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life in attendance, no cable any gains。


cherish the time can make life become more valuable。


read a good book, that is, and many noble people talk。


genius is such, lifelong labor has become a genius。


didn't double diligence, neither can nor a genius。


intelligent out of diligence, genius is gained by accumulation。


time is a loan, even if the credit borrowers have not again。


habit is a tenacious and great power, it can dominate life。


diligence is the master of time, idle man is the slave of time。


have a night sleep; hardworking life, industrious one day。 be happy。


to teach fishing is only for a meal, teach to fish is lifetime。


morning can't afford to miss a day, not learn miss life at a young age。


genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent of diligence。


the more one knows the value of time, the more feel the pain of the lost。


ask a question, is often more important than to solve a problem。


life is a never-ending factory, where there are no lazy people。 work! create!


a belief is developed by the power, greater than 99 only interested。


the invention is one percent smart and ninety-nine percent perspiration。


hard-working day, can have to night sleep; hardworking life, can be happy。


ant is more diligent than any other animal, but it is the most taciturn。


any transient inspiration in fact does not take the place of kung fu for a long time。


study of things, a setback, and back to practice, three back to become friends。


genius is the most powerful moment for its constantly work 18 hours a day。


every successful person has a start。 start bravely to find a successful way。


if don't give yourself limits, then in the life, there is no limit your play barriers。


threesome, thus also。 their good qualities and from, its shortcomings are to be no。


steadfast, is fundamental to have learned something; careless, is the enemy of knowledge。


have a career, on the mountains of sweat stream fly drip; in pearls of wisdom, have the diligent work。


there is no right way, even with glasses pundits will be like a blind man groping blindly。


do a active people, the most important thing is the heart, love life, hard work, open and enterprising。


made any achievement in science, is due to long-term thinking patience and hard work。


science is for those who are studious, poetry is for the sake of those knowledgeable people。


the so-called genius, refers to people with perseverance, diligence, ecstasy and selflessness。


the more busy the more can we felt strongly that we are alive, can realize the existence of our lives。


time is a constant, but it is also a variable。 diligent people infinite, infinite less lazy people。


modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind, we should always remember this truth。


i think the most beautiful and good life purpose and result of human life the most happiness, is studied。


if the work is not the price of life rigging to humans, but purpose, human will be very happy。


the difference between successful people and ordinary people the most simple way to like reading is the former。


not farming, fertile again also could not long fruit; they don't work, otherwise also illiterate。


no one will because of learning to become a wise man。 knowledge may be derived from hard, and have lazy talent wit and wisdom。


reading and learning is in others' thoughts and knowledge with the help of established his own ideas and knowledge。


is the sum of all diligently strive forward, as national decay is because everyone is lazy selfish rotten。


constant dropping wears away a stone, not strength, but kung fu deep; good grades, not high intellect, but hard to learn。


climb the peak, this itself is enough to fill the heart of the struggle。 people have to believe in, lei mountain more than happiness。