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  正式的写法就是dear后面加上具体称呼,比如马丁先生“Mr. Martin”,这时候应该写他的姓氏(surname)。Mr.即Mister的缩写,意思是先生。

  女士称呼的规则会稍稍复杂一点,分成了三种。先来说和Mr.最像的Mrs.吧。别看它以字母s结尾,但应该读/ˈmɪsɪz/,是mistress的缩写形式,指已经结婚的女性。相对应,未婚的女士应该称为Miss /mɪs/,比如“Dear Miss Bush”。如果不知道是否结婚该怎么办呢?女性可以统称为Ms.,结尾同样要读/z/。

  开头的称呼我们已经搞清楚了,那结束语都可以写哪些话呢?最常用的要数“Yours sincerely”,sincerely这个单词的意思是“真诚地;由衷地”。其实我们可以把它替换为其他表示正面意义的词汇,比如respectfully(尊敬地)和truly(真诚地)。

  这是我们在知道对方姓名的情况下可以使用的书信格式,那要是你不知道对方的性别和姓名的时候又该怎么办的?不用担心,有万用模板!那就是:To whom it may concern。

  concern的本意是“涉及;关系到”,所以这个称呼的意思就是“敬启者;致有关人士”。如果你只是不知道对方的姓名,却知道是男是女,那就简单了,称呼“Dear Sir”或者“Dear Madam”即可。

  还有一种情况,那就是在工作场景中,只知道职务,就可以在Dear后面加上相对应的职务名称,比如“Personnel manager 人事部经理”。



  好朋友可以直接称呼“Dear friend”,好姐妹就是“Dear sister”,“直呼其名”也是可以的,这时候选择名字(giving name)会更显亲切,比如“Dear Mary”。如果还是感觉不够亲,在前面再加个my,我亲爱的玛丽呀,保管情真意切。


  最后的最后,还有一种特殊情况,那就是信不是写给一个人的,而是写给一群人的,这时候对应的称呼语就要变成“Dear Ladies & Gentlemen”,结束语也要加强语气,写作“Your very truly”。



  I hope that your week is off to a great start.

  Hope you had a great weekend.

  I hope you enjoyed your weekend.


  I hope youre having a great week.

  I hope youre having a wonderful day.


  I hope this email finds you well.

  Hope you are doing well.

  Hope everything goes well with you.

  How are things with you?

  Hope all is well.



  Thank you for your help/time/assistance/support.

  I really appreciate the help/time/assistance/support youve given me.

  Thank you once more for your help in this matter.


  I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  Im looking forward to your reply.

  Please advise as necessary.

  I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.


  If I can be assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

  If you require my further information, feel free to contact me.

  If you require any further information, please let me know.

  Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.

  Please let me know if you have any questions.

  Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

  Please contact me if there are any problems.

  Let me know if you need anything else.

  Drop me a line if I can do anything else for you.



  Please disregard my previous email and refer to this one instead. I apologized for any confusion this may have caused. Thank you for your time.