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  The young and therestless


  British and American fiction gets off to apromising start in 2010;


  The Unnamed. By Joshua Ferris.


  VLADIMIR NABOKOV, who liked to observe other people, once declared that professionalbook reviewers are veritable bookmakers. They gleefully declare who s in, who s out, andask: Where are the snows of yesteryear? Hot young novelists, many believe, are meant tofollow a predictable script. First, burst onto the scene with some bold,voice-of-the-generation debutpreferably with a comely author photo. Then, years later,deliver to the expectant public a sophomore effort that is, alas, disappointing. Criticsfavour lamenting squandered promise to praising yet another fine book from someone withunlined skin.

  喜欢评论他人的费拉迪米尔纳博科夫曾经宣称专业书评家是名副其实的庄家,他们兴致勃勃地宣布谁是入时的,谁是落伍的,并问出去年的雪在哪里? 这样的问题。许多走红的青年小说家都被认为是循着老套的模子走出来的。首先,在文艺界以大胆表露情感,代表时代之声的形象如惊雷般亮相出场最好再有着英俊的长相。接着,在数年之后向期待中的大众呈上他一个黄毛小子呕心沥血的成果,然而,却只不过是令人失望的作品。批评家们倒也热衷于哀叹对于某位青年才俊又一部好作品尽溢美之词的许诺又无法兑现了。

  Not all writers oblige. Occasionally, a well-known name, such as Peter Carey, an Australian,will go through a fallow period only to enjoy a return to form ; a rare few,having written a debut of note, then go on to pen an even better second book.


  Joshua Ferris became an international success in 2007 with Then We Came to the End, asmart and breezy satire of office life in an advertising firm. Told in the collective firstperson, it was a stylish rendering of workplace ambivalence in the wake of the dotcombust. It wasn tperfect, but it was fresh, with pages that turned freely and unpretentiously. At 32, MrFerrisgracious, photogenic, based in Brooklynwas anointed a writer to watch.


  Readers have not had long to wait for The Unnamed, his second novel. Anyone keen onanother comedy of manners will be disappointed. So too will those who hoped to write offMr Ferris as a victim of literary hype.


  From the opening page, he makes it plain that this is a very different book. It was thecruellest winter. The winds were rabid off the rivers. Ice came down like poisoneddartsThey were waiting for him. They didn t know they were waiting for him. The novelseizes readers by the lapels with a story that feels serious and mysterious. Tim Farnsworth,a successful Manhattan lawyer in his 40s, returns home one night and declares to his wife,Jane, It s back. What s back? A strange, unknown diseaseone that compels the hero towalk helplessly, incessantly, until he drops from exhaustion. After a reprieve, Tim is onceagain a victim of his wayward body, the frightened soul inside the runaway train ofmindless matter, peering out from the conductor s car in horror.

  在第一页作者就向我们展示了这本书的与众不同。这是一个严酷的冬天。狂风卷过河面,冰屑像浸了毒的飞镖落下他们正等着他。然而他们却并不知道。 小说开篇就用一种紧张神秘的气息抓住了读者。40多岁的缇姆法恩斯沃思是曼哈顿有名的律师,一天晚上他回到家郑重地告诉妻子简说:它又来了。什么又来了?那是一种奇怪的不为人知的疾病它让我们的主人公无助、不停地行走,直到精疲力竭。短暂的间歇之后,缇姆又会成为他失控身体的受害者,他的躯体就像无缘由失控的列车,他的灵魂惊恐的向这车外望着。

  Tim is otherwise horse-healthy and content, a self-assured workaholic, devoted husbandand father to a teenage daughter. But in a flash he is uncontrollably off, leaving his wife tofind him passed out in a municipal parking place, a hospital or behind some chemist s shop inthe middle of the night. Was she up for this? Jane asks herself. These spells last for monthsat a time, and caring for him is a full-time job. But Jane has no choice: he could die out there.So she reads survivalist manuals, prepares his pack , and then waits for the call to pick him up. The onlyalternative is to tie him to the bed and ignore his screams.


