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【第1句】:Nothing can replace a mother's love.【第1句】:什么都无法取代母爱。

【第2句】:A mother's love is great, is selfless, it is immersed in all things, filling in between heaven and earth.【第2句】:母爱是伟大的,也是无私的,它沉浸于万物之中,充盈于天地之间。

【第3句】:My personal character and the expectations of their originates from my mother, to my holy requirements.【第3句】:我的人品以及对自己的`期望都源自我的母亲,对我圣洁的要求。

【第4句】: Mother's love like the sun. No matter how long time,no matter where to go, we can feel her warm and shining.【第4句】:母爱就像太阳,无论时间多久,无论走到哪里,都会感受到她的照耀和温暖。

【第5句】:A mother's love is like the sunshine, feel the thought is warm!【第5句】:母爱就像阳光,感觉到的想到的都是暖暖的!

【第6句】:A mother's love is the most holy and most sublime, the most selfless love.【第6句】:母爱是人间最圣洁、最崇高、最无私的爱。