Module 9 Story time教学设计

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Module 9 Story time教学设计


  本模块题材为童话故事, 各单元内容由一个童话故事贯穿,内容和情节都很符合这一年龄段学生的兴趣,语言简单易懂, 描写细致生动, 非常有利于开展听、说、读、写方面的语言实践活动,让学生在使用语言的过程中学习语言,促使学生更有意识地自觉学习英语。语法重点是动词的一般过去时句子的用法, 并能学会描述一个完整的故事或一件事情。通过操练,使学生在掌握语言结构的同时,既学习语言知识,感悟语言功能,又能欣赏到美丽的童话故事。本模块的  learning to learn栏目介绍了如何引入故事,通过学习可以加深对故事的理解。在阅读故事的过程中,学会应用一般过去时,鼓励学生多读些简写的英文童话故事。中教师应随时随地以童话故事的情节吸引学生,灵活利用各种素材组织过程和内容。充分调动学生的积极性。



















  本模块大致用一周的时间完成。新课用5个课时结束(不含习题课和测试),其中Unit 1用两个课时,Unit 2用两个课时,Unit 3用一个课时。其他的课时用于讲、练和测试及分析试题。

  Unit 1 Once upon a time

  I. Teaching Aims

  1. Knowledge Objects:

  Key vocabulary and phrases: once, hear, begin, decide, ride, golden, little, pick, notice, hurry, knock, nobody, push, open, enter, count, bowl, all, hungry, once upon a time, go for a ride, pick up

  Key structure: past simple regular verbs(重点)

  2. Ability Objects:

  To understand the story of Goldilocks told through the pictures and in the conversation. (难点)

  To tell the story briefly

  3. Moral Object:

  To help students know the fairy story and make them interest in English.

  II. Teaching important points

  1. To enable the students to master the past simple regular verbs..

  2. To memorize the new words and phrases in the unit.

  3. To understand the story of Goldilocks told through the pictures and in the conversation..

  III. Teaching difficult points

  1.To use the past simple regular verbs to describe what happened in the past.

  2.To master the new words and new structures.

  IV. Teaching procedures:

  The First Period

  Step 1: Warm up

  1.Tell a story called A Little Red Hat in English.

  2.Duty report my past life.

  Step 2: Lead in


  Teacher: (Facing the class) Do you enjoy listening to a story?

  Ss: Yes, we do.

  Teacher: Well, could you tell me how you begin with a story? You can say it in Chinese.

  Ss: 从前or很久很久以前。

  Then introduce the topicUnit 1. Once upon a timeand write it on the blackboard.

  Get students to read after the teacher.


  2.Introduce the past tense of a verb:

  Show the words waswere from the story and then lead the usage of the past tense of verbs.

  Show the following sentences to students :

  I walk to school every day. I walked to school yesterday.

  (walked is the past tense of the verb walk.)

  She picked flowers in the garden every day.She picked flowers in the garden last week.

  (picked is also the past tense of the verb pick.)

  Get the class to read the four sentences and four words after teacher, and then encourage them to figure out how to get the past tense of a verb.------by adding ?ed to the end of the regular verb.

  Exercise: look _______ push______ finish______ enter______ answer______

  listen_______ count______ decide______ hurry______ knock______

  3. Get students to read aloud the base and past tense forms of the verb after the teacher until they can pronounce them correctly.

  4.Deal with new words, at the same time, have students sum up the rules of forming the past tense of a regular verb.

  Step 3: Before listening ---Listen and number the pictures in the correct order

  Have students look at the pictures carefully and try to understand what the pictures describe.

  Play the recording for the students to listen and number the pictures.

  Check the answers with their partners, and then check in a whole class setting.

  Step 4: While listening

  Have students read aloud the words in the box in Activity 6 and ensure them to understand them and what they are asked to do.

  1.What did she pick in the forest?

  2.Where in the house did she look into?

  3.Where was the food?

  4.Why did she pick up the bowl?

  5.Which bowl did she like?

  Play the tape for students to listen and answer the answers.

  Check the answers in a whole class setting.

  Step 5: After listening---Group works

  Get students to look at the pictures, and use the following words to describe them:

  be lost count enter hurry knock notice pick push

  Ask some groups to describe the pictures using their own language.

  Step 6: Reading

  Have the whole class read the passage after the tape until they can read correctly and fluently.

  Step 7: Homework

  Try to talk about the fairy story about Goldilocks and pay attention to the past simple regular verbs.


  The Second Period

  Step 1: Revision

  Step 2: Reading

  Get the whole students to read the dialogue and ask some pairs to act it out.