  Doctors around the world have no idea what the problem is. Tim, alone in his mutinous body,is left wondering whether the trouble is in his head. Readers wonder about this too. Here MrFerris achieves a clever balance: Tim behaves strangely, but isn t that natural for anyone wholoses the life he understood? Isn t madness inevitable when suffering from something no onecan explain? A subplot about a murder trial, which yields a haunting exchange betweenTim and a possible suspect on a bridge at night, raises more questions about his mentalstability. Yet Jane stops speculating that her husband might be crazy after she goes throughthe menopause. She could only imagine how infuriating it would be if a doctor insisted her hotflushes were all in her head.


  Mr Ferris keeps his prose direct and uncluttered, with only occasional flourishes . His fondness for his characters sometimes veerstowards the sentimental. Still, he exercises a mature writer s restraint, content to leavequestions unanswered. He also has a fine ear for speech, and a good sense of what feels real,even when chronicling the surreal.


  Mr Ferris insists that The Unnamed is not a work of magical realism, but of realistmagic. By inventing an incurable disease, he can meditate on its impacton a marriage,on a career, on a character s self-esteemwithout dragging in the baggage of a familiarillness. This also amplifies the horror, leaving readers just as perplexed about what isafflicting Tim. Is this a physical or mental problem? Can a line be drawn between the two? Inthe last third of the book, Tim gives himself over to his need to walk. Raving anddeteriorating, he lets his legs take him across the country, living a hobo s life withoutpossessions or attachments . Yet Tim s dilemmas still feel real and his needs sympathetic. How does he go on?How does anyone?


  This is a story about a man with a walking problem, but it is also a larger tale aboutstruggling with uncertainty. Scattered throughout the novel are some odd events: blizzards,floods, fires, dying bees. Mr Ferris is reminding us of how little we know about the world welive in, and how little we know about ourselves within it, and yet we persist. This is not to saythat Tim s walking is some clunky metaphor. Mr Ferris is wise enough not to teach a lesson.Rather, he has teased ordinary circumstances into something extraordinary, which isexactly what we want our fiction writers to do.



  The young and therestless


  British and American fiction gets off to apromising start in 2010;


  The Unnamed. By Joshua Ferris.


  VLADIMIR NABOKOV, who liked to observe other people, once declared that professionalbook reviewers are veritable bookmakers. They gleefully declare who s in, who s out, andask: Where are the snows of yesteryear? Hot young novelists, many believe, are meant tofollow a predictable script. First, burst onto the scene with some bold,voice-of-the-generation debutpreferably with a comely author photo. Then, years later,deliver to the expectant public a sophomore effort that is, alas, disappointing. Criticsfavour lamenting squandered promise to praising yet another fine book from someone withunlined skin.

  喜欢评论他人的费拉迪米尔纳博科夫曾经宣称专业书评家是名副其实的庄家,他们兴致勃勃地宣布谁是入时的,谁是落伍的,并问出去年的雪在哪里? 这样的问题。许多走红的青年小说家都被认为是循着老套的模子走出来的。首先,在文艺界以大胆表露情感,代表时代之声的形象如惊雷般亮相出场最好再有着英俊的长相。接着,在数年之后向期待中的大众呈上他一个黄毛小子呕心沥血的成果,然而,却只不过是令人失望的作品。批评家们倒也热衷于哀叹对于某位青年才俊又一部好作品尽溢美之词的许诺又无法兑现了。

  Not all writers oblige. Occasionally, a well-known name, such as Peter Carey, an Australian,will go through a fallow period only to enjoy a return to form ; a rare few,having written a debut of note, then go on to pen an even better second book.


  Joshua Ferris became an international success in 2007 with Then We Came to the End, asmart and breezy satire of office life in an advertising firm. Told in the collective firstperson, it was a stylish rendering of workplace ambivalence in the wake of the dotcombust. It wasn tperfect, but it was fresh, with pages that turned freely and unpretentiously. At 32, MrFerrisgracious, photogenic, based in Brooklynwas anointed a writer to watch.


