【第1句】: 生化危机恶化英文台词
Villa explosion Khirbat
Crank: to here should be there is no problem 。 wet for for, as soon as possible with handkerchief. fricative a fricative!
Jean: mother 。 here 。..
[bad window is the plastic Jamae plastic Jamae hyang 。]
Jean: rollin is here? 。 is on the months that matter villas!!
Crank: nikolayevich?
Jean: will not be wrong, you see, there are explosion naqsh 。
[walk on broken glass on grow]
Jean: (from far sound) restaurants, there is a batingaw down in this 。 there are a heater.
Crank: Jean!
Jean: noguri City Police “ s.t.a.r.s. ” member who is here a group of minotaure and was killed 。..
Crank: What minotaure! it however is rumours Liu
Jean: but! the tekusuto) in the United States -- with Zi - guchi seems to disappear like 。 and here is not a Soul Survivor beaufour facilities?, perhaps they are really is what strange. 。
Crank: not to mention! town there are so many in the capture Pharm. factory discriminators you father is not also where when the truck drivers?
[for example the other end of the explosion glass break out!]
Jean: Hsia (weak) ~ ~!
Crank: don't panic! however is the wind in glass.
[Thunder, rain or slowly stop 。 far insect dog at the back door 。]
[zombie dog crazy you the crank screamin on the bed!]
Jean: mother!
Crank: (Resistencia) 。 i, your escape!
Jean: not 。!
[two or three header zombie inuyama and then into low ROAR i forced to Jean 。]
Crank: fast escape!
Jean: mother!
【第2句】: 英语的《生化危机》简介,30词左右,内容清晰,急求
The story took place in a secret science LABS, super computer "red queen" out of control, a big threat to human scientists working in it originally for some kind of virus, but life from the dead into zombies-bloodthirsty living dead. The whole building for the atmosphere of the horror over, see the virus will erupt, the crisis is inevitable, the whole world will become hell, all humans will become zombies. A special task group began to the rescue operations.
【第3句】: 生化危机1台词英文
您好 楼主
1 游戏中遇到了疑问可以先去看看游戏帮助
2 当自己实在无法解决时可以求助资深玩家
其实 很多难题都是完全可以自己解决的
祝您好运。谢谢采纳 !
【第4句】: 求看完《生化危机》1
Based on the hit game adaptation of derivative products, the first science fiction film is the suspense: Graduate of the virus, cellular base dead in an instant out of control, intelligent computer systems Redqueen defense system will automatically open more than four hundred researchers of mass murder. Guard the hive entrance of Alice & Spince opt for amnesia, No one knows the truth. Thus, loss of control and blue around the Redqueen bottle is broken, Shuashuai only playing the appearance of the special forces and couples off together, Alice Jiaxizhenzuo puzzle. First half of the battle of wits between man and computer, the bloody scene when three people died in fishy net of laser cutting, Redqueen mass murder was opened due to leakage of T virus. The second half, Redqueen was forced off, infected with the T virus, zombies hell licking dog who ushered in the hunt for fresh meat of the Happy Hour, at the same time, continue to flash back to the memory fragmentation, spell out the truth, the murderer of course, on the side. Popular games or the film adaptation of best-selling novel, has a relatively good script + some fan base of the natural advantages, but how to deal with the scale of the original and the adaptation of the most difficult to grasp, preconceived diehard fans of the film will be even more demanding even more critical. This Resident Evil is a vivid example of thankless, ticket sales and word of mouth is inversely proportional. Games that the film aside, this line of Phi biochemical coat of real science fiction thriller, has its own unique: two-hand in hand, simple black and white, fighting cleanly, which can be justified, red and black double-Shu Alice & Rain modeling acting skill bright spots, a Special Forces team, especially the classic by the laser cutting. Even more surprising is the escape of Alice and Matt Anding Ning God have not had time to when the virus test were taken as cannon fodder, the original is the biggest mystery may be just the destruction of cellular Umbrella T virus for an internal test only. The thought that the fear is over, who knows everything has just begun. Biochemical research is the double-edged sword virus, has always been about humans but most are not familiar with the areas of discoloration. It is used to save people, was wrong by militants to kill the invisible can be made into a weapon of war. I believe that there is absolutely hidden Umbrella Corp. Illegal genetically modified and virus research, as long as profitable, greedy humans can ignore everything repeatedly opening and closing of Pandora's box, T virus but released one of the disaster only. Most terrible, not computers, not zombies, not monsters, but human。