  Step 3: Key points

  1. pick Goldilocks picked some beautiful flowers.

  1) pick (v) 采;摘 pick apples

  2) pick sth. up 捡拾;搭载;携带 e.g. The train stopped to pick up the passenger.

  2. be lost Soon she was lost in the forest.

  be/get lost = be missing 丢失;迷路 e.g. My key was lost

  3. notice She noticed a little house in the forest.

  notice sb do / doing sth e.g. He noticed a man standing there.

  (see / hear / watch sb do / doing sth)

  notice + n. / pron. / clause e.g. He noticed a man was standing there.

  4. hurry = rush She hurried to the house.

  hurry to = go / come to in a hurry e.g. She went to the house in a hurry.

  5. knock She knocked on the door.

  knock at / on e.g. He knocks on the desk when he was angry.

  6. push She pushed the door open.

  push sth (+ adj.) e.g. You cant push the door. Please pull it.

  7. enter She entered the house and look around.

  enter = walk into / go into / come into

  8. count She counted three bowls on the table.

  count from one to a hundred

  9. She hurried to the house to ask where she was.

  where she was作为ask的的宾语从句,疑问词后用陈述语序。

  10. Nobody answered. 反义疑问问形式 Nobody answered, did they?

  11. maybe = perhaps (adv.) 也许,大概 (表猜测,常放在句首或句末作状语)

  may be 也许(情态动词+动词原形,表猜测,放在主语之后作谓语)

  e.g. Maybe you are right. = You may be right.

  12. She finished all the food in it. 她把碗里的饭都吃光了。

  all(两个以上)都 Cp: both(两个)都 (两个在句中的位置一样)

  e.g. All the students are listening to the teacher. (adj.)

  All of the students are listening to the teacher. (pron.)

  The students are all listening to the teacher. (adv.)

  Not all the students are listening to the teacher. (部分否定) n.


  Step 4: Presentation


  1. walk? walked look? looked watch? watched 一般在词尾+___________

  2. decide? decided die? died notice? noticed 以字母e结尾的+ ______________

  3. hurry? hurried carry? carried marry? married 以辅音字母加y结尾的____________

  4.stop?stopped step? stepped 以元音字母加一辅音字母结尾的重度闭音节_____________



  1. I __________ (walk) to school yesterday.

  2. He ___________ (live) in Beijing last year.

  3. They ____________ (pick) many apples yesterday.

  4. His father____________ (hurry) to office to have a meeting.

  5. The workers ________________ (stop) working last week.

  6. Jim ___________ (look) around just now.

  7. Goldilocks ______________ (enter) the small house last night.


  Step 5: Consolidation---To retell the story: fill in the blank

  Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Goldilocks. She lived near a big forest. One day, she decided to go for a walk in the forest. She was lost when she picked flowers in the forest. She noticed a little house, but there was no one in it. She looked into a small room. On the table she counted three bowls with rice in them. She was very hungry, so she finished all the food in the smallest bowl because it is not cold or hot.

  Answers: was / lived / picked / decided / walk /was / noticed / counted / smallest / with / no one

  was / into / finished / or

  Step 6: Home work

  1.Make three sentences for each word: finished . noticed . counted . lived . picked . decided

  2.Rewrite the story using your own language. (针对B/C层学生,老师可以提供一些信息词帮助学生用自己的语言来复述文章;A层学生可不需要提供信息词。)

  3.Do Exercise of Unit 1 in《基础训练》。


  The Third Period

  Step 1: Lead-in

  1. Students retell the story in Unit 1

  2. Students discuss the end of the story in groups of four.



  Step 2 New words study

  To pronounce some new words and expressions of Unit 2

  1.Students read the words after the tape.

  2.Students practice pronouncing the words by themselves.

  3.Help some students correct the pronunciations of some words.

  4.Match the words with the meanings:

  1) something you carry things in basketball

  2) something you eat food out of bowl

  3) something you sit on chair

  4) something you pick in the garden flower

  5) something where there are lots of trees forest

  6) something you see with eye

  7) something you eat food

  8) something you go to sleep in bed


  Step 3: Activity1 www.

  1.Students look at the pictures and discuss what happened next in Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

  2.Students match the sentences with the pictures. (Activity3)

  Picture a: The three Bears returned to their house.

  Picture b: Baby Bear pointed at Goldilocks ? she was asleep in Baby Bears bed.

  Picture c: Goldilocks opened her eyes, jumped out of the bed and hurried out of the house.

  Picture d: Goldilocks destroyed the smallest chair.

  Picture e: Baby Bear cried because there was nothing in his bowl.
