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绿色环境是健康绿色校园英语作文的一种象征绿色能带给我们生机带给我们活力我们的学校镜湖小学,是一所绿色的学校在我们的校园里,到处都可以看见绿色操场的隔离带,松树高大挺拔,一年四季都是披着绿色的长衣,铁树刺如针一般绿色校园英语作文;建设绿色校园 Building green campus Nowadays,campus construction has been brought into focus According to a survey,almost all the schools and colleges are rebuilding their campus not only the teaching buildings绿色校园英语作文;范文一Nowadays tens of thousands of people are claiming that we should build a green countryAs a college student,I think to create a green campus also has great significanceTo create a green campus,obvio;As we all know, a better result of study can be brought by a better study environment As a result, it is necessary for us to build the green campus The green campus can not only provide a good;I corrected you bid to host the nationallevel Green Campus schools how to make an order for schools to contribute绿色校园英语作文? I think we should start from the little things around me, helping to build a green。

初中英语作文生命的杀手吸烟 Since *** oking has so much harm, *** okers should get rid of the bad habit You can try to change it little by little When you want to *** oke, eat some nuts or sugars;英语作文范文创建绿色校园Create a Green CampusIt is of great importance to make and maintain a green campus in our university or collegeObviously,a growing number of people are beginning to realize that it;Into the school door, the first to meet you is a small garden, the garden is a white marble statue of two handsome young pioneers, the big brother and big sister wearing a red scarf, salute to each。

建设绿色校园英语作文Building a green campus is very important Green campus not only refers to the green environmentIn order to build a green campus, it is very important that we should build a green;正如我们所知,一个更好地学习环境能带来更佳的学习成绩所以,建立绿色校园对我们而言就很有必要了绿色的校园可以为我们提供优良的学习环境下面是我为大家精心整理的关于文章,希望能够帮助到你们建立绿色校园 As is;正如我们所知,一个更好地学习环境能带来更佳的学习成绩所以,创建绿色校园对我们而言就很有必要了绿色的校园不仅能为我们提供优良的学习环境,同时也能为构建和谐社会做出贡献绿色校园不仅仅指绿色的校园环境,也包括绿色的;As we know,the earth is our hometownProtecting the earth is our dutyLettry our best to build a green school!First,protect the environment from now on and do it from ourselvesWe are supposed to t。

绿色校园是美丽的天总是那么的蓝,云总是那么的白,树总是那么的绿,一片生机绿色校园 Our school is a beautiful campus, as long as you walk into the campus, you will find the campus everywhere is full;绿色学校,不能等同于绿化学校,或者是环保学校 “环境美”“语言美”“行为美”这三项是“绿色校园”这项活动的内容 构建绿色校园,是一个长期可持续发展的过程,需要每一个成员的共同努力绿色校园,不仅体现在绿色的校园环境;to combat it Besides, we also can give wide publicity to creating a green campusWith the joint efforts of every one, we firmly believe that the dream of creating a greencampus will come true。