  Readers have not had long to wait for The Unnamed, his second novel. Anyone keen onanother comedy of manners will be disappointed. So too will those who hoped to write offMr Ferris as a victim of literary hype.


  From the opening page, he makes it plain that this is a very different book. It was thecruellest winter. The winds were rabid off the rivers. Ice came down like poisoneddartsThey were waiting for him. They didn t know they were waiting for him. The novelseizes readers by the lapels with a story that feels serious and mysterious. Tim Farnsworth,a successful Manhattan lawyer in his 40s, returns home one night and declares to his wife,Jane, It s back. What s back? A strange, unknown diseaseone that compels the hero towalk helplessly, incessantly, until he drops from exhaustion. After a reprieve, Tim is onceagain a victim of his wayward body, the frightened soul inside the runaway train ofmindless matter, peering out from the conductor s car in horror.

  在第一页作者就向我们展示了这本书的与众不同。这是一个严酷的冬天。狂风卷过河面,冰屑像浸了毒的飞镖落下他们正等着他。然而他们却并不知道。 小说开篇就用一种紧张神秘的气息抓住了读者。40多岁的缇姆法恩斯沃思是曼哈顿有名的律师,一天晚上他回到家郑重地告诉妻子简说:它又来了。什么又来了?那是一种奇怪的不为人知的疾病它让我们的主人公无助、不停地行走,直到精疲力竭。短暂的间歇之后,缇姆又会成为他失控身体的受害者,他的躯体就像无缘由失控的列车,他的灵魂惊恐的向这车外望着。

  Tim is otherwise horse-healthy and content, a self-assured workaholic, devoted husbandand father to a teenage daughter. But in a flash he is uncontrollably off, leaving his wife tofind him passed out in a municipal parking place, a hospital or behind some chemist s shop inthe middle of the night. Was she up for this? Jane asks herself. These spells last for monthsat a time, and caring for him is a full-time job. But Jane has no choice: he could die out there.So she reads survivalist manuals, prepares his pack , and then waits for the call to pick him up. The onlyalternative is to tie him to the bed and ignore his screams.


  Doctors around the world have no idea what the problem is. Tim, alone in his mutinous body,is left wondering whether the trouble is in his head. Readers wonder about this too. Here MrFerris achieves a clever balance: Tim behaves strangely, but isn t that natural for anyone wholoses the life he understood? Isn t madness inevitable when suffering from something no onecan explain? A subplot about a murder trial, which yields a haunting exchange betweenTim and a possible suspect on a bridge at night, raises more questions about his mentalstability. Yet Jane stops speculating that her husband might be crazy after she goes throughthe menopause. She could only imagine how infuriating it would be if a doctor insisted her hotflushes were all in her head.


  Mr Ferris keeps his prose direct and uncluttered, with only occasional flourishes . His fondness for his characters sometimes veerstowards the sentimental. Still, he exercises a mature writer s restraint, content to leavequestions unanswered. He also has a fine ear for speech, and a good sense of what feels real,even when chronicling the surreal.


  Mr Ferris insists that The Unnamed is not a work of magical realism, but of realistmagic. By inventing an incurable disease, he can meditate on its impacton a marriage,on a career, on a character s self-esteemwithout dragging in the baggage of a familiarillness. This also amplifies the horror, leaving readers just as perplexed about what isafflicting Tim. Is this a physical or mental problem? Can a line be drawn between the two? Inthe last third of the book, Tim gives himself over to his need to walk. Raving anddeteriorating, he lets his legs take him across the country, living a hobo s life withoutpossessions or attachments . Yet Tim s dilemmas still feel real and his needs sympathetic. How does he go on?How does anyone?


  This is a story about a man with a walking problem, but it is also a larger tale aboutstruggling with uncertainty. Scattered throughout the novel are some odd events: blizzards,floods, fires, dying bees. Mr Ferris is reminding us of how little we know about the world welive in, and how little we know about ourselves within it, and yet we persist. This is not to saythat Tim s walking is some clunky metaphor. Mr Ferris is wise enough not to teach a lesson.Rather, he has teased ordinary circumstances into something extraordinary, which isexactly what we want our fiction writers to do.



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