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【第1句】: 关于酒文化的句子

描写酒的诗句 《问刘十九》白居易 红泥小火炉,绿蚁新焙酒,晚来天欲雪,能饮一杯无? 金陵酒肆留别 李白 风吹柳花满店香, 吴姬压酒劝客赏。

金陵子弟来相送, 欲行不行各尽觞。 请君试问东流水, 别意与之谁短长? 渭城曲 王维 渭城朝雨浥轻尘, 客舍青青柳色新。

劝君更尽一杯酒, 西出阳关无故人。 新丰主人 储光羲 新丰主人新酒熟, 旧客还归旧堂宿。

满酌香含北砌花, 盈尊色泛南轩竹。 云散天高秋月明, 东家少女解秦筝。

醉来忘却巴陵道, 梦中疑是洛阳城。 凉州词 王翰 葡萄美酒夜光杯, 欲饮琵琶马上催。

醉卧沙场君莫笑, 古来征战几人回? 少年行 李白 五陵年少金市东, 银鞍白马度春风。 落花踏尽游何处, 笑入胡姬酒肆中。

宣州谢脁楼饯别校书叔云 李白 弃我去者昨日之日不可留,乱我心者今日之日多烦忧。长风万里送秋雁,对此可以酣高楼。


抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁。 人生在世不称意,明朝散发弄扁舟。

客中行 李白 兰陵美酒郁金香, 玉碗盛来琥珀光。 但使主人能醉客, 不知何处是他乡。

月下独酌 李白 花间一壶酒, 独酌无相亲。 举杯邀明月, 对影成三人。

月既不解饮, 影徒随我身。 暂伴月将影, 行乐须及春。

我歌月徘徊, 我舞影零乱。 醒时同交欢, 醉后各分散。

永结无情游, 相期邈云汉。 戏问花门酒家翁 岑参 老人七十仍沽酒, 千壶百瓮花门口。

道傍榆荚仍似钱, 摘来沽酒君肯否? 送李少府时在客舍作 高适 相逢旅馆意多违, 暮雪初晴候燕飞。 主人酒尽君未醉。

薄暮途遥归不归? 赠卫八处士 杜甫 人生不相见,动如参与商。 今夕复何夕,共此灯烛光。

少壮能几时?鬓发各已苍! 访旧半为鬼,惊呼热中肠。 焉知二十载,重上君子堂。

昔别君未婚,儿女忽成行。 怡然敬父执,问我来何方。

问答乃未已,儿女罗酒浆。 夜雨剪春韭,晨炊间黄粱。

主称会面难,一举累十觞。 十觞亦不醉,感子故意长。

明日隔山岳,世事两茫茫。 重经巴丘 张继 昔年高接李膺欢, 日泛仙舟醉碧澜。

诗句乱随青草落, 酒肠俱逐酒庭宽。 浮生聚散云相似, 往事冥微梦一般。

今日片帆城下去, 秋风回首泪阑干。 九日与陆处士羽饮茶 皎然 九日山僧院, 东篱菊也黄, 俗人多泛酒, 谁解助茶香。

曹操 短歌行 对酒当歌,人生几何 譬如朝露,去日苦多 山中对酌 李白 两人对酌山花开,一杯一杯再一杯。我醉欲眠卿可去,明朝有意抱 对酒当歌,人生几何. 借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村. 葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶马上催. 一曲新词酒一杯。

去年天气旧亭台。 今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸晓风残月。

酒逢知己千杯少 天若不爱酒,酒星不在天. 地若不爱酒,地应无酒泉. 天地既爱酒,爱酒不亏天. 三杯通大道,一斗合自然. 但得酒中趣,勿为醒者传。

【第2句】: 求赞美红酒的英语

《I taste a liquor never brewed》《 我将一杯从未酿造的酒品尝 》

I taste a liquor never brewed,我用精美的珍珠酒杯,

From tankards scooped in pearl; 将一杯从未酿造的酒品尝;

Not all the vats upon the Rhine 纵然莱茵河畔所有的酒桶,

Yield such an alcohol!也未盛过如此美味琼浆.

Inebriate of air am I,我在空气中沉醉,

And debauchee of dew,我在露珠间放荡;

Reeling, through endless summer days,如洗的天空,看见我从酒吧踉跄而出,

From inns of molten blue.在无尽的夏日中徜徉.

When landlords turn the drunken bee,当房东哄走了喝醉的蜜蜂,

Out of the foxglove's door,留下了指顶花独守闺房;

When butterflies renounce their drams,当蝴蝶不再啜饮,

I shall but drink the more!我仍将继续我的品尝.

Till seraphs swing their snowy hats,直到天使们挥舞雪白的帽子,

And saints to windows run,直到圣人们扑向了街窗;

To see the little tippler,来看这小小的酗酒者,

Leaning against the sun! 醉倚着残阳。

【第3句】: 关于英语文化的英文介绍

An American friend has invited you to visit his family. You've never been to an American's home before, and you're not sure what to do. Should you take a gift? How should you dress? What time should you arrive? What should you do when you get there? Glad you asked. When you're the guest, you should just make yourself at home. That's what hospitality is all about: making people feel at home when they're notThe question of whether or not to bring a gift often makes guests squirm. Giving your host a gift is not just a social nicety in some cultures-it's expected. But in American culture, a guest is not obligated to bring a present. Of course, some people do bring a small token of appreciation to their host. Appropriate gifts for general occasions might be flowers, candy or-if the family has small children-toys. If you choose not to bring a gift, don't worry. No one will even notice. American hospitality begins at home-especially when it involves food. Most Americans agree that good home cooking beats restaurant food any day. When invited for a meal, you might ask, "Can I bring anything?" Unless it's a potluck, where everyone brings a dish, the host will probably respond, "No, just yourself." For most informal dinners, you should wear comfortable, casual clothes. Plan to arrive on time, or else call to inform your hosts of the delay. During the dinner conversation, it's customary to compliment the hostess on the wonderful meal. Of course, the biggest compliment is to eat lots of food! When you've had plenty, you might offer to clear the table or wash the dishes. But since you're the guest, your hosts may not let you. Instead, they may invite everyone to move to the living room for dessert with tea or coffee. After an hour or so of general chit-chat, it's probably time to head for the door. You don't want to wear out your welcome. And above all, don't go snooping around the house. It's more polite to wait for the host to offer you a guided tour. But except forAmericans usually like to have advance notice when people come to see them. Only very close friends drop by unannounced. This is especially true if the guests want to stay for a few days. Here's a good rule of thumb for house guests: Short stays are best. As one 19th century French writer put it, "The first day a man is a guest, the second a burden, the third a pest." Even relatives don't usually stay for several weeks at a time. While you're staying with an American family, try to keep your living area neat and tidy. Your host family will appreciate your consideration. And they may even invite you back! Most Americans consider themselves hospitable people. Folks in the southern United States, in particular, take pride in entertaining guests. In fact, "southern hospitality" has become legendary. But in all parts of America, people welcome their guests with open arms. So don't be surprised to find the welcome mat out for you. Just don't forget to wipe your feet.。

【第4句】: 形容酒文化的词语


wén qī jiǔ huì




jiǔ hǔ shī lóng






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