American highways
A combination of less driving and more fuel-efficient vehicles is imperilling Americas highwaysystem
AMERICANS pay a federal fuel tax of 18.4 cents pergallon. That amount was set in 1993, when the average new passenger car on American roadsgot 28.4 miles per gallon , and the best-selling American car got 18mpg in the city and27 on highways. In 2010 the average new passenger car got 33.7mpg. The best-selling car got22mpg in the city and 33 on highways.
And just as cars are growing more fuel-efficient, Americans are driving less. In 2010 theydrove just under three trillion milesless than they did in 2006. While better fuel-efficiency isgood news for Americans wallets and less driving good for the countrys air, for its highwaysand mass-transit systems, it is something of a disaster.
That is because federal funds, mostly derived from fuel-tax revenue, account for 22% of allhighway funding and 17% of mass-transit funding nationally . Fuel taxes go into the Highway Trust Fund , which was created in1956 to finance highway construction nationally. The HTF still spends most of its funds onhighway and bridge maintenance and construction, but in 1982 Congress created a MassTransit account within the HTF. Today 15.44 of every 18.4 cents in fuel-tax per gallon fundshighways, while 2.86 funds mass transit and 0.1 cents funds clean-up of leaking undergroundstorage tanks. And the HTF receives some revenue from taxes on truck tyres, diesel, and otherdriving-related sources, but most of its money comes from petrol taxes.
As the HTF pays for long-term, large-scale construction projects, it has never been requiredto have the full funding a project will require on hand when that project is authorised;consequently, it has long paid out more than it took in each year. As long as Americans drovemore each year, that arrangement worked, and for much of the HTFs existence, that isexactly what happened. Americas workforce grew. Its workers abandoned tight-knit cities forever more far-flung suburbs, requiring longer commutes.
But as that trend has slowed, the HTF has suffered: monies paid into the HTF fell by aroundone-seventh from 2007 to 2010. From 2005 to 2009 every state received more from the fundthan they paid in. Between 2008 and 2010 Congress transferred $34.5 billion in generalrevenues into the HTFthe first time it had ever received such an infusion. Earlier this year theCongressional Budget Office forecast that the HTF will be unable to fund highway maintenanceby 2023.
That money will be difficult to find elsewhere. Around half of all surface-transportation fundingand 20% of mass-transit funding comes from the states, many of which face budgetary woesof their own. Both Barack Obama and his transportation secretary, Ray LaHood, opposeraising the gas tax; a tax on miles travelled is probably a political impossibility.
There has been some movement in Congressin November a Senate committee approvedlegislation maintaining highway funding at its current levels for two years, while HouseRepublicans plan to introduce a six-year transportation bill this monthbut it is little and late.Americas transportation infrastructure can ill afford to wait. The American Society of CivilEngineers estimated in 2009 that 36% of Americas major urban highways are congested,costing $78.2 billion each year in wasted time and fuel costs. According to Transportation forAmerica, an advocacy group, one in nine highway bridges are structurally deficientaquality they seem to share with Americas Congress.
American highways
A combination of less driving and more fuel-efficient vehicles is imperilling Americas highwaysystem
AMERICANS pay a federal fuel tax of 18.4 cents pergallon. That amount was set in 1993, when the average new passenger car on American roadsgot 28.4 miles per gallon , and the best-selling American car got 18mpg in the city and27 on highways. In 2010 the average new passenger car got 33.7mpg. The best-selling car got22mpg in the city and 33 on highways.
And just as cars are growing more fuel-efficient, Americans are driving less. In 2010 theydrove just under three trillion milesless than they did in 2006. While better fuel-efficiency isgood news for Americans wallets and less driving good for the countrys air, for its highwaysand mass-transit systems, it is something of a disaster.
That is because federal funds, mostly derived from fuel-tax revenue, account for 22% of allhighway funding and 17% of mass-transit funding nationally . Fuel taxes go into the Highway Trust Fund , which was created in1956 to finance highway construction nationally. The HTF still spends most of its funds onhighway and bridge maintenance and construction, but in 1982 Congress created a MassTransit account within the HTF. Today 15.44 of every 18.4 cents in fuel-tax per gallon fundshighways, while 2.86 funds mass transit and 0.1 cents funds clean-up of leaking undergroundstorage tanks. And the HTF receives some revenue from taxes on truck tyres, diesel, and otherdriving-related sources, but most of its money comes from petrol taxes.
As the HTF pays for long-term, large-scale construction projects, it has never been requiredto have the full funding a project will require on hand when that project is authorised;consequently, it has long paid out more than it took in each year. As long as Americans drovemore each year, that arrangement worked, and for much of the HTFs existence, that isexactly what happened. Americas workforce grew. Its workers abandoned tight-knit cities forever more far-flung suburbs, requiring longer commutes.
But as that trend has slowed, the HTF has suffered: monies paid into the HTF fell by aroundone-seventh from 2007 to 2010. From 2005 to 2009 every state received more from the fundthan they paid in. Between 2008 and 2010 Congress transferred $34.5 billion in generalrevenues into the HTFthe first time it had ever received such an infusion. Earlier this year theCongressional Budget Office forecast that the HTF will be unable to fund highway maintenanceby 2023.
That money will be difficult to find elsewhere. Around half of all surface-transportation fundingand 20% of mass-transit funding comes from the states, many of which face budgetary woesof their own. Both Barack Obama and his transportation secretary, Ray LaHood, opposeraising the gas tax; a tax on miles travelled is probably a political impossibility.
There has been some movement in Congressin November a Senate committee approvedlegislation maintaining highway funding at its current levels for two years, while HouseRepublicans plan to introduce a six-year transportation bill this monthbut it is little and late.Americas transportation infrastructure can ill afford to wait. The American Society of CivilEngineers estimated in 2009 that 36% of Americas major urban highways are congested,costing $78.2 billion each year in wasted time and fuel costs. According to Transportation forAmerica, an advocacy group, one in nine highway bridges are structurally deficientaquality they seem to share with Americas Congress.