】n. 织法,织物


  25. preserve

  I tried to preserve family harmony.

  【全真测试】A. 维持 B. 破坏C. 建设


  【四级词义】v. 保护,保存,保持,维持,保藏


  【词性变化】n. 蜜饯,果酱;禁猎地,禁区,防护物

  【猜 一 猜】preserver

  【Key】er(名词后缀多指人或工具)n. 保护者;保存者;禁猎地的管理人员

  26. abuse

  Lawyers can specialize in elder law, which covers everything from trusts and estates to nursing-home abuse and age discrimination(歧视).

  【全真测试】A. 伤害B. 虐待C. 打击


  【四级词义】v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂

  【巧记】ab-(离开)+ use(使用)= 离开正确的使用即是滥用。

  【猜 一 猜】① disuse② ill-use③ ill-usage

  【key】① v. 不使用② v. 虐待 苛待③ n. 虐待

  27. academic

  The effective work of maintaining discipline is usually perform by students who advise the academic authorities.

  【全真测试】A 学术的B 文学的C 计划的


  【四级词义】adj. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的

  【猜 一 猜】academy

  【Key】n. (高等)专科院校;学会

  28. battery

  Battery which is not continuously used should be stored in a dry condition.

  【全真测试】A. 设备B. 电池(组)C. 引擎


  【四级词义】n. 电池(组)


  29. barrier

  Some people prefer the original English text whereas others feel a translation into their native language removes a barrier to understanding.

  【全真测试】A. 标志B. 障碍C. 陷阱


  【四级词义】n. 障碍;栅栏

  30. cargo

  If a particular cargo is partially damaged, the damage is called particular average.

  【全真测试】A. 箱子B. 麻袋C. 货物


  【四级词义】n. 船货,(船、飞机等装载的)货物



  14. stimulate

  Recycling also stimulates the local economy by creating jobs and trims the pollution control and energy costs of industries that make recycled products by giving them a more refined raw material.

  【全真测试】A. 打击B. 刺激C. 改变


  【四级词义】vt. 刺激,激励

  【猜 一 猜】① stimulating② stimulation③stimulative

  【Key】① adj. 刺激的,有刺激性的

  ② n. 激励,鼓舞,刺激

  ③ adj. 刺激的,激励的,促进的

  15. acquire

  Most adult find it extremely difficult to acquire even a basic knowledge, particularly in a short time.

  【全真测试】A. 获得B. 获准C. 抛弃


  【四级词义】vt. 取得,获得;学到


  【猜 一 猜】① require② acquirement

  【Key】① vt. 需要;要求,命令

  ② n. 成绩;造诣;学到的东西

  16. accomplish

  I accomplished two hours work before dinner.

  【全真测试】A. 完成B. 放弃C. 得到


  【四级词义】vt. 完成,到达;实行,要求,命令

  【猜 一 猜】① accomplishment② accomplishable

  【Key】① (-ment名词后缀) n. 完成,到达② adj. 可达成的,可完成的

  17. network

  The anchorman of the VOA networks morning news got fired.

  【全真测试】A. 网状物B. 线路C. 轨道


  【四级词义】n. 网状物;电视网;网络

  【巧记】合成词net(网络)+ work

  18. tide

  Every time the tide came in, this place is under two feet of water.

  【全真测试】A. 潮汐B. 领带C. 轮胎


  【词义】n. 潮水,潮汐;时期季节

  【猜 一 猜】① eventide② Christmastide


  19. tidy

  They went into the house and found that it is extremly tidy.

  【全真测试】A. 整洁的B. 杂乱的C. 舒服的


  【四级词义】adj. 整洁的,整齐的;可观的a tidy income一笔相当可观的收入

  20. trace

  One difficulty is that almost all of what is called behavior science continues to trace behavior to states of mind, feelings, of character, human nature, and so on.

  【全真测试】A 追踪B 捕猎C 治疗


  【四级词义】vt. 追踪,找到

  【巧记】① 在树(tree)上没有找到(ee)却找到纸牌(ace)的痕迹。

  ② 联系trade(贸易)来记,c去追踪做贸易的d

  【词性变化】n. 痕迹,踪迹

  21. torture

  FBI agents repeatedly complained about the torture of detainees in Iraq.

  【全真测试】A. 折磨B. 期盼C. 气愤


  【四级词义】vt. 拷打,折磨,使痛苦,使弯曲


  【词性变化】n. 拷打,折磨

  22. wander

  The headmaster asked the students not to wander in front of the houses adjacent to the school.

  【全真测试】A. 漫游B. 旅行C. 航行


  【四级词义】vi. 漫游,闲逛

  【巧记】wand(指挥棒)+(-er)= 指挥棒加了er就有了生命,会漫游,闲逛了

  23. wax

  Candles are made from wax.

  【全真测试】A. 蜡B. 蜂蜜C. 琥珀


  【四级词义】n. 蜡

  【词义扩展】vi. 上蜡于


  【猜 一 猜】beeswax


  24. weave

  How does it take to weave five yards of cloth?

  【全真测试】A. 编B. 制造C. 改造


  【四级词义】(weaving, wove, woven)v. 织,编

  【词性变化】n. 织法,织物


  25. preserve

  I tried to preserve family harmony.

  【全真测试】A. 维持 B. 破坏C. 建设


  【四级词义】v. 保护,保存,保持,维持,保藏


  【词性变化】n. 蜜饯,果酱;禁猎地,禁区,防护物

  【猜 一 猜】preserver

  【Key】er(名词后缀多指人或工具)n. 保护者;保存者;禁猎地的管理人员

  26. abuse

  Lawyers can specialize in elder law, which covers everything from trusts and estates to nursing-home abuse and age discrimination(歧视).

  【全真测试】A. 伤害B. 虐待C. 打击


  【四级词义】v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂

  【巧记】ab-(离开)+ use(使用)= 离开正确的使用即是滥用。

  【猜 一 猜】① disuse② ill-use③ ill-usage

  【key】① v. 不使用② v. 虐待 苛待③ n. 虐待

  27. academic

  The effective work of maintaining discipline is usually perform by students who advise the academic authorities.

  【全真测试】A 学术的B 文学的C 计划的


  【四级词义】adj. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的

  【猜 一 猜】academy

  【Key】n. (高等)专科院校;学会

  28. battery

  Battery which is not continuously used should be stored in a dry condition.

  【全真测试】A. 设备B. 电池(组)C. 引擎


  【四级词义】n. 电池(组)


  29. barrier

  Some people prefer the original English text whereas others feel a translation into their native language removes a barrier to understanding.

  【全真测试】A. 标志B. 障碍C. 陷阱


  【四级词义】n. 障碍;栅栏

  30. cargo

  If a particular cargo is partially damaged, the damage is called particular average.

  【全真测试】A. 箱子B. 麻袋C. 货物


  【四级词义】n. 船货,(船、飞机等装载的)货物
