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  last but not the least 虽居后但是不失其重要性

  last ditch 最后的防线

  lay off 解雇

  lead to 导致

  least of all 最不

  leave in the hands of 交给负责(照管)

  leave words with sb 让某人转告,传口信

  lend a hand 帮忙

  let alone 更不用说

  let up (雨)慢下来,减弱

  live from hand to mouth 收入勉强糊口

  look down on 藐视,瞧不起

  look forward to 期待

  look for a needle in a haystack 大海捞针

  look onas 把当作

  look on the bright side 看到事物光明的一面

  look out 当心

  look through 浏览

  look up 查阅

  lose face 丢脸,丢面子,有伤尊严

  lose heart 失去信心

  lose ones head 不知所措;过于激动

  lose ones mind 失去理智;发疯

  lose ones temper 发脾气

  lose track of 失去线索,注意不到

  lose weight 减轻体重