【第5句】: 电影生化危机5 英文台词 最好txt格式的
我叫艾莉丝My name is Alice.曾为保护伞公司工作I worked for the Umbrella Corporation.那是全世界最强大的商业实体The largest and most powerful commercialentity in the world.我曾在称作蜂巢的某秘密科研所I was head of security at a secret hightech facility负责安保工作called the Hive.这是一个开发生化武器的大型地下实验室A giant underground laboratory developingexperimental viral weaponry.但出了事故 病毒外泄There was an incident, the virus escaped.死了很多人A lot of people died.可问题是。
他们并没死透Trouble was。 they didn't stay dead.控制蜂巢的计算机The computer that controlled the Hive具备最尖端的人工智能was a state of the art artificialintelligence.她叫红后The Red Queen.红后对病毒的扩散The Red Queen responded to the threat ofthe viral outbreak做出了极端应对in an extreme way。
她大开杀戒She went homicidal.你们全得死在里面You're all going to die down here.红后要杀死每一个人The Red Queen attempted to kill everyone不论是否感染whether they were infected or not.我成功逃脱 但事情才正要开始而已I managed to escape but this was only thebeginning.病毒如野火般迅速传播Viral outbreak spread like wildfire.先是横扫美国 接著是全世界。First across the United States, then the world。
然而 T病毒不仅能让死人复生But the T virus didn't just bring the deadback to life.还使其恐怖地变异It mutated them in terrifying ways.除了天启之外Despite The Apocalypse they had created,保护伞公司还实验其它致命病毒the Umbrella Corporation continued toexperiment with the deadly virus.我也被感染I was infected,但病毒却从细胞层面与我结合but the virus bonded with me on thecellular level.使我拥有了超能力I developed powers.你的遗传结构就是关键Your genetic structure is the key.变得与众不同I became different.所向披靡 势不可挡Powerful. Unstoppable.我愈加强大 人类却日渐孱弱As I got stronger, the human race becameweaker.我尽力把幸存者带到安全地点I tried my best to lead what survivors Icould find to safety,但我们却被无情追杀but we were pursued relentlessly.连我的朋友吉尔·瓦伦丁Even my friend Jill Valentine也被保护伞抓住洗脑was seized and brainwashed by Umbrella.下令射杀Shoot to kill.最后 我遇上保护伞公司掌门人Finally I confronted the head of theUmbrella Corporation阿尔伯特·威斯克Albert Wesker.他夺走我的超能力 但我依然将其击败He robbed me of my powers but I stillmanaged to defeat him.最后 我们以为一切都已结束At last we thought it was over.以为已经逃离劫难We thought we had survived the horror.结果错了But we were wrong.我们仍需为求生而战Once again, We found ourselves fighting forour lives.。
【第6句】: 写一篇关于生化危机的电影的英语作文
I watched a film which named Biohazard.It was a ghastly film.Its story is about a kind of virus brought a biochemistry disaster. A city was destroyed by the zombies.At last ,the government used a nuclear weapon,but the biochemistry disaster went on.This story may be impossible,but it tell us ,science mustn't be used on this way.Humans may be very clever,but we can't control every thing.Our science must be used on the right way,or it will bring us a lot of disasters,even kill us.I learnt a lot from this film.
【第7句】: 外国经典电影推荐生化危机用英语介绍主要内容
Resident Evil
Despite of exciting fighting scenes,I believe this film series can offer you more. It has been ten years and five films of the series have been released.The whole film is adapted from the famous video games by Sony corporation and is considered the most successful film adapted from computer games ever. In my opinion,its success is a result of adding many imagination into the plot instead of sticking to the game itself.Also,Alice,played by Milla Joverwich is my favourite actress.Maybe that's some part of the reason why I love this film so much. The story is rather simple.The umbrella corporation,one of the biggest commercial enterprises in the world,was secretly researching and developing some extremely dangerous viruses called the T-virus underground.One incident caused the virus to escape and not long after that it spread to the whole world.Most people on earth died,and brought back to “life”by the virus. Trouble was,they are not really “alive”however,they became horrible undead creatures.Alice,a security operative used to work for umbrella,managed to combine her DNA with the virus.She became the final hope of the human race. So,if you are heading for something exciting,if you are in love with science-fiction and horror films,Resident Evil is obv iously a good choice.
【第8句】: 生化危机电影系列英文简介 注意是英文
Resident Evil is a 2002 horror film written and directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. The film stars Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodriguez. It is the first installment in the Resident Evil film series, which is based on the Capcomsurvival horror video game series Resident Evil.
Borrowing elements from the video games Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2, the film follows amnesiac heroine Alice and a band of Umbrella Corporation
commandos as they attempt to contain the outbreak of the T-virus at a
secret underground facility. The film received mixed reviews from critics but grossed more than $102 million worldwide.