故事发生在大断电30年后。复制人K(瑞恩·高斯林 饰)是新一代的银翼杀手,在如今的世界里,人类和复制人之间的界限划分的更加明确,复制人从刚一制造出来就被灌输了服务于人类的思想,绝对不被允许产生人类的感情。
某日,一具女性复制人的遗骨被挖掘了出来,令陆军中尉乔什(罗宾·怀特 饰)感到震惊的是,这名女性复制人生前不仅怀过孕,还将孩子生了下来,这个孩子的存在将会彻底破坏政府苦心经营的规则和秩序。乔什命令K找出这个孩子,并将其杀死。在一间废弃的农场里,K发现了一些线索,然而,这些线索竟然和他被植入的过去的记忆有着千丝万缕的关联。与此同时,华莱士公司老板和他的手下拉芙也在寻找着这个孩子的下落。
1. I do mind unannounced visits. 我介意的是不速之客。
2. Caution, keep clear. 小心,请让道。
3. And your next baseline test is out of my hands. 你下次基准测试我就管不着了。
4. They'll be coming after me soon. 他们马上就要来抓我了。
5. If they come here looking for you, they'll have access to all my memories. 如果他们来这找你,他们就能获取我所有的记忆。
6. You can't hold the tide with a broom. 螳臂当车是没有用的。
7. Designed to do nothing short of fall for her right then and there. 设计你的目的无非是让你就在那里,就在那时,爱上她。
Joi: I always told you. You're special. Born. Not made. Hidden with care. A real boy now. A real boy needs a real name. Joe.
K: "Joe"?
Joi: You're too important for "K." Your mother would've named you...Joe.
Joi: Joe.
K: Stop. How do I know if a memory is an implant or not?
Joi: Who makes the memories?
K: Dr. Ana Stelline?
Ana: A visitor.
K: Is that okay?
Ana: Yes. It's just unusual. Nice to meet you, Officer KD6-3.7. Sorry. It's a compromised immune system. A life of freedom, so long as it's behind glass.
K: Is that why you're not off-world?
Ana: Yes. My parents had our passes in pocket, but I took sick. So it was a new life for me. And they put me in my cage, filled it with everything they could to keep me happy. Except company, of course. And I was used to crowds. What can I help you with?
K: Thought you might be able to help me with a case.
Ana: Oh, that's the most interesting thing I've been offered to help with in ages. Do you mind if I work while you talk?
K: Of course.
Ana: I promise I hear every word.
K: They say you're the best memory-maker there is.
Ana: Well, then, they're kind. I love birthday parties.
K: You work for Wallace.
Ana: Subcontract. I'm one of his suppliers. He offered to buy me out, but I take my freedom where I can find it.
K: Why are you so good? What makes your memories so authentic?
Ana: Well, there's a bit of every artist in their work. But I was locked in a sterile chamber at eight, so...if I wanted to see the world, I had to imagine it. Got very good at imagining. Wallace needs my talent to maintain a stable product. I think it's only kind. Replicants live such hard lives, made to do what we'd rather not. I can't help your future, but I can give you good memories to think back on and smile.
K: It's nice.
Ana: It's better than nice. It feels authentic. And if you have authentic memories, you have real human responses. Wouldn't you agree?
K: Are they all constructed or do you ever use ones that are real?
Ana: It's illegal to use real memories, officer.
K: How can you tell the difference? Can you tell if something really happened?
Ana: They all think it's about more detail. But that's not how memory works. We recall with our feelings. Anything real should be a mess. I can show you. Sit. Now, think about the memory you want me to see. Not even that hard. Just picture it. Let it play. (MACHINE WHIRRING) Someone lived this, yes. This happened.
K: I know it's real. (SNIFFLING) I know it's real. (EXHALES SHAKILY) God damn it!
故事发生在大断电30年后。复制人K(瑞恩·高斯林 饰)是新一代的银翼杀手,在如今的世界里,人类和复制人之间的界限划分的更加明确,复制人从刚一制造出来就被灌输了服务于人类的思想,绝对不被允许产生人类的感情。
某日,一具女性复制人的遗骨被挖掘了出来,令陆军中尉乔什(罗宾·怀特 饰)感到震惊的是,这名女性复制人生前不仅怀过孕,还将孩子生了下来,这个孩子的存在将会彻底破坏政府苦心经营的规则和秩序。乔什命令K找出这个孩子,并将其杀死。在一间废弃的农场里,K发现了一些线索,然而,这些线索竟然和他被植入的过去的记忆有着千丝万缕的关联。与此同时,华莱士公司老板和他的手下拉芙也在寻找着这个孩子的下落。
1. I do mind unannounced visits. 我介意的是不速之客。
2. Caution, keep clear. 小心,请让道。
3. And your next baseline test is out of my hands. 你下次基准测试我就管不着了。
4. They'll be coming after me soon. 他们马上就要来抓我了。
5. If they come here looking for you, they'll have access to all my memories. 如果他们来这找你,他们就能获取我所有的记忆。
6. You can't hold the tide with a broom. 螳臂当车是没有用的。
7. Designed to do nothing short of fall for her right then and there. 设计你的目的无非是让你就在那里,就在那时,爱上她。
Joi: I always told you. You're special. Born. Not made. Hidden with care. A real boy now. A real boy needs a real name. Joe.
K: "Joe"?
Joi: You're too important for "K." Your mother would've named you...Joe.
Joi: Joe.
K: Stop. How do I know if a memory is an implant or not?
Joi: Who makes the memories?
K: Dr. Ana Stelline?
Ana: A visitor.
K: Is that okay?
Ana: Yes. It's just unusual. Nice to meet you, Officer KD6-3.7. Sorry. It's a compromised immune system. A life of freedom, so long as it's behind glass.
K: Is that why you're not off-world?
Ana: Yes. My parents had our passes in pocket, but I took sick. So it was a new life for me. And they put me in my cage, filled it with everything they could to keep me happy. Except company, of course. And I was used to crowds. What can I help you with?
K: Thought you might be able to help me with a case.
Ana: Oh, that's the most interesting thing I've been offered to help with in ages. Do you mind if I work while you talk?
K: Of course.
Ana: I promise I hear every word.
K: They say you're the best memory-maker there is.
Ana: Well, then, they're kind. I love birthday parties.
K: You work for Wallace.
Ana: Subcontract. I'm one of his suppliers. He offered to buy me out, but I take my freedom where I can find it.
K: Why are you so good? What makes your memories so authentic?
Ana: Well, there's a bit of every artist in their work. But I was locked in a sterile chamber at eight, so...if I wanted to see the world, I had to imagine it. Got very good at imagining. Wallace needs my talent to maintain a stable product. I think it's only kind. Replicants live such hard lives, made to do what we'd rather not. I can't help your future, but I can give you good memories to think back on and smile.
K: It's nice.
Ana: It's better than nice. It feels authentic. And if you have authentic memories, you have real human responses. Wouldn't you agree?
K: Are they all constructed or do you ever use ones that are real?
Ana: It's illegal to use real memories, officer.
K: How can you tell the difference? Can you tell if something really happened?
Ana: They all think it's about more detail. But that's not how memory works. We recall with our feelings. Anything real should be a mess. I can show you. Sit. Now, think about the memory you want me to see. Not even that hard. Just picture it. Let it play. (MACHINE WHIRRING) Someone lived this, yes. This happened.
K: I know it's real. (SNIFFLING) I know it's real. (EXHALES SHAKILY) God damn it!