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【第1句】: 英语书面表达

Last week, Zhang Ming was ill in hospital. We went to see him. He was happy to see us. He said he had been in hospital for two days. He felt nervous about the exam at the end of the month, because he didn't have classes during this time. The bad weather had an effect on his feeling. We asked him not to be nervous. We would help him with his study in turns. We would teach him what the teacher taught us in class.Also we would bring him some CD. Then he could listen to some music and feel relaxed. He was happy to hear that.。

【第2句】: 英语书面表达

Wangmei,a grade eight student in Guangming Middle school,is in the same class which I am in.She is the slimmest girl in my class,with a round face and two big and bright eyes.Everyone in my class thinks that she is a very cute girl.What's more,she is general and always offers to help others.Besides, she always help me with my homework and is ready to share everything she knows with me.And she is a happy girl too since she likes telling jokes which can make me happy especial when I am sad ,.Owing to loving writing, she wants to became a writer when she grows up.

Besides, she always help me with my homework and is ready to share everything she knows with me. 这句的help加改helps

【第3句】: 求一篇英语书面表达,初中水平,写一次快乐的旅行,60~70字

A pleasant Trip I had a very pleasant trip climbing the hill last month.We took the bus and started climbing at about 10AM.It was a long way up to the top of the hill and the road was muddy because it rained the day before yesterday.We were talking and laughing all along the road,.people shared their food and drink, took pictures.We spent 4hours up and down. Before we left, we enjoyed a wonderful meal. It was reall甫功颠嘉郯黄奠萎订联y a pleasant trip.。

【第4句】: 英语书面表达

It has been a great time. I've learned lots of knowledge that I did not know before. I learned to communicate with others and how to be a good person. I am more mature now! What especially makes me happy is that I got to know friends from all over the nation. We study ,eat and enjoy ourselves together. I'm interested in the famous places they tell me. There is nothing more joyfu than that! The teachers in our school are nice and they are very responsible to us. They offer us help whenever we have difficulties. Mom, please don't be worried about me. I will pursue my dreams here and make them come true. This is the start of my successfu journey!翻译:我过得非常充实,在这儿我学到了很多以前从来没有学到过的知识,也懂得了许多做人的道理,现在的我比以前成熟了好多哦!更让我开心的是,我认识了好多来自天南海北的朋友,每天跟她们在一起学习,一起吃饭,一起玩,听她们讲各地的风景名胜,真是再开心不过了!我们学校的老师也非常和蔼,且尽职尽责,我们有什么困难,他们就会尽力给于帮助。

妈妈,你放心,我一定会在这里实现我的梦想,这儿一定会是我成功的起点! ----------------------------------------------------------------I like my school life very much,it is very interesting.I usually reach school at half past seven.Then we do morning exercises at eight o'clock.We have eight lessons every day.The lesson begin at a quarter past eight.My favourite subject is English.I can get a lot of English knowledge from our teacher.Our teacher are very good-natured.They are always kind to us.I also like our outdoor activities.When we have outdoor activities,everyone in the playground is active and lively.How happy we are in our beautiful school!I love the life in my school! 这篇简单,你一定能看懂。--------------------------------------------------------------I'm very pleased to find that our school is really a good one. The students in our school work hard at their lessons. They take an active part in activities that help to improve their qualities and health. They are friendly to each other and always ready to help each other. The teachers here all enjoy their work and they love their students. They work hard and do what they can do to help their students. And the students respect their teachers. They get on well with each other. The students in our school try their best to kkp the school yard clean and tidy. They never throw waste about nor pick the flowers. In a word, I am deeply impressed by the harmonious atmosphere in this school. I love my new school.。

【第5句】: 英语书面表达:

I I think I will have a robot, and it can do many things for me.

At first, the robot will help me to do my housework especially cleaning the floor which I really hate to do.

And when I feel tired and unhappy, the robot will play with me and make me laugh.

In addition, if I had a baby, the robot could take care of him or her.

If I was lonely, it could stay with me and talk with me.

If I was in danger, the robot would protect me.






【第6句】: 英语书面表达(50词)


Mr. Chen took us to visit the Great Wall on sunday. we went there by bike. we took some food and drinks and had lunch there. then we sang songs, flew kites and tool pictures on the Great Wall. We had a happy day.

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